-By the 1700s, a new region, the Backcountry, formed on the western edge of the other 3 colonial regions.
-New England was the most populated region out of the 4.
-Colonial officials sold their land plots to a group of people.(a Puritan congregation)
-They then divided up the land and built farm houses and a shared meeting house around shared farm land.
-Not everybody had to farm in a community. People could specialize into other jobs like: tailors, shop keepers, black smiths, bakers, etc.
-New England grew rapidly because of its many resources:
-They had large bodies of water for whaling and fishing
-They had forests for lumber and ship building
-The Atlantic Ocean was useful for travel and trade with other colonies/countries.
-The cities of Boston, Newport, and Salem became large wealthy cities in New England because of these resources.
-England wanted to profit more from the colonial economic success(mercantilism), so they passed the Navigation Acts to better control the colonies.
-In order to this, they made four major provisions to control the colonial shipping businesses:
-Colonial goods could only be sold to England
-If any goods were sold to other countries, they had to be taxed
-All goods had to be carried by English ships
-All exports/imports had to pass through English ports for inspection
-It was hard, if not impossible, for England to patrol the whole eastern coast line.
-The colonists often just ignored the Navigation Act.
-The colonists smuggled goods in/out through secret ports.
-England had encouraged pirating of other country’s ships, but now those pirates were attacking their ships(One
of the more famous pirates at that time was a dude named Black Beard).
-New England traded with England, Africa, and West Indies(triangular trade/slave route)
-They traded with other European countries(with England’s permission after the Navigation Act was passed).
-They traded with other colonial regions(ie: the Middle Colonies, the Southern, and the Backcountry.)
7)-See pg 98
-New England traded rum and Iron with Africa for slaves.
-They traded some of their slaves to the West Indies for molasses and sugar.
They also traded fish and timber to West Indies directly from the colonies.
-There were few slaves in New England.(2% of colonial slave population)
-There were no large plantations in New England, so they typically worked in homes or on docks and in warehouses in the fishing industry.
-Slaves in New England could keep some of their earnings and buy their freedom.
-Metacom,known by the English as “King Philip”, was the leader of the Wampanoag tribe, and he and other tribes didn’t like the colonial expansion into their lands.
-12 Puritan towns were destroyed/wiped out.
-40 other towns suffered brutal attacks.
-The colonists got southern tribes(Pequot and Mohegan) who were enemies of “King Philip’s tribes to help fight with them.
-Puritans no longer controlled New England after the late 1600s.
-They became more worried about wealth than religion.
-There was a lot more diversity of religion
-More religious diversity/freedom allowed non-church members to vote
-The Salem Witch trials began in 1692.