F.No.: IG/CPU/Toner /1610/2011-12

Dated: 04/08/2011






Sub: Limited Quotations for Toner Cartridge for Samsung ML-1610.


1. The University wishes to enter into annual rate contract under Tripartite Agreement for Supply of Toner cartridges for Samsung ML-1610 printer. An annual requirement of cartridges may be 500 Nos approx. You are requested to quote your most Competitive rates and submit the same in two separate sealed envelope one for enclosing EMD & authorization letter etc. and other for Financial Bid having the rates only and these envelopes may be kept in single sealed envelope, super scribing the envelopes “Bid for supply of Tonner Cartridges for Samsung ML-1610 printer” the quotation may be sent to the undersigned in Room N0-17, Block-4, IGNOU Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 Latest by 16/08/2011 Up to 3.00 P.M. These will be opened on the same day at 3.30 P.M.

2. The Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only)in the form of DD/Banker’s cheque /Bank guarantee/FDR, drawn in favour of “IGNOU”, payable at New Delhi”, may also be enclosed. The Bank Guarantee/FDR shall remain valid for a period of 90 days. No interest will be paid by IGNOU on the EMD for the above said period.

3. The letter from M/s Samsung India Elect. Pvt. Ltd. in support of claiming authorized dealer should be enclosed.

4. The tenderers will supply the material within a maximum period of 10 days from the date of
receipt of Purchase Order.

5. Validity of offer in respect of rates will be one year from the date of opening of financial bids.

6.  The rates quoted shall be inclusive of Taxes/VAT/Service Charges/Transportation Charges.

7.  Indicate break up of Taxes / VAT etc.

8.  The Details of TIN/VAT/PAN No.

9.  IGNOU reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning reasons thereof.

10.  The University reserves itself the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be procured.

11.  The performance security @ 5% of estimated annual value of supply shall be applicable.

12.  The other terms & conditions as per GFR shall be applicable.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely

(Mukesh Kumar)

Asstt. Registrar (CPU)