Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Thursday, 27th September 2012

at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Chairman Cllr Mr C Richardson Vice Chairman Cllr Mr G Handley

Cllr Mrs B Lister

Cllr Mr J Cowell

Cllr Mr G Marriott-Dodington

Cllr Mrs D Marriott-Dodington

Cllr Mrs J Simpson

Cllr Miss J Sheppard

Also present: District Councillor Mrs S Harrison

Clerk Mr D Cooper

Item 12/185 Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed the District Councillor and Councillors to the monthly meeting.

He announced that the Clerk had spoken briefly with him and the Vice Chairman of his intention to retire not later than the end of March 2013. It was agreed to include the matter for consideration on the October agenda.

Public Forum

There were no members of the public in attendance.

Item 12/186 Apologies for absence

Apologies were received and accepted from County Cllr Palmer and Cllr Smith.

Item 12/187 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest from members in accordance with Localism Act 2011


Item 12/188 Minutes of the monthly meeting held on 23rd August 2012

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Simpson, seconded by Cllr Handley and resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd August 2012 were correct. They were duly signed and passed as a true record by the Chairman.

Item 12/189 District Councillor’s Report

With flooding in the North being headline news, the District Councillor reminded Councillors of the preparation for Coastal Flooding, and the floodline telephone number 0845-988-1188.

Regarding fuel poverty in rural areas, she advised that the Warm Front Grant was still available to those residents who qualify. The relevant telephone number is 0800-316-2814.

District Cllr Mrs Harrison reported that the Consultation Draft of the Core Strategy for the Local Plan would be issued following the mid-October ELDC meeting. There will be a 6-week Consultation period.

An ELDC News Release on changes to Housing Benefits; on hare coursing and a Neighbourhood Watch notification on a cyber scam were all included in the correspondence folder.

First Contact information leaflets were circulated to Councillors, and the District Councillor advised that this support agency was now available to all adults.

As District Councillor, she attended the Community Lincs AGM, which included awards to volunteers who had made significant achievements to the benefit of their communities. She expressed concern at the lack of public response for broadband in rural areas – notably 12% by Welton following an 18-month publicity campaign. The Chairman urged that all parishioners who use internet should register an interest in high speed broadband with BT or Lincolnshire CC campaign.

Item 12/190 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported that since the last meeting an increased number of dead badgers had been seen at the sides of local roads. Parishioners should report badger deaths to Badger Watch.

He advised of the return of the cheque for £175 from the Gardening Club. Councillors agreed that this money would be used for the expenses for the recent East Midlands in Bloom competition.

The Chairman read from a congratulatory letter received from Councillor Mrs Doreen Stephenson, Leader of ELDC, following the Bronze Award by judges of East Midlands in Bloom.

Item 12/191 Clerk’s Report – Financial Statement

Financial Statement for September was circulated and agreed by Councillors.

To agree payment to Tony Taylor – grass cutting (3 cuts August/September) - £225.00

To reimburse Cllr Cowell for entrance fees to EMIB event and mileage to Spalding and return - £91.80

To agree payment to Clerk for Postage/Stationery/Travel – June to September - £64.70

To agree payment to CPRE – Annual Subscription 2012/13 - £29.00

To agree payment to Clement Keys, Auditor Fee – Accounts 2011/12 - £144.00

It was proposed by Cllr G Marriott-Dodington, seconded by Cllr Miss Sheppard and resolved unanimously to pay these invoices.

To note External Auditor approval of Parish Council Accounts 2011/12


The Clerk advised that this would be the last audit by Clement Keys, the government having appointed Grant Thornton to act as auditors for the coming 5-years. In view of the minimal annual expenditure of the Parish Council, no charges will be levied during this period.

Following brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Mrs D Marriott-Dodington, seconded by Cllr Cowell and agreed to purchase a Remembrance Wreath to the value of £30.

Item 12/192 Clerk’s Report – Correspondence

The correspondence folder for this month contained the following:-

First Contact – Information leaflet

Location Maps – wayfinding solutions

CPRE – Field Work Autumn 2012

Clerks and Councils Direct – Issue 83 – September

LCR Banking Special – Autumn 2012

The Clerk advised of an e-mail from Marishal Thompson Subsnet UK, requesting whether the Parish Council had responsibility for land adjacent to The Old School House, Station Road. It was agreed that it was not Parish Council property and the Parish Council had no responsibility for the location.

An initial letter from the Local Government Boundary Commission advising of a forthcoming Consultation on the review of East Lindsey to improve the level of electoral representation in the district. It was proposed by Cllr Miss Sheppard, seconded by Cllr Handley and agreed to give support to the reduction of the number of District Councillors in East Lindsey.

Circular giving information on the Policing Plan from 2013 and beyond, from David Bowles, candidate for the post of Police Commissioner, was included in the correspondence file.

Item 12/193 Matters arising from August Correspondence File

Councillors expressed continued concern at the lack of Enforcement focus on work at Laburnum Cottage.

Item 12/194 Planning matters – update


Item 12/195 Planning Permission by ELDC

N/145/01130/12 – the realignment of flood defence embankment, including the partial removal of a flood defence bank and construction of 2 no. new flood defence banks to provide an area of washland for wildlife benefits, whilst providing some degree of flood relief.

Land east of Alberta, Rimac, Saltfleetby


Item 12/196 Highways matters – update

Mill Road, Primary School – 20 mph advisory speed limit zone - update

The Clerk advised that no update had yet been received from LRSP on this matter.

Item 12/197 Highways matters for consideration


Item 12/198 Footpaths – update

Cllr G Marriott-Dodington stated there continued to be fly tipping in Crook Bank, which will be reported to ELDC. Parishioners can directly report fly tipping to ELDC on 601111 or e-mail . Witnesses to incidents of fly tipping should contact 0800-195-5228.

Natural England P4C – Paths for counties

Details of this project were included in a circulating correspondence file. October agenda.

Information Board

Cllr Mrs Lister suggested that Information Broads be placed at the top of Brickyard Lane and, subject to agreement of the proprietors, at the King’s Head. Joe Blissett of CGM would make contact when grants become approved in the New Year

.Item 12/199 Village Maintenance – result of East Midlands in Bloom competition

Cllr Cowell outlined the judges’ report of the competition and on behalf of all those who helped, was pleased to receive a Bronze Award on Theddlethorpe’s first entry into the EMIB competition.

He considered that it would be prudent for focus to be given to aims and sponsors for the 2013 competition.

Item 12/200 LALC – Annual General Meeting – 13th October 2012

There were no takers for this event.

Item 12/201 Reports from outside bodies


Item 12/202 To resolve date of next monthly meeting

The next monthly meeting will be held in the Dilys Jones Room, commencing 7.30 pm on Thursday, 25th October.

There being no other business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.30 pm.