Template for comments and secretariat observations / Date: 2015-01-13 / Document: ISO 12669 / Project:ISO/TC 131/SC 6
MB/NC1 / Line number
(e.g. 17) / Clause/Subclause
(e.g. 3.1) / Paragraph/Figure/Table/
(e.g. Table 1) / Type of comment2 / Comments / Proposed change / Observations of the secretariat
BV-01 / 1 / 3 / ed / Missing word(“to”) / Change to read “It is applicable to both high and low pressure fluid power systems and also lubrication systems.”
BV-02 / 2 / Ed / “ISO 1018-1, Hydraulic fluid power – Monitoring the level of particulate contamination of the fluid – Part 1: General principles” should be ISO 21018-1, however this has been withdrawn / Remove reference. Perhaps the references to ISO 21018-3 and 21018-4 would suffice.
BV-03 / 3.1 / te / Should ISO 4406 be explicitly called out as the method of coding referred to in the document, as it is the only method explicitly mentioned and is the basis for Fig. 1? / Throughout document refer only to ISO 4406 and not permit other methods
BV-04 / 3.5 / Te / “Filter blockage contamination monitor” is not the only type that can be used, as light blockage contamination monitors are quite common. / Change to “field contamination monitors, as in 21018 and use the definition previously agreed upon.
BV-05 / 3.10 / Ed / “Hydr” is separated from “aulic” and font changes / Correct.
BV-06 / 3.10 / Te / The note states that ISO 4406 is used in this document/standard, yet 3.8 and 3.9 imply that other methods are acceptable. Are other methods acceptable? If so, each would need its own version of Fig. 1. / See BV-03
BV-07 / 5.2a and 5.2b / Ed / As written, one would always use Table 1, rather than the correct table corresponding to clauses 5.3 through 5.8. / Might be better to delete 5.2a and 5.2b, and instead go directly to what is now 5.3 through 5.8, and in each of these explicitly have the user user the correct table to choose and record the weighting. After that is completed, then sum the weighting and do as described in (currently) 5.2c and 5.2
BV-08 / 5.2 Note 1 / Ed / The second sub-bullet seems to be a subset of the first, not an independent bullet. / Combine the two sub-bullet points
BV-09 / 5.2 Note 2 / ed / “ISO 1018-1, Hydraulic fluid power – Monitoring the level of particulate contamination of the fluid – Part 1: General principles” should be ISO 21018-1 has been withdrawn / See BV-02
BV-10 / Fig. 1 Title / Ed / The word “Code” is missing following “ISO 4406” / Insert word “code”
BV-11 / 5.3 / Ed / The wod “pressure” is missing. / Insert “pressure” before the word “change”.
BV-12 / 5.8 / Table 6 / Ed / There may be safety liability implications associated with this / Suggest asking a lawyer to vet this for legal implications.
BV-13 / 6 / GE/TE / Does clause 6 fit within the scope of this document? It determines what the cleanliness level is. It does not determine nor validate the RCL, nor does it offer guidance for determining whether the RCL determined in clause 5 is appropriate. This clause appears to overlap with ISO 16431:2012 – Hydraulic fluid power -- System clean-up procedures and verification of cleanliness of assembled systems (or perhaps another WG3 document). / Delete clause 6
BV-14 / 6.1 / Ed / See BV-09 / See BV-09
BV-15 / 6.1b and 6.1c / Ed / See BV-09 / See BV-09
BV-16 / 6.3.1 / Ed / See BV-09 / See BV-09

1MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **)

2Type of comment:ge = generalte = technical ed = editorial

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ISO/IEC/CEN/CENELEC electronic balloting commenting template/version 2012-03