Nomination Form for Distinguished Service Award Page 3 of 3

Distinguished Service Award

Nomination Form 2015

The award is intended to recognize and applaud the good works of someone who has spent many years in catechesis helping individuals and communities encounter the Good News of Jesus. The award recipient is not revealed until the time of the presentation and is someone who is attending the annual meeting.

The criteria are that the recipient:

  • has worked in catechetical ministry a good number of years
  • has labored in the field with dedication and enthusiasm
  • has made a substantial contribution to the ministry and to the people they serve
  • has labored tirelessly, willingly and effectively for the sake of the Gospel without any thought of recognition-an “unsung catechetical hero”
  • has a current membership in NCCL or is a former member who has retired within the past 5 years

Past recipients:

2014 – Dr. Nancy Thompson

2013 – Dr. Michael E. Steier

2012 – Mr. Don Kurre

2011 - Mr. Michael Wagner

2010 - Sr. Janet Schaeffler, O.P.

2009 - Mr. David Riley

2008 – Native Ministry Training Program (NMPT) - Diocese of Fairbanks, AK
2007 - Mr. Pete Ries
2006 - Mr. Jack McBride
2005 - Sr. Jo Ann Detta and Sr. Marty Huber
2004 - Mr. John Meyer
2003 - Ms. Chick McGinty and Sr. Edith Prendergast
2002 - Mrs. Bea Cunningham
2001 - Mr. Joseph Swiss
2000 - Sr. Maria de Jesus Ybarra
1999 - Sr. Rosalie Digenan
1998 - Sr. Mary Emma Jochum
1997 - Mary Alice O'Reilly
1996 - Maria De Los Angeles Garcia
1995 - Mr. Tom Brown
1994 - Sr. Regis Krusniewski
1993 - Sr. Molly Leonard Donovan

N.B. In any given year, the Board canhighlightan area/category that will be given preference in the selection process.

The Board of Directors will begin its consideration of potential candidates for the award at its November meeting in Chicago, and it will make its final selection in February. Early nominations are advisable.

NCCL Distinguished Service Award 2015

Nomination: Sr. Digna Vela, IWBS

Reasons:Sr. Digna Vela served as director of the catechetical office in the Diocese of Victoria for 22 years. Her duties and contributions to catechetical ministry are vast. As director, she organized and offered training and support to parish catechetical leaders and catechists alike. She established the Organization of Catechetical Leadership (OCL) as a means to provide for the professional and spiritual needs of those involved in catechetical ministry. The coordination and arrangement of the Annual Conference for Catechesis and Ministry, which attracts hundreds of people each year, is also under her direction. Wanting to reach inactive Catholics and a wider audience, in 1998 Sr. Digna began a Sunday morning thirty-minute television broadcast in which The Christopher Closeup Series was used on the local TV station. She has managed the Library & Media Center from its inception, and in 2000 Sr. Digna worked to make it accessible through the Internet. It houses approximately 7,000 books and over 3,000 videos.

In 2000, Bishop Fellhauer appointed her to oversee and coordinate Disciples in Mission, a diocesan-sponsored program for evangelization. Through the program over 9,000 people in the diocese participated in small faith-sharing groups during the Lenten season for three consecutive years. To encourage the continuation of Lenten faith-sharing, in 2003 Sr. Digna helped to develop Disciples on the Journey (DJ). The production of DJ continues today to hundreds of parishes throughout the United States. Virtually thousands of Catholics have benefited from this Lenten resource due to her hard work and dedication.

In 2004, Sister brought the concept of whole-community catechesis to the diocese through the Generations of Faith program developed by John Roberto and the Center for Ministry Development. She also orchestrated the first Catholic Knowledge Bowl (CKB) in 2007 to offer yet another avenue for learning more about the Catholic faith. The CKB has become an annual diocesan event. She has also provided opportunities for retreats and days of reflection for numerous people throughout the diocese.

Countless theological, catechetical, and methodology courses for adults have been offered through the Pastoral Institute extended and short-term programs under Sr. Digna’s direction and leadership. In 2007, using innovative technology and the Internet, she began offering classes to an even larger audience through “distance learning.” This method has enabled more people to attend classes without leaving their local parishes. Sr. Digna also served on all levels of leadership for the Texas Catholic Conference for Religious Education and was on the board and representative council for the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership;she maintained membership with other professional organizations as well.

A desire for God’s love to be manifested in the world has precipitated Sr. Digna’s zeal to bring the “good news” of Jesus through her vocation and her tireless dedication to the Office of Catechetical Ministry in the Diocese of Victoria for the past 22 years.

Submitted by: Lorraine S. DeLuca

Province/Organization: Galveston-Houston and San Antonio

Nominations will be accepted until January 15, 2015, but earlier submission is advised. No consideration of nominations will be given after the deadline. Please email your nominations to. Thank you.

Annual Conference/Award Nomination Forms/2015 Distinguished Service Award Nomination Form