Review Guide: 1B


1) Complete each of the following:

The job of the Judicial Branch is basically to ______, created by ______.

The job of the Executive Branch is to ______, created by ______.

The job of the Legislative Branch is to ______, created by ______.

2) Define the idea of the rule of law found in American government.

3) Define the idea of popular sovereignty found in American government.

4) The Articles of the US Constitution explain the ______of the branches.

5) What is the point of the Amendment process created by the Framers of the Constitution? What fraction of states
must approve an amendment before it can become part of the Constitution?

6) What does the Preamble explain about the Constitution?

7) Popular sovereignty is found in what phrase of the US Constitution?

8) The principle of separation of powers was implemented by the Framers by creating:

9) What is the basic idea behind the concept of separating the powers of government?

10) This group of people feared the power of a central government and favored state government as more responsive to
the people.

11) This group of people supported the Constitution and a strong national government which offered stability.

12) Fears about a strong national government led to call for a ______to protect individual rights against the new federal government.

13) To persuade Americans of the positive benefits of the proposed Constitution, Hamilton, Madison, and Jay wrote:

14) Which of the following might be used as an example of the phrase "provide for the common defense" found in the Preamble?

a. President Johnson enacts a policy of programs designed to offset poverty.

b. President Obama implements new legislation which changes America's health care system.

c. President Wilson declares war on Germany and authorizes the arming and training of troops.

d. President Nixon authorizes the creation of new laws designed to protect the environment.

15) For what five things does the First Amendment provide protections? Give a brief explanation/example of each.

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

d. ______

e. ______

16-26 Complete the chart and answer the questions that go with it.

16 - 24) Use the information in the box to label each of the arrows correctly.

25) Which principle of American government is being illustrated in the chart?

26) Explain how the Executive checks the power of the:

a. Judicial Branch by ______.

b. Legislative Branch by ______.

27) The Judicial Branch is headed by the ______which serves as the final court of appeal and which can overturn legislation.

28) Which branch of government functions as the center of policy making in the US?

29) What system was implemented in the US Constitution to guarantee that no branch would become too powerful?

Rama, an American citizen, is denied a position at the local university because he is Hindu.

30) Under what part of what Amendment would Rama be able to sue the university for discrimination?

31) What type of government did the Constitution create, dividing power between a federal and state government?

32) Define enumerated powers and provide 2 examples.

33) Define concurrent powers and provide 2 examples.

34) Define reserved powers and provide 2 examples.

35) Describe where in the Constitution you will find information on the Executive Branch. List the roles and responsibilities.

36) Describe where in the Constitution you will find information on the Legislative Branch. List the roles and responsibilities.

37) Describe where in the Constitution you will find information on the Judicial Branch. List the roles and responsibilities.

Short Answers

38) Identify and explain three specific weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. How did the Constitution resolve each of the problems?

39)The Constitution was a source of both conflict and compromise. Identify and explain one conflict between the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan.

40) Identify and explain the following concepts. For each, give an example of the concept in American government today.

  • Democracy
  • Republic
  • Separation of powers
  • Checks and balances

**Study Your Bill of Rights – list ALL 10 amendments and what they do on the back of this paper**