Student Careers Bulletin Jan/Feb2012

C a r e e r s

For Upper 6th Students:

STUDENT FINANCE 2012- Apply now!

You can now apply online now for UK student finance for courses starting in 2012.

Get informed:Go to talks , make sure you read the information handouts given out in January tutorials ( copies in careers), check student sites to calculate your figures, and your Uni choice websites for their finance offers.–

STUDENT FINANCE ENGLAND are doing a talk in the Hall this week,

Tuesday 24th January from 12.30-1.30pm

Get organised: Put a budget together and apply now- to avoid later stress, and ensure you get your money on time!

Get help: If you need help come to see Joanna in Careers and/ or pick up handouts.

Applications are at

UCAS - Decisions for University places

Please be aware that you must meet your individual UCAS decision deadline date.

Check yours on Apply.

“Firm acceptance” This will be your 1st choice out of all your offers received. You can only have one.

Insurance acceptance” This is your back up, so you are advised to make sure that the grades required are lower, in case you don’t meet the grades for your firm acceptance choice

For Upper 6th Students:

Thinking of studying abroad?

Find out more at these upcoming events:

Tuesday 31st Jan- Talk by “A STAR FUTURE”

Get practical advice on why studying abroad could be advantageous as well as how to research international higher education opportunities, either independently or with SF’s assistance. The talk will also include the financial reality of studying abroad and the reasons why more and more British students are going abroad. Weblinks: and

Tuesday 6th Feb- Standin Social Area with “DEGREES AHEAD”

Degrees ahead are an advisory organisation with link Universities all over the world.

They are happy to advise you on how to choose, the costs of study abroad- and how you go about applying for these courses. Come and talk to Amy, our adviser, with any questions you have!


For upper 6th students

Camp America – your summer adventure in the USA

London Recruitment Fair - Sat 28th January 12-5pm

KensingtonTown Hall, Hornton St, W8

Go along to find out all about the scheme and sign up !(To do Camp America you need to be 18)

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For all students:


Thursday 9th February 12.30-2.30pm- SOCIAL AREA

*__Want to get a head start on your career by working before you go to Uni?

*__Want to earn money in a real job and try out a work area for size?

*__Like the idea of getting Universitysponsorship money from your employer?

YINI is a long established gap year paid work scheme- with around 300 employers, in many sectors. You get assistance and support, with placements across the UK for 6- 9months.

Georgina will be here to answer all you questions and give more info. See:

For Lower 6th students:


Experience Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths!

More than 40 courses run at Universities by different employers will give you a real taste of research and University level study. (Charges made for accommodation and food)

Includes: Electronics, Maths, Computer Science, renewable energy, engineering, marine science and more.(There is also a “DRAGONFLY” element for girls at 7 of the Uni’s, giving mentoring training for encouraging STEM study for younger girls)

To apply see:

(Closing date10th February- APPLY NOW)

Nuffield Science Bursaries/ University placements

The Nuffield Foundation offers great experience opportunities for A level students interested in Research Science.

With 80 places in London this summer to work with prestigious organisations on real research projects, and you get paid a bursary to do it!

Go to to download an application form and see more details. (NB: Show a broad range of interests to have more chance of a place)

The deadline will be Monday 30th April 2012- APPLY NOW

Pure Potential “PPSixth” Events :

FREE University and Career events for “A” level students

Pure Potential helps thousands of UK students every year with their university applications and career choices through their website , and at their free Summer Events at Universities.

These events have seminars and talks on a range of topics including student finance, personal statement master-class and interview techniques, as well as having the opportunity to meet representatives from leading firms who are graduate employers.

Book ahead online now at

(apply asap as places are limited)

This year the London events will be:

• University College London – Friday, 29th June
• Imperial College, London – Monday, 9th July
• London School of Economics – Date TBC (all events are the same)

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For all students:

Free Public Lectures at Gresham College

(plusmany London Universities)

There are LOTS of really interesting free talks and debates all year at Gresham College and other Universities in London. These are onstudy and research areas by leaders in their field-like science, health, philosophy, society, politics, history, maths, and culture.

Develop your interests - and STRETCH your mind by choosing somethingdifferent!

See: London School of Economics

or University College London

See other Uni websites for events/ public events- and sign up foremailing lists.

NEW Degree: BSc Business Informatics

This new degree is delivered by De Montfort University with Hewlett Packard, the world's largest Technology Company. It has grown from research that De Montfort University has done with Hewlett Packard and is aimed firmly at ahigh level ofemployability.
It includes one to one mentoring from professionals, placements, Industry certificates, use of HP applications/tools, and access to the "HP Academy and Innovation Centre"- to enable you to discover new innovations in IT. For more info go to LEAFLETS AVAILABLE IN CAREERS

For Lower 6th students:

Free London University Taster Courses this Summer!

These taster days give students an idea of what it's like to study your subject of interest at university. Lectures cover topics from our undergraduate modules and are delivered by the lecturers who teach them.

Covering many different courses- from engineering to maths, pharmacy, the sciences, law, business studies and many humanities courses.
Booking is open now and available online via the Careers Group:

Go to (APPLY ASAP!- Places are limited)

Sutton Trust Summer Schools

Find out about University life with a free week-long summer programme at Bristol, Durham, Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, UCL, or Nottingham University, summer 2012

You will have taster lectures, seminars, tutorials and social activities.

Priority is given to students who are the first in their family to go to University, and/or who may have other financial barriers. All expenses are met including travel to and from the University, food, and accommodation. To apply go to: now

– Woodhouse Internal deadline for applications:Friday 29th February 2012.

(If you miss this date we cannot guarantee a reference will be added)

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Upper 6th students:

Weizmann International Summer Science Programme

This a 4 week programme at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel for year 13’s. It will be held from 1-27 July 2012 and attracts up to 100 students from around the world. It provides a unique exposure to first hand world-class research with leading scientists.

The schedule also includes tours around Israel, and social activities. Students are selected by merit only and scholarships are available.

The closing date for application forms is 1st February 2012.

See www. contact:

For Lower 6th students:


On March 27th and 28th Loughborough University will hold its annual Engineering Experience days – With visits to departments, a stay overnight in student halls, learning about engineering options, talking to lecturers about engineering courses.
Included engineering types: Aeronautical Automotive, Chemical, Civil, Electronic/ Electrical, Manufacturing, Materials, Mechanical- and also Sports Technology.
Costs; £45 to cover meals and overnight stay.
TO APPLY -: Go to (Apply as soon as possible) Information: contact email Tel 01509 227286

Nuffield Science Bursaries-

Get experience in a University Science Department!

The Nuffield Bursaries are work experience schemes in University Science Departments over the year- mostly in the summer break.
You get to experience and work with real scientists doing real research and find out what academic/ research work is like, and if this kind of work would suit you.
( Advice on applications- Keep your interest areas broadto maximise your chances )
CLOSING DATE: The end of April 2012, but apply asap


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