

DRAFT Minutes of Essington Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th July 2012 at 7-00pm

PRESENT: Councillor D. Clifft J P (Chairman) Councillor R Firmstone

Councillor A Gibbons Councillor W Haddon

Councillor D James Councillor K Pace

Councillor S Rennison Councillor J Smallman

Councillor G Southern Councillor C Steel

Councillor B Tarbuck Councillor B Whitehouse

The Chairman welcomed all Members and residents to this month’s Council Meeting, and commented that the meeting was historical

because there had not been a council meeting in Newtown for 15 years.


A resident commented on the speed limit on Long Lane in the vicinity of the bridge, Members discussed the speed limit and agreed

to support its reduction. The Chairman will arrange a site meeting with Highways Department.


Councillors Mavis North(Vice-Chairman) and Peter Whitehouse tendered their apologies.

2. Declaration of Interests of MembeRS


3. Minutes of the last meeting on the 11th june 2012

Councillor Beryl Tarbuck proposed and Councillor Winston Haddon seconded that the minutes were a true record

4. Matters Arising (from last meetings minutes)

EP534 Job Club – A person attending has attained a job after 16 years out of work.

5. Essington Community Centre Proposed Refurbishment

·  Phase 6

The roof work commenced but has not been completed because of poor weather conditions.

6. PLANNING Matters

a. Planning applications submitted for approval during the month:

12/00502/FUL Bedroom & ensuite, Kitchen & family room 20 Ferndale Road No objections

12/00477/COU Change of use of agricultural land to garden at 35 Hough Way – Objections white land – no special circumstances

12/00510/COU Change of use of agricultural land to burial site Land off Bursnip Road – sustainability – highways


12/00434/VAR Variation of condition 7 to extend time to complete works (08/00113/FUL) Land off Broad Lane

No objections

b. The following planning applications have been approved:

12/00225/FUL Erection of 4 court sports hall Westcroft Special School Greenacres Avenue Westcroft

12/00368/FUL Domestic annex conversion with single storey extension The Nedlands Cannock Road Westcroft

12/00394/FUL Conservatory to rear 34 Wolverhampton Road

c.The following planning applications have been refused:

11/00929/FUL Residential development of 28 dwellings Land off Elmwood Avenue.

7. Correspondence Received During the month

A letter from Swan Park Committee accepting the offer of land off Hobnock Road for a play area. Members discussed the land

and agreed that a worded agreement would be compiled with given boundaries.

A letter from a resident in Broad Lane regarding the removal of the 1st set of traffic calming humps coming from the traffic lights. These were removed by Highways to comply with legislation of the current speed limit.



A.  To note the Councils Bank balances at 30.06.12 as Current Account £20,360.27 Deposit Account £25,001.96 Reserve Account 1 £0.67,Reserve Account 2 £0.08 Reserve Account 3 £1.09,Charity Account £290.01and Petty Cash £100

Less unpresented cheques £8986.00

Reconciliation : Balance B/fwd 48,710.90

Plus receipts 610.60

Less payments 12,553.42

Balance c/fwd 36,768.08

B.  To RESOLVE that the following cheques be issued:-

Chq No. / Payee / Details / Nett (£) / VAT (£) / Total (£)
102732 / K Jones / 2011-12 Internal Audit / 137.50 / - / 137.50
102733 / Fisher Catering Supplies Ltd / Linen tablecloths for Over 50’s Club(Monies reimbursed by club) / 148.11 / 29.62 / 177.73
102734 / Xtreme Castles / Balance of monies from jubilee event £200.00 Olympic Torch Event £675.00 / 875.00 / - / 875.00
102735 / D A Jeynes / Phase 6 Roof 1st payment / 4500.00 / - / 4500.00
102736 / Essington Park Village Silhouettes / Marching band for the Olympic Torch / 120.00 / - / 120.00
102737 / Principal Hygiene / July – September 2012 hygiene rental / 99.75 / 19.95 / 119.70
102738 / ACP / Architect Services Phase 6 / 150.00 / 30.00 / 180.00
102739 / BG Grounds Maintenance / Ground maintenance / 343.00 / 68.60 / 411.60
102740 / South Staffs Council / Rates 4th Payment ECC £731.00 L/L £203.00 / 934.00 / - / 934.00
102741 / C E Gracey / Petty cash (ink-stationery-stamps – cleaning mats- light bulbs) / 95.60 / 3.71 / 99.31
102742 / C E Gracey / Olympic Torch banners / 93.34 / 16.66 / 100.00
The cheque payments were proposed by Councillor Stephen Rennison seconded by Councillor Geoff Southern and carried.

A statement of Income & Expenditure against Budget up to 30th June 2012 was presented; this was proposed by Councillor Winston Haddon seconded by Councillor Bryn Whitehouse and carried.

A statement of Income & Expenditure for the Community Centre Refurbishment up to 30th June 2012 was presented; this was proposed by Councillor Bob Firmstone and seconded by Councillor Denise James and carried.

A statement of Income & Expenditure for the Olympic Torch Celebration on the 30th June 2012 was presented; this was proposed by the Chairman and carried.


Councillor Bryn Whitehouse commented that following the Jubilee Celebrations and the lighting of the beacon on the 4th June

residents have shown interest in the footpath and the open space, but the stiles, open space and footpath are in need of attention.

The clerk will report the details to our County Councillors and invite them and the Countryside Agency to view the area.


The Chairman confirmed that the event was a success and thanked everyone who had organised the event and helped on the day.


The Chairman commented on the amended code of conduct and proposed adoption, this was carried by Members.



The Chairman commented that there was no application submitted to date and nothing to report.


·  FLOODING SNEYD LANE – Councillor Winston Haddon commented on the ongoing constant

problem. The Chairman confirmed that he had met with residents who at present were discussing the flooding with Severn Trent Water who are investigating the source of the water. Gavin Williamson MP is also involved and speaking to Severn Trent Water and the Environment Agency.

·  KERBS BROAD LANE – Councillor Beryl Tarbuck commented on the ongoing problem of flooding

and that the works carried out by Highways has not solved the problem. The Chairman will speak to Highways and report the ongoing problem to our County Councillors.


·  SELLING CARS – Councillor Chris Steel commented on the ongoing problem of a property selling cars

on the front of their property, he has reported the matter to South Staffs Council and awaiting their reply.

·  MOTORBIKES BOGNOP ROAD – Councillors June Smallman & Chris Steel commented on the

Ongoing problem of noise and nuisance with the off road bikes. Members discussed the matter and agreed that the land owner

should be contacted by residents to report the nuisance.

15. County Councillors Report - None received

16. District Councillors Report – District Councillor David Clifft outlined his monthly visits and meetings.

17. Date of the next meeting 10th September 2012