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The Five-Minute Personality Car Test

Adapted by Alastair Campbell

As heard on Sally Pepper’s Saturday Show on BBC Radio Derby

What to do:
Now that you’ve downloaded the Five-Minute Personality Test you need to complete it, using the instructions below.

Then, listen to Sally Pepper’s show on BBC Radio Derby on Saturday, 8th April from midday.

During the programme, Sally will be chatting to Alastair Campbell who will explain what the results mean.

Instructions: On each of the ten horizontal lines, put the number 4 by the word that best describes you in that line; a 3 by the word that describes you next best; a 2 by the next best word; and a 1 by the word that least describes you.

You will then have one 4, one 3, one 2 and one 1 on each line. For Example, one choice for the first line of words could be:

Likes Authority Enthusiastic Sensitive feelings Likes instructions

You can only use each number once on each line.

This is one test you can’t fail.

Be honest, and you’ll discover both your dominant and sub-dominant personality types. None of us are totally one type, but rather a unique combination of all four personality types, with one or two usually taking priority over the others.

Each column represents a specific personality type.

The column with the highest score is your dominant personality type, while the column with the second highest number will be your sub-dominant type.

These two scores reveal the most accurate picture of your natural strengths and weaknesses.

E / S / P / W
Likes Authority / Enthusiastic / Sensitive feelings / Likes instructions
Takes charge / Takes risks / Loyal / Accurate
Determined / Visionary / Calm, even keel / Consistent
Enterprising / Likes talking / Enjoys routine / Predictable
Competitive / Promoter / Dislikes change / Practical
Problem solver / Likes popularity / Gives in to others / Factual
Productive / Fun-loving / Avoids confrontation / Conscientious
Bold / Likes variety / sympathetic / Perfectionistic
Decision maker / Spontaneous / Nurturing / Detail-oriented
Persistent / Inspirational / Peacemaker / Analytical
Total “E” /

Total “S”

/ Total “P” / Total “W”

What it all means

Here are the 4 main personality types as revealed by the personality test:

E = Executive car:

Decisive, goal focused, results, independent thinker – don’t go with the crowd, risk taker, natural leader, shows initiative, self-starter, persistent, efficient, hates wasting time, competitive, wants to complete projects, enjoys challenges and taking a chance.

Impatient, blunt, can ‘steam roller’ over other peoples feelings, hates meeting which drag on, listening for long periods of time is difficult, jumps to conclusions, impulsive, demanding, project more important than people, insensitive to others feelings, not detail orientated.

Tends to focus on the now rather than the future. Gets a lot done in less time.

S = Sports car:

Enthusiastic, good communicators, optimistic, emotional & passionate, can motivate others, likes to party, out-going, dramatic, likes to have fun.

Unrealistic, not detail orientated, disorganised, puts feeling above logic, reacts to situations, too talkative, excitable and can overreact. Fast paced, motivated by recognition of others, wants status (e.g. flash car)

Wants to always move onto the next project, needs social activities, hates detail, likes fun activities, wants prestige & friendships, shares ideas verbally and is motivated by the desire to help others.

P = People Carrier :

Everybody’s best friend, people pleasers, hates conflict, loves warm friendships, accommodating, peace makers, sensitive to others needs, good listeners, compassionate, easy going, team players, empathetic, loyal, put people above projects, supportive, hates conflict.

Indecisive – because they want to please everybody, can’t do they think is the right thing, hates confrontation, will store up hate for years – and then explode, fears change, slow paced.

Motivated by the desire for good relationships, focus is on the present, compassionate to others, needs security.

W = What car? :

Focused on accuracy, wants to do the right thing, perfectionists, detail orientated, accurate, thoughtful, orderly, methodical, high standards, controlled.

Too hard on themselves, critical of others, cautious, won’t make decisions lightly, needs all the facts, too picky, over sensitive, slow paced, starts projects but won’t complete them on time, hates deadlines, avoids decisions, avoid pressure situations,

Needs security, needs time to change, likes low risk.