Last name, first names: ......

Title, position: ......

Affiliation (office address): ......




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FIELDS OF INTEREST (mark with an x between parenthesis all those items which apply to your own activity and about which you wish to receive information):

( ) (01) Infectious diseases, general

( ) (02) Virology, general

( ) (03) Bacteriology, general

( ) (04) Food-born diseases

( ) (05) Zoonoses, general

( ) (06) Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies

( ) (07) Rabies

( ) (08) Mycobacterial diseases

( ) (09) Classical swine fever

( ) (10) Foot and mouth disease

( ) (11) Anthrax

( ) (12) Infectious diseases of horses

( ) (13) Bovine enzootic leucosis

( ) (14) Brucellosis

( ) (15) Leptospirosis

( ) (16) Poultry diseases

( ) (17) Fish diseases

( ) (18) Resistance of microorganisms

( ) (19) Food contaminants and toxicology

( ) (20) Genetically modified organisms

( ) (21) Replacement of animal testing by ”in vitro” tests

( ) (22) Veterinary administration, organization of modern Veterinary Services

( ) (23) Veterinary education

· Universities and post-graduate training curricula

· Profiles of Universities and Post graduate training centres in particular related to veterinary biotechnology and modern epidemiology

( ) (24) Emergency diseases and risk of bioterrorism

·  Up-to-date information on the sources of dangerous infections (diseases from the List A, haemorrhagic diseases, encephalities, influenza, legionellosis, etc.), especially Transboundary Animal Diseases creating a potential threat to livestock in the CENTAUR area i.e.: FMD and other vesicular diseases, Bluetongue, Rinderpest, Peste des petite ruminants-PPR, Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia-CBPP, Sheep and goat pox (Capripox), Classical and African swine fevers, Maedi-Visna, Caprine arthritis-encephalitis,Porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome-PRRS, Tuberculosis and Paratuberculosis

·  Risk of bioterrorism, hazard agents, prevention, diagnostics

( ) (25) Veterinary Biotechnology

· Molecular diagnostic tests,


· Application of Monoclonal Antibodies

· Veterinary vaccine production and quality control

· Organization of biotechnological laboratories

· Profiles of internationally recognised centres on veterinary, agricultural and medical biotechnology

· International Biotechnology Networks and Institutions

· Bioinformatics

· Biosecurity

( ) (26) Veterinary Epidemiology

· Theory of the Modern Veterinary Epidemiology

· Epidemiological surveillance

· Computerised, epidemiological data management: most applicable software TAD-INFO, Epi-Info and others

· Application of the Geographic Information System-GIS, Geographic Positioning System-GPS, epidemiological mapping, computerised simulation

· International Epidemiological Networks

· Transboundary Animal Diseases: available networks and centres of ”know how”, including the FAO: EMPRES - Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases - Livestock Diseases Component, RADISCON - The FAO Regional Animal Disease Surveillance and Control Network - Middle East and North Africa, those of the FAO/IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), OIE and the European Union; related internationally recognised centres of excellence including the reference laboratories and collaborating centres

·  Molecular Epidemiology for the characterisation of pathogenic strains and disease control strategies

( ) (27) Scientific Information

·  Access to international sources of scientific information, possibility of on line search for scientific doicumentation

·  Journals: contents and availability

·  Book: reviews and recommendations

·  Meetings announcements