/ Deer Run Animal Hospital
308-310 East US Highway 30
Schererville, IN
(219) 864-7180


Clicker training is one of the most effective training and teaching tools to communicate with dogs. A Clicker is a small, plastic device which makes a “Click” sound when pressed. Clickers can be used to train many types of animals -- from horses, to elephants, to chickens, even tigers. The sound is a marker signal which tells the animal when it has performed the correct behavior. A marker signal can also be a word such as “Yes” or a whistle (as used by trainers at Sea World). Even the flash of a pen light is often used to train deaf dogs. As long as it is used correctly and consistently, a marker signal can be used to teach any animal, any behavior it is physically and mentally capable of doing.

Why does it work? Dogs don’t speak English and humans don’t speak dog. This lack of communication makes it difficult to explain to our dogs what we want and often leaves both parties feeling confused and frustrated. Many owners find themselves constantly correcting their dog’s unwanted behaviors by yelling “No” or “Stop it” or by jerking the leash, none of which is fun for the dog or the owner. Clicker training creates a clear language between trainer and dog and when paired with positive reinforcement, makes it a fun, safe and effective form of training.

How does it work? The first step is to teach your dog that every time it hears the “click” sound, it gets something it likes. Owners are often encouraged to use food rewards, especially in class settings, because they are easy to dispense quickly and most dogs love treats. Once your dog understands that the sound always equals a reward, you can use the clicker to mark (identify for the dog) the exact moment he performs the correct behavior. It’s like a game show contestant who, after giving her answer, hears the buzzer and knows she’s won a prize. For example, when teaching your dog to sit, you would click the instant his rump hits the floor.

Now you have a powerful form of communication. By using the clicker, you have a clear way to say to your dog, “That’s it! That is the behavior I wanted and you’ve won a prize.” With repetition, the dog learns which behaviors get reinforced and which don’t. Behaviors that are reinforced increase in frequency and those that aren’t, decrease in frequency.

Training is all about motivation. Animals (and people) can either be motivated to perform behaviors through positive reinforcement or be motivated not to perform behaviors in order to avoid physical or mental intimidation (punishment). The latter method is not kind, nor fun, and can damage the relationship between you and your dog. Some owners think that positive training requires using treats forever. This is false. Once your dog has reliably learned the behavior, you can gradually wean off treats and replace them with praise and other types of rewards such as toys and games.

Clicker training is a form of positive reinforcement training. It follows the scientifically proven principles of animal behavior and learning. Using clear, consistent, communication to reward your dog’s good behavior makes training fun, produces reliable results and builds a strong relationship based on leadership and trust.