
1 (Mon.) Labor Day (church office closed)

2(Tues.) 10:30 am – Grief Support Group

3(Wed.)8:00 am – Men’s Bible Study**

NO – Our Home K Care Service

6:00 pm – Madams & Sirs Potluck & Program

4 (Thurs.)3:00 pm – Hand Bell Choir

7(Sun.) Holy Communion

9:30 am -Full Service

10(Wed.) 8:00 am – Men’s Bible Study**

11 (Thurs.) 4:00 pm – Hand Bell Choir

14(Sun.)9:30 am -Full Service

16(Tues.) 10:30 am – Grief Support Group

17(Wed.) 8:00 am – Men’s Bible Study**

9:30 am– Session Meeting

18(Thurs.)9:30 - Guild

CHIT CHAT articles due

21(Sun.)9:30 am -Full Service

24(Wed.) 8:00 am – Men’s Bible Study**

28 (Sun.)9:30 am -Full Service

** - meets at Little Bohemia

Manitowish Waters Community

Presbyterian Church

Office Hours:

Monday through Friday = 9:00 am till noon


Rev. Chips 715-776-2998



Sept. 7 Manny & Cheryl Markham

Sept. 14 Irv & Susan Rueger

Sept. 21 Manny & Cheryl Markham

Sept. 28 Parker & Mid Sharpe


7 – Margo Perkins

14, 21 & 28 – Sharon Bridges

Lay Leader:

Sept. 7 Helyn Woolf

Sept. 14 Deane Galloway

Sept. 21 Nan Block

Sept. 28 Helyn Woolf

Communion Person: Ron King


Sept. 7 Bob Schmidt and Mid Sharpe

Sept. 14 Joan Dioszegi and Dave Foster

Sept. 21 Deane Galloway and Carol Bohlin

Sept. 28 Glenn Wildenberg and Vince Hoehn

The art of love is God at work through you.


Clerk Carol Bohlin-715-356-4060

Janie Williams

Sharon Bridges-715-686-2489

Sarah Becklund-715-686-2907

Tom Erickson-715-543-8046

David Foster-715-385-2217

Deane Galloway-715-543-8010

Ron King-715-583-9979

Dave Lukas-715-686-7697

Mark Schuelke-715-686-7223

DuWayne Schumacher-715-686-2074

Helyn Woolf-715-686-7173

Session meets the third Wednesday of the month.


Cathy Breitholtz, Mark Suckow, Dale Ekdahl,

Ruth Stober, Hope Dougherty, Jan Schumacher,

Manny Markham

Feel free to contact a Session or

Deacon member with any concerns or questions.

Madams & Sirs

September 3, 2014

6:00 pm - Potluck and Program

Sandra Kant…

will tell of her Mission trip to Africa.

Program for October:

Mike Biszak will tell about Veterans’ Benefits

Fleazaar 2014 was a success, from the financial stand point, as the income at this time is $60,021.57 and expenses are $9,757.94.As the year goes on, we hope to share with you where some of this money is going.Again, success isn't just the money we earned, but the friendships formed and shared; and the people who found that special item.

We are still trying to sell the 16" Hobie Cat.Marketing it in areas with larger lakes is one of the goals.

Hopefully, you have or soon will note Fleazaar 2015's date is July 15, 2015.In preparation for next year, The Barns will be open for the Fall drop off on Saturday, September 20th from 9-12.As the year goes on we would appreciate names and contact information of possible new volunteers for next year.

Dan and Nan Bloch

Christian Education

I am looking forward to beginning a new year of Youth group. We will begin on September 10th.

I have some very wonderful, devoted leaders. Nan Bloch will be leading the 4th-6th grade group. She has been doing this for several years and is very good with them. Sharon Bridges will be assisting her.

The K - 3rd grades will be led by Helyn Woolf. Stacey Pearce has volunteered to assist her, and Margo Perkins has graciously agreed to be her substitute. Pastor ChipsandI will be leading 2 confirmation groups with the help of Mark Orlowski and Kristin Sorensen.

I am still looking for someone to be a team leader with Nan. This means leading the group approximately 2 weeks on/2 weeks off. Nan will be happy to help you with the curriculum planning, and Sharon will be there to assist.

Ideally, I would like to separate out the 3rd-4th grades, which means I would need one additional leader for that group, and the assistants could rotate where the need is.

Please consider helping us to nurture and guide these youth. The main requirement is that you love children and care about their future. The rest is just learning along with the rest of us.

There are other areas you could help with, if you just don’t think you can do the lessons. You may be willing to help with snack time, or games or music. It can be a very rewarding (sometimes challenging) time, and the more adults involved, the easier it will be for all.

Parents, if you have not received a letter, please call the church office. If you have, please make sure you send back the enclosed post card.

As always, I invite you to call me with any questions or concerns.

In His service and yours,

Joan Dioszegi

(715) 892-4390


Our Board of Deacons is hoping you can help the Community Food Pantry in Boulder Junction during the month of September, by providing some non-food items for their clients.Our congregation is asked to support "Stashing for Winter" by supplying items such as combs, hair brushes, hand cream, deodorant, toothpaste, Kleenex, feminine hygiene products, dish soap, and laundry soap.Your help is appreciated!
There is a box for donations located in the narthex.

We lost two of our

Church Family in June.

Sincere Sympathy

goes out to:

Helen Erickson

on the loss of her loving husband

Jim Erickson


June 16,2014

And to:

Kevin Beller

on the loss of his mother

Susan Losby Beller

It’s the simple joys, the simple pleasures, the heart remembers and

dearly treasures.

From your CLERK of Session

Carol Bohlin would like to share a prayer for Peace in Iraq that was presented at the service at Holy Family Ecumenical Peace Service. (Prayers for persecuted Christians in Iraq.)

Lord, the plight of our country is deep and the suffering of Christians is severe and frightening. Spare our lives, and grant us patience and courage to continue our witness of Christian values with trust and hope. Peace is the foundation of life; grant us the peace and stability that will enable us to live with each other with dignity and joy. Glory be to You forever.

His Beatitude Louis Rafael Sako,

Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Iraq

A Covenant for Respectful Conversation


I will listen to you and hear you out. I may not agree with you, and I can’t promise that I will always understand you, but I will truly try to listen. In return, I trust you to listen to me – patientlyand respectfully- even if you think I am misguided.


I will pray for you and ask God’s best for you. In return, I ask for your prayers, knowing that we need each other’s help to discern God’s spirit and God’s voice in the midst of the possibility of very different perspectives.


I will remind myself that God created you, as well as me, out of love, and that our Lord loves and redeems us equally. I will try to see that loveable person in you, and I hope that you will try to find the same in me.


Above all, I will try to remember why we are here: that we are Christians seeking to live out our discipleship faithfully with the best insights of our hearts and minds as we ponder scripture, tradition, and reason. My discipleship is in the context of the Body of Christ, and I seek always to be open to the “grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.”


Since some of you have seen so fit to arrange a celebration of my 20 years with you, I thought it might be interesting to see the opening paragraph that met the Search Committee from this church when my dossier first arrived at their doorstep / mailbox two decades ago (1993):

“Opening Glimpses of the Rev. Chips C. Paulson”

Fifteen years ago, God gently gripped the center of my life with his loving power, and my ministry flows from this gift. It may seem like a strange beginning, but my life of service beganby teaching blind people to downhill ski. Working with those who were blind helped me look at the world, and at God’s activity with new eyes. My journey from the ski slopes into pastoral ministry is carved deeply from a wealth of experience. I follow a path filled with Joey’s laughter as he rides on my back through the ghetto to children’s church. The harshness of death cuts me as I hold Barbara’s gifted hands and struggle to pray as she painfully dies. The cadence of my journey travels through the barrios of Tecolote’ where we build a house and share the cup in a dusty field. The journey is hugged by little Pete when he jumps into my arms before the sermon. We grapple through the gauntlet of a family suffering with alcoholism. There is laughter along the path as I make my first feeble attempt at Native Dancing, and there’s sobriety and singleness of purpose, as I paddle my canoe to Kake’s Grave Island to bury my Tlingit Indian friend.

My journey moves from the brass tacks of tight budgets and busy programs, to the mystery that flows from a bitter-sweet cup and the freshly torn bread. Serving on the cutting edge of people’s lives, I know the immensity of human brokenness and limitation. Living as aminister of Christ, I know the tremendous resources for healing and transformation pulsing through the arteries of the church. This powerful matrix of human need and extaordinary resources is where I am called to serve. I am a minister of Jesus Christ.”

That little opening epistle was written back in 1993, however, the joys and the woes of the human heart have changed little between then and now. It’s both a privilege and a joy to have been able to journey with you over the past 20 years, and I’m looking forward to the future together with you.

Gratefully yours,


Manitowish Waters Community

Presbyterian church

PO Box 69

Manitowish Waters, WI 54545



Bible Trivia

…check your Bible knowledge

The Last Word

Name the persons who said the following

as their last words.

  1. Happy art thou, O Israel, who is like unto thee, O people saved by the Lord, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency! And thine enimies shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread upon their high


  1. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
  2. Come to me, and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air and to the beasts of the field.
  1. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
  2. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
  3. O Lord, remember me, I pray thee, and strenghen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes.
  4. Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

1. Moses (Deuteronomy 33:29, 2. Jesus (Mark 16:18), 3. Goliath (1 Samuel 17:44), 4.Jesus (Acts 1:8), 5. Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20), 6. Samson (Judges 16:28), 7. The repentant thief on the cross (Luke 23:42).




This is Chips’ 20th year as our pastor—great for our church, and very unusual for a Presbyterian pastor. According to an official in the Synod of Lakes and Prairies), the typical Presbyterian pastor stays with a church for 6-7 years before moving on. That Chips has been with us for 20 years puts him in a very select category—as a pastor who has guided and nurtured his church as it evolves over a long period of time. On Sunday, September 28 we will have a special service to honor Chips’ and Suzanne’scommitment to our church.

Each congregation member and friend can be part of this celebration by writing down some personal memories and thoughts on a card for the Paulsons and dropping it in a special collection box to be presented to them during the anniversary celebration.

Hope to see you there!

September Birthdays:

2nd David Drake, David Bartling, 3rd Mary Jane Glynn, 4th James Patterson, John Bals Keith Bohlin, 6th Mark Schuelke, 9th Thelma Fairbanks, 10th Jean Evans, Katie Detling, 11th Bill Horner, Marla Suckow, 17th Hope Dougherty, 18th Julie King, Leanne Sanks, Zachary Caroselli, 19thSue Rasey, 22nd Barbara Kauffman, Cynthia Goosby, 27th Royletta Santos, Oyouka Slone, 28thLorraine Janssen, Carolyn Udell, 29th Annette Tellefson

September Anniversaries:

5thFred & Cindy Lawton

7th Ted & Joyce Pierce

13th Dan & Debbie Meier

15th Dick & Sheri Smith

Joe & Leanne Sanks

27thDavid & Sharon Lukas

Marriage is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.

Don’t be afraid to be different;

your way may be the better one.

--Paul Talbot


Look, listen and watch for information on a new opportunity for learning and sharing. It will be held one Sunday each month, at 11:30, right after fellowship time. We intend to begin in October.

We will have a different speaker or moderator to introduce the topic for the month, and follow up with open discussion.


On August 7, Westminster Guild met for our first business meeting following Fleazaar 2014, and much time was spent debriefing! We discussed the many things that went "better than ever," and came up with some suggestions for possible enhancements to next year's event.

We learned that nearly $200,000 was raised world-wide on World Day of Prayer last March, and that the theme for World Day of Prayer 2015 will be God's Radical Love, particularly through exploring the story of Jesus washing the disciples' feet.

We discussed and reaffirmed our funeral policy, and we marked our calendars for the upcoming Cluster 1 Gathering in Ashland on Thursday, September 25. Just like our Guild meetings, Cluster gatherings are open to all women of the church, and we sincerely hope you will consider joining us. We will be car-pooling from the church. Look for more information in the weekly bulletin announcements.

Our delicious, light, lemony dessert on this day was provided by our hostess Eilene Dybvad.

Our goal is to provide information and broaden our views as a Christian community. To help us gain a better understanding and share what we know of things that are happening around our world and in our community.

There will be more information and details in the Sunday bulletins as well as on the Web site and announcements in the Worship service.

On August 21, seventeen women gathered for our work meeting, and you would have thought we were still preparing for Fleazaar! While several ladies gave the kitchen a much-needed cleaning, many others were busy cutting, sewing, and ironing on little pillowcase dresses for third-world countries and hygiene kits for young African girls. These are both wonderful projects -- and FUN!! Hostess Aggie Ripley served her wonderful blueberry cobbler for our dessert.

Remember the great pulled pork sandwiches we had for lunch the day before Fleazaar? Here is the recipe!

Pulled Pork

5# Picnic or Shoulder Pork Roast

2 Cans Beef Consommé

1 or 2 Pkgs. Good Seasons Italian Salad Dressing

1/2 Jar Pepperincinis

1/2 Jar Pickled Veggies (7 oz. +/-)

Cook until tender/shreddable 4-5 hours in crock pot. YUM!

Three years in!And we've made such progress, thanks to the commitment and enthusiasm of all our great people.A huge thank you to not only ringers, but to the generous people who have been helping us toward our goal of a full three octaves!Now is the perfect time to "get your feet wet" jump in and risk having a really good time learning to be a "ding dong!"Our first fall rehearsal will be at 4:00 on Thurs. Sept. 11th.There are still voices to be heard from per my email, so nothing is written in stone yet, but we'll at least get a start.So limber up those wrists (gently please) and let's explore some new material.I really do encourage ANYONE who is tempted---it's the ideal time to try it out.We are very kind to beginners and very welcoming to those with experience. By the 11th, we will know more about a final permanent day/time.I hope we can accommodate all who wish to play, but I do need to limit it to one day a week.

Thanks for all the input and get ready to make a "joyful noise" on Thurs. Sept. 11th.

God bless us all!Judy Erickson