國立師大附中 102學年度第一學期高三英文科第二次期中考

I. 文意字彙 15%, 共15題 共 8 頁

1. Feeling _____ of her poor English pronunciation, Julia flushed and did not answer the teacher’s question.

(A) ashamed(B) devastated(C) terrifying(D) chaotic

2. Seeing their team win the championship, all the fans _____in cheers and shouts.

(A) demonstrated(B) erupted(C) overcame(D) outraged

3. Tanya is such a(n) ___ captain on her school basketball team that she has led them to numerous victory.

(A) civilized(B)solitary (C) distinguished (D) agonized

4. As soon as the teacher opened the door, a bucket of water poured down, ______his shirts and pants.

(A) soaking(B)assaulting (C) embracing(D) splattering

答案:(1)D (2)C (3)D (4)B (5)B (6)C (7)A (8)D (9)C (10)B

5. Jane suffered from deep _____ for the loss of her cat and wept for weeks.

(A) anguish(B) modesty(C) commerce(D) smash

6. Running a marathon is an ultimate test of one’s_____, physical strength, and will power.

(A) mustache(B) sacrifice(C) endurance(D) despair

7. In most countries, sale of _____ drinks to minors is prohibited. The Turkish government took a step further as to ban the sale of all wine and liquor in shops from 10 p.m.to 6 a.m.

(A)domestic(B) dairy(C) commercial(D) alcoholic

8. According to the _____ of the teacher association, the educational reform proved to be effective.

(A) complexity(B) emphasis(C) consciousness(D) assessment

9. Steven was totally ______by the sweetness of the girl’s voice. He couldn’t get the sound out of his mind. It seems to be love at first “sight.”

(A) plagued (B) entranced (C) disabled (D) inflicted

10. People always say that with time comes ______. However, my older brother, who still counted on my parents for everything, would be a best counter example of it.

(A) maturity(B) fusion (C) circumstances (D) dignity

11. It is well established that early ______to multi-languages would help to develop a sharp ear for languages.

(A)attempt (B) trauma (C) exclusion (D) exposure

12. Optimism, enthusiasm, and leadershipare positive traits that make you ______from your peers.

(A) burst out (B) call out (C) run out (D) stand out

13. Nobody that the war would last so long.

(A) encountered (B) anticipated (C) beckoned(D) tackled

14. Professor Chang is to be the highest authority on the subject.

(A) acknowledged (B) acquired(C) distributed(D) accelerated

15. Tuberculosis seriously his strength and confined him to bed.

(A) taunted (B) transformed(C) unfolded(D) diminished

II克漏字: 28%, 共28題

WithThe Cellist of Sarajevostealing in, I was immediately drawn to a hushed, empty universe. Then the music grew into a(n) 16 furor that gripped me powerfully. Andslowly and gently, itsubsided into a death rattle and eventually back to silence. Bathed in this unaccompanied cello performed by Yo-Yo Ma, I felt 17 I had just witnessed the terrifying civil war, which devastated Sarajevo. The composer David Wilde 18 his feelings of outrage and love 18 this piece of music, trying to tell the world how brutal the war could be and how admirable Vedran Smailovic was.

Vedran Smailovic, anoutstanding cellist in Sarajevo,actually did not realize the cruelty of war until May 27, 1992 19 he witnessedtwenty-two innocent people killed by a mortar shell. 20 the massacre than a feeling of agonyoverwhelmed him. Sleepless whole night, Smailovic finally figured out what he could do to mourn for his lost friends and neighbors. For the following twenty-two days, Smailovic, in his concert attire,played music with great 21 in the same spot where the massacre had happened. He played for human dignity, for scared people hiding in basements and for peace. With the battle 22 around him, Smailovic shook his cello like a fist in the face of bombs, ruins, and death. His cello, without a doubt, becomes the mightiest weapon of all.

16. (A) screaming(B) unashamed(C) renowned(D) civilized

17. (A) now that(B) even though(C) as though(D) as like

18. (A) soaked; with(B) poured; into(C) learned; from(D) swept; over

19.(A) when(B), when(C), in which(D) then

20. (A) As soon as he saw(B) The moment when he saw

(C) Whether he saw or not(D) No sooner had he seen

21. (A) resolution(B) doubt(C) embarrassment(D) confusion

22. (A) that rage(B) to rage(C) raging(D) raged

The recent wave of food crisis has taken a toll on many impoverished countries, among 23 Haiti is the hardest hit. Owing to catastrophic crop failures and the soaring prices of imported goods, farmers in the island country simply can’t produce food 24 to meet local needs. To keep their hunger at bay, local residents have supplemented their diet with mud cakes, which leads to malnutrition and diseases.

Actually, thirty-five other nations are faced with a similar plight.For instance, the Aboubakars family in Chad ate about $24 worth of food per week, which 25 sorghum, vegetables, nuts, and sunflower oil. Their only “luxuries” were salt, pepper, and a handful of ginger for flavor. As a sharp contrast, the Revis family in America spent over $300 on food per week, an amount that is over 26 the total food budget of the Aboubakars.

27 it is serious in some parts of the world, the problem of food shortages can actually be prevented. Though there’s no quick fix to the situation, here in Taiwan, we can still make a difference by better managing the world’s food supply and distribution. On a(n)individual level, we can make minor adjustments like cherishing our food on the table and 28 more food from going to waste. What really matters is that we should keep in mind the potential danger of a food crisis; otherwise, no matter which part of the world we live in, we’re bound to face food shortages 29 .

23. (A) them(B) which(C) where(D) what

24. (A) fast enough(B)too sufficient(C) so quick as(D) adequately large

25. (A) composed of(B) made up of(C) inclusive of (D) consisted of

26. (A) 12 times as much as(B) 12 times lower than

(C) 12 times more expensive(D) 12 times the number of

27. (A) Even(B) Though (C) In spite of(D) Despite

28. (A)stop(B) stopping (C) to stop(D) stops

29. (A) more or less(B) once and for all(C) sooner or later(D) for better or for worse

Hayao Miyazaki is widely regarded as the world's greatest animator and an icon of Japanese popular culture.His internationally 30 films, such as My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, and Howl’s Moving Castlehave captured the interest of people 31 all ages around the world. What fascinate viewers are the features found in his films such asfeminism, environmentalism, and flying.

Take Chihiro, the main character in Spirited Away, for example. Her bold adventuretransforms her from a spoiled, whiny child into a responsible, capable girl. The strong female characters are one of the main elements of Miyazaki’s works. 32 , environmentalism has been a major theme that Miyazaki’s animated films often explore.Inthe animationPrincess Mononoke,but for humans’ greed for natural resources, the forest inhabited by many animals 33 .Another recurring characteristic from Miyazaki’s films is flying. Miyazaki’s various flying vehicles, 34 a witch’s broom, massive military vessels, and so on, often inspire a lot of filmgoers. With his lifelong interest in 35 , Miyazaki has been praised by his imagination in aircraft designed in his animation. With these unique characteristics, not only 36 commercial success in Japan, but they have won international recognition from all over the world.

  1. (A) renewed(B) acclaimed(C) emphasized(D) despised
  2. (A) with (B) of (C) from (D) at
  3. (A) Therefore(B) Accordingly(C) Similarly(D)Nevertheless
  4. (A) could remain (B) could not remain

(C) could have remained (D) could not have remained

  1. (A) included (B)including (C) inclusive (D) contained
  2. (A) emphasis (B) fuse (C) complexity (D) aviation
  3. (A) Miyazaki has achieved (B) Miyazaki’s films achieved

(C) has Miyazaki achieved (D) have Miyazaki’s films achieved

It is time that we reexamined the old saying, “Stones and sticks may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Brain researchers have discovered the inconvenient truth that verbal abuse may not just 37 the left side of the brain to stop developing but bring about damaging effects on the mind as well. For example, those verbally abused are very likely to have low self-esteem and to be plagued by such emotional problems as anxiety or depression. At times, so deep 38 that the victims think of committing suicide. In some cases, the victims even 39 taking the role of the abuser and start to inflict pain on other people.

40 , cases of verbal abuse can be seen anytime and anywhere. In an office, a boss may call the employees“Idiot”for failing to meet a deadline. At school, a student may be mockedor harassed just because of being different. The family, probably the 41 place that comes to our mind, is also the scene where verbal abuse takes place. Children may 42 being insulted or scolded by their parents for getting anunsatisfactory score. Some of the parents even ignore their children and discount their opinions.

As the breeze is to the flowers, so are positive words to a human being. We should bear in mind that words can hurt and that 43 we start to learn the art of saying positive words, we will avoid living in a sick world.

37. (A) cause (B) make(C) let(D) have

38. (A)run the mental scars(B) do the mental scars run

(C) the mental scars run (D) the mental scars running

39. (A) make up(B) come in(C) put up with(D) wind up

40. (A) In contrast (B) Better yet(C) Sad to say (D) To our amusement

41. (A) last (B) first(C) only(D) least

42. (A) run the risks of(B) take advantage of(C) be entitled to(D) expose to

43. (A) as long as(B) only by(C) not until(D) in order that

III. 文意選填: 20%, 共10題,請注意,選項字母大小寫不影響作答

Doctors-in-training are in need of a dose of compassion.That's 44 a new study from Johns Hopkins University.The study shows that young doctors in their first year out of medical school are 45 to take the time to introduce themselves to hospitalized patients, or to sit and have an eye-to-eye conversation with patients.That's concerning, if consideringresearch shows that how a doctor treats patients at their bedside can 46 a patient's recovery and lead to greater patient satisfaction.

Trained observers 47 twenty-nine internal medicine interns who were in their first year after medical school for three weeks.The observers recorded whether the interns used five 48 communication skills like introducing themselves, explaining their role to the patient, touching the patient, asking open-ended questions like, "How are you feeling today?" and sitting down with the patient for a conversation.

In some 49 , interns scored high. For instance, they touched their patients 65% of the time (though that was sometimes in the 50 of giving physical exams) and asked open-ended questions 75% of the time during hospital visits. 51 , interns only introduced themselves 40% of the time and explained their medical role 37% of the time. The interns sat down with their patients only 9% of the time.

52 , interns only performed all five behaviors during just 4% of their visits."It's 53 patients don't feel connected to what we are telling them, because many times we are not doing as much as we could to make that connection," said study co-author Dr. Lauren Block, a former general internal medicine fellow at Johns Hopkins in a statement.

(A) areas (B) however (C) in total (D) improve (E) monitored

(AB) according to (AC) no wonder (AD) process (AE) unlikely (BC) valued

IV. 篇章結構: 5 %, 共5題

Six months before he was assassinated, Dr. Martin Luther King spoke to a group of students at Barratt Junior High School in Philadelphia on October 26, 1967.

I want to ask you a question, and that is: What is your life's blueprint?

Whenever a building is constructed, you usually have an architect who draws a blueprint, and that blueprint serves as the pattern, as the guide, and a building is not well erected without a good, solid blueprint. 54 .

I want to suggest some of the things that should begin your life's blueprint.

55 . Don't allow anybody to make you feel that you're nobody. Always feel that you have worth, and always feel that your life has ultimate significance.

56 . You're going to be deciding as the days, as the years unfold what you will do in life — what your life's work will be. Set out to do it well. Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great essayist, said in a lecture in 1871, "If a man can write a better book or preach a better sermon or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, even if he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door."

And so I would urge you to study hard, to burn the midnight oil; I would say to you, don't drop out of school. I urge you that in spite of your economic plight, in spite of the situation that you're forced to live in — stay in school. And when you discover what you will be in your life, set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do it. Don't just set out to do a good job. 57 .

If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. 58 . Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well.

(A)Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry.

(B)Now each of you is in the process of building the structure of your lives, and the question is whether you have a proper, a solid and a sound blueprint.

(C)Secondly, in your life's blueprint you must have as the basic principle the determination to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor.

(D)Number one in your life's blueprint, should be a deep belief in your own dignity, your worth and your own somebodiness.

(E)Set out to do such a good job that the living, the dead or the unborn couldn't do it any better.

V. 閱測: 32%, 共16題

Freericeis a free online game and learning tool, which allows players to raise rice to fightworld hungerwhile learning through educational, multiple-choice games. For every question the user answers correctly, 10 grains of rice are donated tothe World Food Programme.

The ingenious idea behind Freerice came to John Breen as he was trying to help his son study for the SAT, a college entrance exam in America. A computer programmer, Breen developed a computer-based, multiple-choice quiz to help his son build vocabulary. The quiz is designed to adjust to the user’s vocabulary level so that questions are challenging yet not too difficult. Breen, also passionate about ending world hunger, soon realized that putting the quiz online could aid this important cause.

Currently, besides English vocabulary, the available subjects include multiplication tables, pre-algebra, chemical symbols, English grammar, SAT, basic foreign language vocabulary for English speakers, human anatomy, geography, the identification of famous artwork, and literature. Total score is displayed as a mound of rice and the amount of grains.

One month after the start of theviral marketingprogram, users had earned enough points for one billion grains of rice. The United Nation’s World Food Program stated that this amount could feed 50,000 people for one day,since it takes 400grams or about 19,200 grains of rice to feed one adult for a day.Using this calculation, enough rice was donated in 2008 to feed over 6,000 people daily for each day of that year.Since its operation, as of April 3, 2013, Freerice players had earned sufficient rice for over 10 million meals, assuming 2 meals per day. Since players are constantly clicking, Freerice can feed about 100 families of four each day if we get 6 million grains of rice every day.

59. What is the article mainly about?

(A) A website that raises environmental awareness.

(B) An organization that advocates racial equality.

(C) An online game that aims to end world hunger.

(D) An institute that helps increase rice production.

60. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the article?

(A) The funding of Freerice.(B) The content of Freerice.

(C) The accomplishment of Freerice.(D) The origin of Freerice.

61. About Freerice, which of the following is NOT true?

(A) Players with good geographical knowledge can score high.

(B) Players have to speak correct English to get grains of rice.

(C) Players can use it to prepare for the US college entrance exam.

(D) The total score a player gets is shown as a pile of rice.

62. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

(A) One billion grains of rice is enough to feed 60,000 people for one day.

(B) It takes about 400grains of rice to feed one adult for a day.

(C) Rice donated in 2008 was sufficient for over 10 million meals.

(D) It takes 6 million grains of rice to feed about 100 families of four each day.

Miyazaki is one of animation’s most admired and successful directors. He said Friday that at the age of 72, he now wants to do other things besides slaving away over his drawings to meet feature film deadlines.

“This will never happen again,” Miyazaki said at the conclusion of a nearly 2-hour-long news conference in which he shared his thoughts on everything from war to Italian cuisine, one of his favorites.

The co-founder of Studio Ghibli said he hopes to work for another decade, but at a slower pace that might allow him to perhaps even take Saturdays off.

Among other things, he plans to work on his Ghibli Museum, where he says the exhibits need refreshing. “I might even become an exhibit myself,” he said.