November, 2013
Pennsylvania Network for Student Assistance Services Interagency Update
Safe Schools/Healthy Students Grant Announcement
The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW) Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a federal Safe Schools/Healthy Students grant. DPW worked closely with the Pennsylvania Department of Education in developing the proposal and the two agencies will share responsibility for implementing the grant. The basis for the commitment to the SS/HS model is the growing realization among officials in Education, Behavioral Health, and Juvenile Justice, along with youth and families, of the need to join forces to address the most difficult challenges for schools and communities.
This will be a 4 year project with over $2 million per year in federal funding, with no state funds required. The purpose of the grant is to is to develop exemplary safe and supportive schools and communities in 3 local education agencies (LEAs), and ultimately throughout Pennsylvania. The three LEAs are Penncrest School District in Crawford County, Northeastern School District in York County, and the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit.
The State will work with these three school systems and their respective county partners to develop local needs assessment and to implement plans that organize the resources of the schools, child serving agencies, and communities. The planning process will identify ways to decrease bullying, youth violence and criminal behavior as well as to promote the healthy development, social and emotional learning, and academic achievement of all students.
There are many programs that have proven outcomes for youth with serious behavior problems. However, what is lacking is a comprehensive multi-tiered framework which brings together service agencies, community resources, schools, and families with a dedicated commitment to fully support the healthy development of young people. The Pennsylvania SS/HS Partnership will establish such an approach to prevention, early intervention, and effective services and supports in three LEAs, which will then serve as a model for schools throughout the Commonwealth.
For further information, contact Stan Mrozowski, Director of the OMHSAS Children’s Bureau: .
SAP Team Highlights
Looking for some new ideas for your SAP team? A new section of the SAP County Coordination Update is SAP
Team Highlights. This will feature what teams across the Commonwealth are doing in their efforts to reach students and families. If your team(s) has ideas they would like to share with SAP colleagues across Pennsylvania, please contact your regional coordinator (see the regional map and contacts here). This month we are highlighting:
Kiski Area Intermediate School SAP Team
Located in Leechburg, PA, Westmoreland County, the Kiski Area Intermediate School recently produced an engaging SAP video to help students, staff, and parents better understand their program. The video can be viewed at Assistant Principal
Matt Smith reports the team is also planning on sponsoring a dance to raise funds while increasing awareness of SAP. Ongoing activities of the team include mentoring for SAP-referred students and a tutoring program. The tutoring program began after the team noticed an increase in students referred to SAP who were struggling with failing grades. Congratulations to the Kiski Area Intermediate School SAP Team for their innovative efforts on behalf of students!
SAP Team and Liaison Surveys
The annual SAP Team Surveys and Liaison Survey forms will be released from the PA Network for Student Assistance Services later this month. The surveys will also be available on the SAP website at Please complete these surveys and return to your regional coordinator. These surveys provide important information about SAP teams and SAP liaisons which allow us to serve you better and contact you when needed. Please keep checking the SAP website for further information.
SAP Liaison Frequently Asked Questions and Best Practice Responses
PNSAS is drafting a “SAP Liaison Frequently Asked Questions and Best Practice Responses” document. There is already a “Frequently asked Questions and Best Practice Responses” document (located here) that addresses SAP team issues in general. The proposed new document will feature a similar format but will limit its content to SAP liaison issues. Send any proposed questions you feel should be included in the document to your regional coordinator.
U.S Department of Education Teen Dating Violence Prevention Resources
U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan is urging schools to be safe havens for all students. In furthering that effort
The Office of Safe and Healthy Students has developed and released a fact sheet on teen dating violence, Teen Dating Violence - A Fact Sheet for Schools: The Department’s National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments released a training module – Get Smart, Get Help, Get Safe – to help school nurses, school counselors and school psychologists identify and respond appropriately to signs of abuse:
NIDA’s Drug Abuse Information for Teens/Families Goes Mobile
Teens -- and adults who care for them -- can now find answers to questions about drug abuse and addiction more easily, and through smartphones and tablets. Spanish language versions of easy to understand resources on drug abuse and addiction are now also available. The updates, announced in October by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health, were launched as part of National Substance Abuse Prevention Month events in October.
For teens, their parents and teachers, NIDA has upgraded its popular teen websiteto a “responsive design” model that automatically adjusts to fit the viewer’s screen for better viewing through smartphones and tablets. The new design is also more engaging, with larger, more vibrant buttons that link directly to resources that provide answers to questions and concerns related to drug abuse in adolescents. The teen site continues to house free, interactive resources such as its teen blog and PEERx, an online educational initiative to discourage abuse of prescription drugs among teens.
In addition to the redesigned teen site, NIDA’s improved Parents and Educators page makes it easier for caregivers and teachers to find free, scientifically based prevention and education resources. Examples include Family Checkup -- a tool for talking with children about drugs -- as well as the latest science-based information on the health effects and consequences of drug abuse. Teachers can also find free resources for elementary, middle and high school students, including examples of classroom-based science experiments from the NIH Lab Challenge.
To reach adults with limited literacy skills, NIDA’s Easy-to-Read website now includes Spanish-language versions of its Drug Facts pages; itsWhat is Addiction? section; as well as two easy to understand videos explaining the science behind drug addiction. For more information on drug prevention, see NIDA’s Preventing Drug Abuse among Children and Adolescents
Growing up Drug-Free: A Parent’s Guide to Prevention (2012)
The U.S. Departments of Education and Justice partnered to revise this publication that was originally published in 1998. The 55-page booklet is organized in 6 major sections: 1) How This Book Will Help You? 2) What Substances Do Kids Use? 3) Why Do Kids Use Drugs? 4) How Do I Teach My Child About Drugs? 5) What If I Think My Child is Using Drugs? 6) Resources. Parents and caregivers will find this publication a user-friendly and valuable guide for what to do and how to communicate about the harmful effects of illicit drugs and alcohol to children from elementary through high school. Go here to download the booklet. This publication can also be ordered through EdPubs.
Bullying Should Focus on the Behavior Not the Label
The labels bully, victim, and target are used often by media, researchers and others to refer to children who bully others and children who are bullied. Yet, you won’t find these terms used in this way on . For example, rather than calling a child a "bully," the website refers to "the child who bullied." Read several important reasons why at the website’s blog here.
Dating Violence Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth
Media attention and the literature on lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth overwhelmingly focus on violence involving hate crimes and bullying, while ignoring the fact that vulnerable youth also may be at increased risk of violence in their dating relationships. In this study, researchers examine physical, psychological, sexual, and cyber dating violence experiences among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth-as compared to those of heterosexual youth, and explore variations in the likelihood of help-seeking behavior and the presence of particular risk factors among both types of dating violence victims. Read the complete document at
Children and Loss
Schools and teachers serve as a crucial emotional bridge for a child at times of loss. What do we need to know to help students cope? Scholastic Books has partnered with New York Life to provide resource articles on their website at
TRAINIng Opportunities
Pennsylvania Conference on Juvenile Justice
Nov. 6-8. 2013
Harrisburg Hilton and Towers, Harrisburg, PA
For registration information, agenda, and featured speakers go to:
PAPBS Network High School Forum
November 14, 2013
PaTTAN, Harrisburg
Harrisburg, PA
The High School forum is for schools that are either currently implementing PBIS or are interested in installing PBIS at the high school level. Registration for the event is available on the PaTTAN website (
Online Training on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Two-hour video-conference prepared by the OMHSAS Children's Bureau, presented by Dr. Gordon Hodas, Deborah Hardy and Dianna Broscious, and hosted by Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. FASD is the umbrella term used to describe the range of effects that can occur in an individual whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. These effects may include physical, behavioral, mental and/or learning disabilities with possible lifelong implications. FASD is thought to effect 1 in 100 individuals in the United States. All of us are ultimately affected as costs for treatment, special education, medical needs and out of home placements become more apparent. This presentation gives an overview of the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on an individual over his/her lifetime, intervention approaches, statistics regarding prevalence of FASD in Pennsylvania and recommended actions for the state of Pennsylvania to address the issues. Access the training here.
Trauma and Learning: Navigating the Crossroads.
Pennsylvania Community of Practice on School-Based Behavioral Health will present a webinar series in early 2014 addressing what educators need to know about trauma and its effects on students: "Trauma and Learning: Navigating the Crossroads." The webinar series will address three major issues: 1) the physiological effects of trauma on student growth and development; 2) student's perspective on their schools' response to trauma; and 3) what educators need to know in order to assist students struggling with trauma. The series features multiple presenters including experts in psychology and school safety as well as youth, who will speak about their own experiences. Registration information will be available at and . The webinars will be archived and made available as streaming media on both websites, following the live broadcast. For more information, contact James Palmiero or Jenny Randolph.
2014 PASAP/PAMLE Conference
February 23-25, 2014
Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center
State College, PA
PDE Conference 2014 Making a Difference: Educational Practices That Work!
February 5, 2014-February 7, 2014
Hershey Lodge and Convention Center, Hershey, PA
Hershey Lodge reservations will be accepted at 800-437-7439
Go to for more information and to register.
Conference Highlights: RtII, Leadership, Behavior, Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Secondary Transition, Legal Issues, Parent Engagement, Gifted Education, Alternative Education, Facilitation, Telespeech, and Progress Monitoring.
Registration Questions: Debra Jordan, or 800-441-3215, ext.7224
Content Questions: Donna Salkin, or 800-441-3215, ext. 7267
National Prevention Week May 2014
National Prevention Week is a SAMHSA-supported annual health observance dedicated to increasing public awareness of, and action around, substance abuse and mental health issues. National Prevention Week 2014 is about Our Lives. Our Health. Our Future. We’ll be highlighting the important role each of us has in maintaining a healthy life and ensuring a productive future. Check the SAMHSA website at for updates and contacts to prepare for this event.
Fourth Annual PAPBS Implementers' Forum
May 28-29, 2014
Hershey Lodge and Convention Center
Hershey, PA
Power of You(th) National Teen Video Contest
As part of Red Ribbon Week (October 21-25, 2013) — a nationally-observed week during which schools and communities help raise awareness about the dangers of drugs and alcohol among youth — MADD and State Farm highlighted the finding that most teens are making smart decisions about alcohol. As part of this initiative, MADD and State Farm are encouraging teens to create a 15-second Instagram video that answers the question: “If you don’t drink today, what could your tomorrow be?” This Power of You(th) National Teen Video Contest is open for entries at through December 20, 2013, and the grand prize winner will receive $1,500. Plus, the school with the most entries will also receive $1,500.
The MusiCares and GRAMMY Foundation’s Music Contest
The MusiCares® and GRAMMY Foundation’s® Music Contest in Collaboration with the Partnership at
offers a great opportunity for aspiring teen musicians to use the healing and uplifting medium of music to help spread the message about the importance of healthy choices and the dangers of drug abuse. The contest asks young musicians to create original music and/or music videos that celebrate healthy and inspirational living, or accurately depict the dark side of drug abuse. Three winners will be selected (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) with the first place winner receiving two tickets to the 56th Annual GRAMMY Awards® at the Los Angeles-based Staples Center, as well as a cash award of $500. To learn more about other prizes to be awarded and contest requirements go to
New Study Shows Pennsylvania Has the 14th Highest Rate of Drug Overdose Deaths.
The Washington-based Trust for America's Health said in a recent report that the state had 15.3 overdose deaths per 100,000 residents in 2010, most involving prescription drugs. That’s an increase of 89 percent from 1989, when there were 8.1 drug deaths per 100,000 people. West Virginia led the nation in fatal overdoses with nearly 29 per 100,000 people. The trust says Pennsylvania is among 28 states and the District of Columbia that received low scores on implementing strategies for curbing prescription-drug abuse the trust considers promising.