Standard Rental Agreement

Lease/Rental Agreement:Open to all; regardless of sex, race, creed, color or national origin. Dated this ______day of ______, 2015. The townhouse located at ______Ave. Apt_____ and owned by ______and is leased for a period of 12 months beginning on ______, 20__ and ending on ______, 20__ to the following persons: 1.) ______. These are to be the only residents of the townhouse and the Residents agree that the Management has the right to refuse guest privileges at its discretion.

1. Rental Payments. The resident agrees to pay the Landlord as rent for said premises the sum of $______for said term, payable as follows:

(A) The sum of $_____ as prorated rent from the _____day of ______, 20___ to the ____ day of ______, 20__.

(B) The balance in equal monthly installments of $______commencing for the first such monthly installment on the ___ day of _____, 20__ and continuing on the ___ day of each succeeding month during the term of this Lease/Rental Agreement.

2. Addresses for Rental Payment and Notices:The address of the Landlord is P.O. Box 119 Granville, OH 43023. All notices and rental payments required by this Lease/Rental Agreement shall be delivered to the Landlord’s agent, or the Landlord if there is no agent for the Landlord. Rental payments will only be accepted in the form of a check or money order and should be made payable to ______No cash please.

3. Utilities:The Resident is responsible for the following utilities: ______. No dishes allowed on the property.

4. Deposit:The amount of the deposit is $_____.00 which will be maintained in the owners operating account.. In addition there is a $_____.00 cleaning fee. This amount is to be given to the Management for the faithful performance of conditions stipulated in this Lease/Rental Agreement. The Resident specifically agrees that no portion of the sum deposited shall be substituted by them in lieu of any rental amounts due. Upon termination of this Lease/Rental Agreement, the deposit will be returned to the Resident in thirty days if the Resident has provided the Management with a forwarding address, final water and electric bills are paid and all keys turned in. This deposit may be applied by the Management to any damages, repairs, maintenance or outstanding monies due from rent, late charges, etc. The Management may also deduct from the deposit damages incurred by the management resulting from the abandonment or vacation of the premises by the resident before the end of the term. The management will list the deductions from the deposit and forward it to the resident. The Resident agrees to reimburse the Management for all costs that exceed the deposit.

5. Renewal:Unless written notice is given by the Landlord to the Residents or by the Residents to the Landlord at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of this Lease/Rental Agreement, then this Lease/Rental Agreement shall automatically renew itself for a thirty (30) day period under the same terms and conditions and shall continue to renew itself for additional thirty (30) day periods until written notice is given by one party to the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the periodic rental due date, unless the terms of such extension are otherwise agreed to in writing. During the thirty day period prior to the termination of this Lease/Rental Agreement, the Management shall have the right to exhibit the Townhouse at reasonable times to prospective residents with notice. The Resident will be liable for any expense or damages incurred by a new resident on a new contract if the Townhouse is not surrendered as agreed. Any property left on the premises by the Resident after vacating the Townhouse upon termination of this Lease/Rental Agreement may be disposed of after ten days without further notice to the Resident.

6. Late Rents and Bad Checks:There will be a late fee of $5.00 per day for any payment not received by the ____ day of the month. Failure to pay rental amount within ten days from the due date constitutes a breach of this Lease/Rental Agreement, at the option of the Management. Resident agrees that any check returned by a bank shall be assessed as a delinquent payment and the same late charges for late payment shall prevail. In addition, there will be a $35.00 return check charge. We will accept cash, money order or certified check only for any check returned to us by the bank. Payment for the returned check must be received at the Landlord’s office within 24 hours from the time the Resident is notified of the returned check or the check will be turned over for collection. Landlord is not responsible for errors made by the Resident or the bank. Any bank error must be worked out between the Resident and their bank. Repeated check returns will be reason for eviction from the premises.

7. Default:In case any rent or charges shall be due and unpaid for ten (10) days or if default shall be made in any of the covenants herein contained, rules and regulations, or if representatives in the rental application are false, or if said premises shall be abandoned, deserted or vacated or if the Resident fails to perform obligations imposed bylaw or in the sole opinion of the Landlord, the Resident disturbs the peaceful possession of other buildings or building occupants or uses the premises in any objectionable manner, then it shall be lawful for the Landlord, his agents, his employees, his attorneys, his successors or assigns, pursuant to Chapter 1923 of the Ohio Revised Code to repossess the said premises and to remove and put out the Resident and each and every occupant and upon such re-entry, this Lease/Rental Agreement shall terminate except the tenant shall be liable in damages sustained by the Landlord, including rent to the end of the term.

8. Acceptance of Premises:Residents covenant and agree that they have viewed the premises and that no misrepresentations have been made to them other than as to herein stated and that said Residents accept the premises in the condition the same are now in.

9. Quiet Enjoyment:The Resident shall use the townhouse as a private dwelling and not for any unlawful purpose nor in any noisy, boisterous or other manner offensive to any other Resident. Parties, radios, stereos, tape players and televisions are for your entertainment, not your neighbors. Adjust the volume of all sound producing equipment to the level of your Townhouse so as not to disturb your neighbors. The Resident will comply with all laws, ordinances, statutes and regulations of any duly constituted governmental authority having jurisdiction thereof.

10. Assignment and Subletting:The Resident agrees not to rent, sublet or in any way assign the right to reside in the Townhouse.

11. Care of Premises:The Resident agrees to maintain and be responsible for any and all appliances, fixtures, doors, glass and screens. They shall use all plumbing and electric fixtures for legitimate purposes only. Also, cleaning of A/C & Furnace filters, and light bulbs, and the proper use of the garbage disposal, fixtures or accessories found within said Townhouse. Such items are understood to be given to the Resident by Management for the Resident’s use during the lease period only. Therefore, the Management cannot be held liable for injury to any person or property as a result of these items. Management will perform repairs and maintenance on said items upon request of the Resident. Abuse of such items by the Resident will result in the payment of all expenses to repair or replace such items within ten days of servicing. If the payment has not been paid in full within the ten day period, it will be assessed as an addition to the next month’s rental amount. Failure of payment shall

be considered breach of this Lease/Rental Agreement at the Management’s option. Residents shall at all times maintain said premises in a clean and sanitary condition free from debris and garbage in and around the premises in general, nor shall any obstruction be placed on public walkways. It will be the sole responsibility of the Residents to dispose of used furniture, automobile parts, and other large household objects, other than normal trash. It will be necessary for Residents to remove such items from the premises or pay for an individual trash pickup.

12. ACCESS:The Management reserves the right to enter the Townhouse at a reasonable time with notice to Resident for inspection and maintenance purposes. In cases of emergency, the Resident specifically grants permission to the Landlord or the Landlords agent to enter said premises.

13. INSURANCE: All personal property in the Townhouse, garage or anywhere on the premises, including motor vehicles, shall be at the Resident's risk. Waterbeds, safes, and other articles of excessive weight shall be allowed only with written permission and insurance. RENTERS INSURANCE SHOULD BE CARRIED BY THE RESIDENT. Waterbed Yes ____ or No ___

14. PETS: There shall be no pets of any kind or type permitted on said premises.Initial ______Exception Made ___

  1. Resident agrees to pay a non-refundable pet deposit in the amount of $250.00, per pet.
  2. Resident agrees to pay an additional $25.00 per month, per pet, pet fee.
  3. Lessor may, at his/her option, make an inspection of the premises for pet damage.
  4. Resident is responsible for any and all pet damage.
  5. Resident may not adopt another pet without Management’s written permission.
  6. Resident will be held financially responsible for any flea infestation.
  7. Resident will clean up after pet(s) outside, to keep the area clear for non pet owners.
  8. Pet type ______Pet’s name ______

15. LIABILITY: The Resident agrees that Management will not be held responsible or liable for any injury arising from the use of facilities used by the Residents, their families, employees, licensees, invitees and or agents.

16. SURRENDER OF PREMISES: Residents covenant and agree to maintain said premises in as good a condition as the same are now, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Not returning all keys upon vacating the Townhouse will result in a charge of $5.00 per key or a charge of $40.00 to change the locks at the discretion of Management. The Resident has been provided with ___ key (s). If I have to come open your door for you there is a $40.00 lock out fee.

17. MOVING BEFORE TERM IS COMPLETED: If Resident moves before a lease expires, they are responsible and will continue to pay rent and expenses until the Townhouse is re-rented. Expenses will include utilities , advertising and a fee of not less than $50.00 for the inconvenience and processing of the new resident. These expenses will also apply if anyone changes Townhouses within the same community.

18. ALTERATIONS: Residents shall make no alterations in said premises of any nature or type, nor shall any changes be made in the color scheme, nor shall any fixtures be attached to the walls, floors, woodwork, or any part of the premises by means of nails or other fasteners without the written consent and approval of the Landlord.

19. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Residents agree to abide by all of the rules and regulations contained in this Lease/Rental Agreement or as presented to them by the Landlord. Failure to keep and observe said rules will constitute a breach of the terms of this Lease/Rental Agreement. A copy of the presently existing rules and regulations is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. The rules and regulations may be reasonably amended by the Landlord from time to time, as the Landlord deems necessary, and may be substituted for the presently existing rules. Any amendments shall be deemed effective when presented to the Resident by the Landlord.

20. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS: Residents further agree to obey, observe and promptly comply with all present and future laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders and requirements of all governmental authorities or agencies, respecting their use and occupancy of said premises and not to use or permit same to be used for any unlawful or immoral purposes, or in such as to create a nuisance or disturb the other residents or occupants of the building in which the demised premises are located, or any neighboring property, or to injure the reputation of said building, of the development or to suffer anything to be done upon the leased premises which will increase the rate of fire insurance on said building.

21. DAMAGE TO PREMISES: If the premises, or any part thereof, are damaged by fire, the elements, acts of God, unavoidable accidents, and/or the public enemy, but not so far as to render same substantially untenantable, the Landlord shall proceed with reasonable diligence, and at his own cost and expense to repair and restore same to their former condition, and the rent shall continue, it being understood and agreed that the Landlord shall not be liable to restore or repair any furniture, rugs, fixtures or other personal property brought upon said premises by the Residents; but if such damage shall render the premises substantially untenantable, then this Lease/Rental Agreement shall terminate, the rent shall be paid only up to the time of such damage or destruction.

22. WATER FAUCETS: Residents shall not use water from outside water faucets for washing cars or any other purposes, unless the resident is responsible for their water bill.

23. TRANSFER CLAUSE: Residents maybe released from this Lease/Rental Agreement thirty (30) days after the Landlord receives a verifiable letter of transfer from the Residents employers, at the time of application, of his/her transfer out of the county of Licking, located in the state of Ohio. Remainder balance due on lease agreement will be enforced until to property is re-rented.

24. ABUSIVE SUBSTANCES:Management does not permit the use of mind altering substances or the abuse of alcohol products and are prohibited on the premises.

25. PESTS: Management is not responsible for the extermination of bugs, insects, mice, etc. However, if it is an overall problem, Management will be accountable for the extermination of the building.

26. ORAL STATEMENTS: This Lease/Rental Agreement shall contain the sole agreement between the Landlord and the Resident. No oral statement between the Landlord and the Residents or between the Residents and the agent of the Landlord, unless reduced to writing and executed by the Landlord shall be construed as a binding agreement between the Landlord and the Residents.

27. GENERAL PROVISIONS: The terms “Landlord” and “Residents”, whenever used in this Lease/Rental Agreement shall include the singular or plural of either when applicable. The use of captioned headings is solely for the ready identification of various provisions. As such, they are in no way a part of said Lease/Rental Agreement nor do they add to or detract from the provisions contained herein.

28. PARTIES BOUND: This Lease/Rental Agreement shall insure to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the parties hereto subject to the provisions of paragraph #10 hereof.

29. OTHER: Moving notices must be submitted in writing on the ___day of the month, 30 days in advance.

Signed in the presence of :


(DATE) MANAGEMENT agent for:
