Topics & Helpful Links to Start Your Research

Ontario’s Greenbelt

An environmental group that supports and monitors the Greenbelt:

Waterloo, Ontario’s Environmentally Sensitive Landscapes

The city of Waterloo’s Environmentally Sensitive Landscapes:

The Ontario government’s criteria for ecologically sensitive land:

Niagara Escarpment (tourism and ecological sensitivity)

Environmental protection strategies in Niagara parks:

Take a look at the Executive Summary (on page 2) for some ideas:

More information on the biosphere designation of the Niagara Escarpment:

Ontario’s Hunting Regulations

Tip: Think about why we need hunting seasons:

Deer Culling in Ontario

The law that permits this (might be a bit tricky to understand, but have a look and try to understand the general idea):

TheRehabilitation of Quarries - the Don Valley Brickworks

The laws that apply to this case – pay attention to the “How to rehabilitate pits and quarries” towards the bottom of the page:

Check out pages 12-15 for information on the Don Valley Brickworks:

Sustainable Fisheries – the Cod Moratorium

Great background information, but don’t focus too much on the history of this case study:

Lots of good information, skim from about 4.10-4.23 (where the most important stuff is):

Mine Tailings remediation – Snow Lake

Canadian Sustainability Case Study GLOG Rubric
Categories / Level 4
(80 - 100%) / Level 3
(70 - 79%) / Level 2
(60 - 69%) / Level 1
(50 - 59%)
Knowledge & Understanding
Uses the concepts of geographic thinking when analysing, evaluating, and making judgements about information on the sustainability of resources in Canada / Demonstrates a superior ability to use the concepts of geographic thinking when analysing, evaluating, and making judgements about information on the sustainability of resources in Canada / Demonstrates a good ability to use the concepts of geographic thinking when analysing, evaluating, and making judgements about information on the sustainability of resources in Canada / Demonstrates some ability to use the concepts of geographic thinking when analysing, evaluating, and making judgements about information on the sustainability of resources in Canada / Demonstrates a limited ability to use the concepts of geographic thinking when analysing, evaluating, and making judgements about information on the sustainability of resources in Canada
Selects and organizes relevant data and information on resource sustainability from a variety of sources / Demonstrates a superior ability to select and organize relevant data and information on resource sustainability from a variety of sources / Demonstrates a good ability to select and organize relevant data and information on resource sustainability from a variety of sources / Demonstrates some ability to select and organize relevant data and information on resource sustainability from a variety of sources / Demonstrates a limited ability to select and organize relevant data and information on resource sustainability from a variety of sources
Communicates arguments, conclusions, predictions, and plans of action in a manner that is suited to a geographic brochure format
Documents sources appropriately using a works cited and image captions / Demonstrates a superior ability to communicate arguments, conclusions, predictions, and plans of action in a manner that is suited to a geographic brochure format
Demonstrates a superior ability to document sources appropriately using a works cited and image captions / Demonstrates a good ability to communicate arguments, conclusions, predictions, and plans of action in a manner that is suited to a geographic brochure format
Demonstrates a good ability to document sources appropriately using a works cited and image captions / Demonstrates some ability to communicate arguments, conclusions, predictions, and plans of action in a manner that is suited to a geographic brochure format
Demonstrates some ability to document sources appropriately using a works cited and image captions / Demonstrates a limited ability to communicate arguments, conclusions, predictions, and plans of action in a manner that is suited to a geographic brochure format
Demonstrates a limited ability to document sources appropriately using a works cited and image captions
Evaluates and synthesizes findings to formulate conclusions and make judgments regarding the sustainability of resources / Demonstrates a superior ability to evaluate and synthesize in order to make conclusions and judgments regarding the sustainability of resources / Demonstrates a good ability to evaluate and synthesize in order to make conclusions and judgments regarding the sustainability of resources / Demonstrates some ability to evaluate and synthesize in order to make conclusions and judgments regarding the sustainability of resources / Demonstrates a limited ability to evaluate and synthesize in order to make conclusions and judgments regarding the sustainability of resources