Entrepreneur Research Approach Project

PROJECT: Since running your own small business so strongly symbolizes freedom, independence, and self-direction, you are to define and complete your own project for this class. The size and scope of the project is to be significant and appropriate. It is to be both written and oral. The oral portion will include a 10 minute presentation in class with a WOW FACTOR!!

The written portion is your research findings with a listing of sources.

This is not just another entrepreneur interview. You may choose to select a research approach from below or come up with your own research approach. You will need to involve most if not all of your team members in presenting it orally in some creative fashion, think outside the box and involve the class in your presentation.

Within the first two weeks of class, you are to turn in a description of your research

project for my approval.

I have high expectations for this assignment. You can’t wait until the last two

weeks of class to do this assignment and hope to receive higher than a 50 points.

The project is worth 75 points, so make it count. Some suggested approaches could include, but are not limited to:

THE CURRENT EVENT APPROACH – What entrepreneurial events have made the news and highlight these stories to the class.

THE E-BIZ APPROACH – Identify what you have to do to start & run a small business on the Internet.

THE MASON APPROACH – Write a case study on a small business and present the case to the class.

THE E-BAY SELLING APPROACH – The History of E-Bay and how to buy and sell on E-Bay

THE LINCOLN APPROACH – Trace the history of a successful entrepreneur venture in our economy and share their story.

THE GLOBETROTTER APPROACH – the opportunities, advantage and disadvantage of an international business. What about Doing business in China and India today or other countries of interest?

THE SIMPSON APPROACH – What are the biggest problems & opportunities facing business owners today?

THE FINANCE APPROACH – What do lenders, angels, VC’s expect from small business owners?

THE WALTERS APPROACH – An in-depth biography of any famous entrepreneur and what we can learn from them.

THE HOLLYWOOD APPROACH – What are lessons we can learn from music or Hollywood movies about entrepreneurship?

CREATE YOUR OWN APPROACH- Get creative and think outside the box.

THE SOCIAL CONSCIENCE ENTREPRENEUR APPROACH—Share examples of social conscience entrepreneurs and what are some of the ways entrepreneurs can make a difference in the world?

1. Oral Presentation:

Just a PowerPoint presentation is not acceptable. Everyone must help present. During the semester your team will be assigned a date to share your research project. Include most if not all of your team members in the presentation.

You are expected to make a presentation on this project and include your research paper. Depending upon the number of presentations needed, you will have approximately 10 minutes to inform the rest of the class of your findings/conclusions. This presentation must have a WOW factor! Include some of the following: PowerPoint, object lesson, role play, team activity, or video clip to make it an awesome presentation. Please try to engage the class in some way, stay away from just a boring lecture on your research topic.

2. Written Presentation: You will be required to submit a one to two page research paper of your findings along with a list of sources.