Date: ______

Name: ______Address: ______

Email: ______Home #: ______Cell #: ______

What division are you applying for: ______Head Coach Asst.Coach

How many years of experience do you have coaching cheer: ______

As a coach, does your schedule allow you to attend each practice and each game?

Yes No if no, please explain: ______

Please provide a small background summary of your experience and knowledge of cheerleading and in what division and organization did you coach: ______



Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability:

How would you handle an irate parent either at practice or at a game: ______

If you were a coach or a parent of a participant last year, what improvements would you make as head cheer coach this year: ______

Please give a brief description of what you would like to accomplish with your team if you were given a position as a head cheer coach with the Wildcats:


If you’re applying to be a Head Coach, who do you plan to have as part of your staff?

1st Assistant Coach: ______

2nd Assistant Coach: ______

3rd Assistant Coach: ______

Business Manager: ______

List 3 ways in which you plan to support the football team:




Please list 3 references:


Name Phone Relationship


Name Phone Relationship


Name Phone Relationship

Have you ever been convicted of or plead guilty to a crime involving child abuse or molestation, sexual assault of a minor or adult, possession or use of illegal drugs, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, domestic violence or DUI? YES NO

If yes, please provide the details: ______



I acknowledge by signing this application that I am affirmatively agreeing to the following should I be selected head coach:

  1. I am responsible for my team’s participation in board fundraising.
  2. I am responsible for my team’s commitment obligation. This amount covers Assessment Fees, equipment, field usage, lights, etc. I also understand that if I don’t meet that obligation I will no longer be eligible to coach for the Wildcats.

(Cheer squad will be paired with its respective football team).

  1. If my team travels, the team, itself, is responsible for the travel and any related expenses. (Your teams fundraising obligation must be fulfilled before any traveling can be done).
  2. I am responsible for my conduct as well as the conduct of the participants, coaches, and parent volunteers at all Wildcat events.
  3. I will conduct myself in a professional manner.
  4. I will support other Wildcat teams including any football teams whether they are assigned with my team or not.
  5. I agree to participate in 50% of the registration process and to attend equipment handout as scheduled.


Coach Applicant Signature Date