Executive Performance Evaluation

Employee’s Name
Position Title
Immediate Manager
Evaluation Period / March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018
Evaluation Cycle:☐New Employee☒Annual☐Promotion☐Special

Employee’s Job Duties

The Manager and Employee should review the Employee’s job duties and verify they accurately reflect the current position. Any changes to job duties must be submitted for update in Workday.

Employee’s Self-Appraisal

Competency / Supporting Comment and Evaluation of Performance
Communication, Collaboration, and Professionalism
Effectively communicates to all constituents by clearly expressing ideas to ensure understanding; actively listens and is empathic to others. Creates a collegial environment where teamwork is valued. Collaborates across departments, divisions and with other members of the System. Advances high standards of business, professional and social ethics. Engages in professional and community activities. Encourages a culture of diversity and inclusion in both employment and the use of historically underutilized businesses.
Accomplishes work plan and appropriate goals in the university's strategic plan. Ensures work of division is of high quality. Ensures products are prepared in timely fashion
Leadership and Management
Makes effective decisions and delegates appropriately. Establishes appropriate policies and procedures. Appropriately prepares and monitors budget, and uses it as a strategic management tool. Motivates others to set goals and attends properly to personnel matters. Develops others by encouraging and supporting personal and professional growth as individuals and teams.
Mission, Planning and Core Values
Sets goals and benchmarks that support mission focus and accomplishment for the department, division and individuals. Casts strategic vision for the division and plans effectively. Supports strategic goals and mission of the division and the university. Embraces the university core values of integrity, leadership, tradition, civility, respect, excellence and service

Employee’s Self-Appraisal (Continued)

What barriers do you regularly encounter that prevent you from achieving your institutional goals?
What are your major goals for the upcoming fiscal year?
What long term goals or initiatives (beyond the next fiscal year) do you think should be considered?
What emerging issues are you aware of?
Suggestions for personal or professional development?

Status of Current Goals, Projects, and Major Accomplishments

Current Goal/Project/Accomplishment / Employee’s Comment(s) / Manager’s Comments

Manager’s Evaluation of Employee

Competency / Supporting Comment and Evaluation of Performance
Communication, Collaboration, and Professionalism
Effectively communicates to all constituents by clearly expressing ideas to ensure understanding; actively listens and is empathic to others. Creates a collegial environment where teamwork is valued. Collaborates across departments, divisions and with other members of the System. Advances high standards of business, professional and social ethics. Engages in professional and community activities. Encourages a culture of diversity and inclusion in both employment and the use of historically underutilized businesses.
Accomplishes work plan and appropriate goals in the university's strategic plan. Ensures work of division is of high quality. Ensures products are prepared in timely fashion
Leadership and Management
Makes effective decisions and delegates appropriately. Establishes appropriate policies and procedures. Appropriately prepares and monitors budget, and uses it as a strategic management tool. Motivates others to set goals and attends properly to personnel matters. Develops others by encouraging and supporting personal and professional growth as individuals and teams.
Mission, Planning and Core Values
Sets goals and benchmarks that support mission focus and accomplishment for the department, division and individuals. Casts strategic vision for the division and plans effectively. Supports strategic goals and mission of the division and the university. Embraces the university core values of integrity, leadership, tradition, civility, respect, excellence and service

Overall Rating and Comments

This field is used to provide a summary of overall performance. This summary should contain language that identifies the level of performance with regards to acceptable standards for the position in accordance with System Regulation 33.99.03.

Overall Rating and Comments

Manager:I understand that submittal of this evaluation is certification that:

  • The evaluation has been reviewed with the employee
  • The employee is in compliance with all System policies and regulations
  • The employee is in compliance with all Tarleton rules, procedures, and SAPs
  • Unless otherwise noted, the employee’s specific job duties are correct

Employee:I certify that I have reviewed this evaluation with my Manager. It does not necessarily mean that I agree with the evaluation’s content. I further certify, that unless noted otherwise in this evaluation, my job duties are correct.

Employee’s Signature / Date
Manager’s Signature / Date
Employee’s Comments
Goals for the Next Review Period / Priority