The Redeemed Christian Church of God

- Garden of Peace



© September 2013


RCCG – Garden of Peace

Church Operational Manual

- Technical Departments


1 Garden of Peace Operational Manual

RCCG – Garden of Peace

Church Operational Manual

- Technical Department

1.1 Introduction

As the Garden of Peace Model Parishes continue to grow globally, it has become necessary to have a standardized and documented approach to how each of the various departments within the Church Operates. This we see is a scriptural activity as our God commanded “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it” (Habakkuk 2:2). This implies that if we want every member of each department to run effectively and achieve the vision, it needs to be clearly written.

This document is a first version that has been created to achieve that purpose. It is by no means an exhaustive documentation of everything that each department does, it is only provided as a guide. Accordingly it is also subject to change and modification based on needs and approval of the Pastorate.

1.2 Benefits of the Operational Manual

The provision of this manual offers a number of benefits to the Garden of Peace, these include:

1. It ensures continuity of the work such that in the absence of one or more people, the department can continue to function effectively

2. It serves as a good tool for welcoming new joiners and to give them an induction to the department

3. It helps clarify to the leadership of each department what they are doing well and what they need to improve on

4. It serves as a quick reference for every member of the department and helps them to ensure the quality delivery of service at all times.

1.3 Coverage of the Operational Manual

This version of the Church Operational Manual covers most of the departments fully operational in the Garden of Peace. Other departments may be added in subsequent versions. The Departments covered in this document include:

1. / Technical Department / 2. / Choir Department
3. / Friday School Department / 4. / Teens Church
5. / Ushering Department / 6. / Children’s Department
7. / Prayer Department / 8. / Protocol Department
9. / Welcome Hospitality Department


RCCG – Garden

Church Operational Manual

- Technical Department

1.4 Accessing the Manual

This document will be placed on the church website to allow every member have access to it as required. The document may also be printed and given to members as required, however note that the printed copy may be outdated as the soft copy on the church website will be updated as required.

When printing the document, the chapter to be printed are as follows:

· Chapter 1 – Garden of Peace Operational Manual (Introduction)

· The Chapter for the Relevant Department Chapter

NOTE: This is a proprietary product of the Garden of Peace of the Redeemed Christian Church of God but may be used and adopted by other churches within the RCCG network and outside as they may require.

1.5 Updating the Manual

The soft copy of the manual saved on the church website will always be the most recent version of the manual. This will be updated from time to time as approved by the Pastorate.

The process of updating any section of this manual shall be as follows:

1. Any suggestion to update any section of the manual should be addressed to the

Pastorate for consideration.

2. The pastorate will review the suggestion to approve or otherwise.

3. In case of approval, the Pastorate will give instruction for the manual to be updated accordingly.

a. Kindly note that no department is permitted to update their manual without the approval of the Pastorate

4. Updates to the Manual will then be communicated to all relevant members of the church workforce for their information and compliance.

1.6 Implementing the Manual

Since this manual has been prepared for the improved functioning of each department in the Garden of Peace, it is expected that every member of each department will be fully aware of the contents of the manual and will seek to perform their duties based on the guidance of the manual.

The following points are to be noted in ensuring full implementation of the policies

1. The Head of Departments (HODs) are to ensure they fully understand the content of their department manual

2. The HODs are to ensure that the activities of the department and the conduct of its members are in-line with content of the manual.


RCCG – Garden of Peace

Church Operational Manual

- Technical Department

3. Every member is to make it a personal responsibility to know and abide by the manual

4. The Pastorate shall from time to time perform a check on each department to be sure they are in-line with the manual.


2 Technical Department Operational Manual

RCCG –Garden of Peace

Church Operational Manual

- Technical Department

2.1 Introduction

This has been put together to provide guidelines on what is expected from the leaders and members of the Technical Department in fulfilling their ministry as being part of the Technical Department of Garden of Peace, RCCG Abu Dhabi. The document may be used by existing and new members of the Technical Department for them to understand how things work in the Technical Department. Any questions should be directed to the leadership of the Technical Department or the Pastorate of the Garden of Peace.

2.1.1 Brief on the Garden of Peace

Garden of Peace is a model parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. The Garden of Peace Model Parish is growing globally, but the pioneer parish (Central parish) is primarily situated in Abu Dhabi, the capital of UAE.

The Vision Statement of Garden of Peace is

“To build a family of believers from all race and colors, with a self-realization of whom they are in Christ, prepared and empowered to minister the Gospel, and positively impacting their environment”

2.1.2 The Technical Department

The Technical Department is a service department in the Church and it is primarily responsible for providing support to the operations of the Church from a technical and technology perspective.

The Technical Department has a special role similar to the lubricating oil in the engine of a car. We provide service to every other department to ensure their work is easier and congregation have a good worship experience.

Overall we make sure we help everyone give excellent service to our God who more than deserves our best.

2.1.3 The Vision of the Technical Department

The Technical department of RCCG Garden of Peace is a ministry of service and servant hood. The Department makes other ministries look and sound their best by working behind the scenes.


RCCG – Garden of Peace

Church Operational Manual

- Technical Department

The Vision of the Technical Department is based on service to others and is found in

Philippians 2:3 -4

"Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not everyman on his own things, but every man also on the things of others”

Based on this, the vision of the Technical Department is to:

“Continually and consistently render an acceptable service to God, while positively impacting the lives of the congregation through technical innovation and creativity, according to the vision and mission of the church.

2.1.4 The Purpose of the Technical Department

To effectively drive this vision, the purpose of the Technical Department is to:

“Ensure a successful sight and sound experience for the entire congregation during church services and other church events”.

The key activities performed by the Technical Department to achieve this include:

1. Lighting: Providing adequate and effective lighting across the church and its facilities to help visibility and enhance video recording.

2. Sound: Managing the sound production from the Choir and the Ministers to ensure a

Pleasurable and musical experience for all. This covers choir rehearsals, church services, special programs and concerts.

3. Recording: ensure high quality recording of messages and music from Friday services and

Special Church meetings. The recording are done in audio and video format and sold through the Ushers to anyone who would like to have a copy.

4. Visual: ensure clear and readable visual presentations or choir lyrics and other important


5. Photography: ensure memorable moments during the church services and events are captured in photographs for future reference.

6. Online Streaming: broadcasting Friday church services live via the online streaming to a

Worldwide audience thereby breaking geographical restriction.

7. On-going Training: developing each member of the department as technicians and sound engineers through hands-on training by organizing in house training, thereby ensuring that

The department is up-to-date with modern and advanced technology.


RCCG – Garden of Peace
Church Operational Manual
- Technical Department
2.1.5 The Core Values of the Technical Department
The core values of the Technical Department include”
1. SPIRITUALITY: Since we understand that the physical is controlled by the spiritual, the Technical Department takes our spiritual lives especially prayers and studying of the word very seriously. John 6:63 (NKJV) “It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing”:
2. SUPPORT: we are committed to encouraging and supporting one another and everyone we provide service to. I Theses 5:11 (NIV) “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up”.
3. PROFESSIONAL: though we may all not be trained engineers, we are committed to being
Professional in in the services we render to the church at large... We will seek means to improve ourselves to provide excellent service to God’s people. II Sam 24:24 “Neither will I offer... unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing
4. SUBMISSION: We are to submit to each other and the church leadership, out of respect for each other, as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Eph. 5:21 “Submitting yourselves one
to another in the fear of God”
5. JOINT RESPONSIBILITY: We are responsible both individually and as a team; our technical and spiritual development is achieved through study and commitment. II Tim 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”


2.2 Expectations from Technical Department Members

2.2.1 Spiritual Responsibility

All members in the Technical Department are expected to maintain a high level of spirituality at all times to enable them effectively serve the people of God. Therefore, each Technical Department member is expected to:

a) Spend quality time praying and studying the Word of God; Acts 6: 4 “But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word”

I. Every member must be prayerful for himself and the equipment he works with.

ii. Every member must be a student of the Word as this is the food by which we grow.

b) Be full of the Holy Ghost such that it shows in the level of excellence of his work Daniel 6:3 “Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him”

2.2.2 Responsibility to Self-Improvement

All members are expected to continue to seek opportunities to improve themselves in the area of service of the Technical Department to further enhance their skills.

While the church will provide opportunities for the members to improve themselves, each member is also encouraged to take it as a personal responsibility. Therefore each member is expected to:

a) Research and read on the various equipment and instruments in the church to ensure the maximum benefit is derived.

b) Continue to seek faster and better ways of performing tasks for excellent service delivery.

c) Attend seminars and programmers that will assist in improving his/her skills and effectiveness in assigned areas.

d) Practice regularly to continually improve on skills, he should ensure that he/she has perfected the use of the equipment/device before any church meeting to avoid errors.

2.2.3 Responsibility to Garden of Peace

The Technical Department as a department of the Garden of Peace is expected to abide by the regulations of the Garden of Peace. Accordingly, every member of the department is expected to be:

a) Subject to Authority: Heb. 13:17 “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you”. The kingdom of God is

A Theocracy and not a democracy as such every member is expected to obey instructions given by the Pastorate and the Leader of the Technical Department.

b) Involved in Church Activities: He 10:25 “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is” As responsible workers in His vineyard, members are expected to come regularly and punctually for church services and meetings. These meetings include: