



1.1.These shall be known as the Arkansas Department of Education rules and regulations governing Initial and Standard Arkansas School Administrator Licensure.

1.2.These regulations are enacted pursuant to the authority of the State Board of Education under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-11-105 ( Repl. 1999) and § 25-15-204 Supp.


2.1.The purpose of these rules and regulations is to establish the requirements and procedures for obtaining an Initial and a Standard Arkansas School Administrator License.

  1. DEFINITIONS (for the purpose of these Rules and Regulations)

3.1.Administrator Induction – Administrator Induction is the mentoring, support and accelerated professional development associated with the Initial Administrator License. The time of induction (minimum of one (1) year) concludes with the successful completion of the state mandated assessment.

3.2.Administrator License – The Administrator License is a license issued by the state, which allows one to serve as an administrator in an Arkansas school district. There are three (3) administrator licenses available in Arkansas.

3.2.1.Building Level Administrator – A Building Level Administrator is a principal or assistant principal (who’s responsibilities are instruction and/or curriculum) in an Arkansas school.

3.2.2.Curriculum/Program Administrator – A Curriculum/Program Administrator is a school leader who is responsible for program development and administration, and/or employment evaluation decisions. Each Curriculum/Program Administrator License is limited to one of the following areas: Education and Talented Education Education Area Specialist Specialist

3.2.3.District Level Administrator – A District Level Administrator is a superintendent, assistant superintendent, or deputy superintendent (who’s responsibilities are instruction and curriculum).

3.3.Advanced Program of Study - An Advanced Program of Study is a state-approved administrator preparation curriculum (inclusive of a portfolio and internship) offered at an Arkansas college or university, which is based on the Standards for Licensure of Beginning Administrators. The program requires a candidate to demonstrate and document competencyin the specific knowledge, skills, and dispositions required of a District Level Administrator.

3.4.Administrator Licensure Completion Program (ALCP) - The ALCP is an ADE-approved plan filed with the Office of Professional Licensure, which is designed to assist an individual who has been offered employment in an administrative position prior to completion of state Administrator Licensure requirements. An ALCP may be requested for any area of Administrator Licensure.

3.5.Beginning Administrator - A Beginning Administrator is an individual in his/her first, one (1) to three (3), years as a school administrator who holds an Initial Building Level or Curriculum/Program Administrator License and is pursuing a Standard Administrator License.

3.6.External Evaluator – An External Evaluator is a member of the portfolio review committee within a college or university program of study, who is a practicing school administrator or a former school administrator holding a current administrator license, and not employed within the college or university department offering the program of study.

3.7.Initial Administrator License - The Initial Administrator License is a non-renewable license issued by the state, which allows one to serve as either a beginning Building Level or Curriculum/Program Administrator in an Arkansas school district. This initial license is valid for no less than one (1) year and no more than three (3) years, during which time the administrator participates in Administrator Induction. This license is required in order to advance to a Standard Building Level or Curriculum/Program Administrator License.

3.8.Internship – The Internship is a practical administrative and/or curricular experience, within a program of study (based on NCATE standards), which provides the candidate with practice in a school setting. The number of hours may vary according to the institution’s program of study.

3.9.Level of Licensure – Level of Licensure refers to the grade level(s) for which the license is valid. The existing level(s) are:

3.9.1. Building Level Administrator License (P-8 and 7-12),

3.9.2.Curriculum/Program Administrator License (P-8 and 7-12),

3.9.3.District Level Administrator License (P-12).

3.10.Mentor - An Administrator Mentor is a licensed administrator trained in the state-adopted mentoring model. The mentor should have relevant experience sought by the beginning administrator, with a minimum of three years administrative experience.

3.11.Mentoring - Mentoring is support and focused feedback (for professional growth and development) provided to a beginning administrator by an experienced trained administrator mentor.

3.12.Portfolio – The Portfolio is an accumulation of materials and documented experiences reflecting the knowledge, disposition and performance of the candidate with regard to Arkansas administrator licensure standards. The format and presentation of these materials may vary depending on the curriculum and guidelines established at each institution.

3.13.Program of Study - A Program of Study is a state-approved administrator preparation curriculum (inclusive of a portfolio and internship) offered at an Arkansas college or university, which is based on the Standards for Licensure of Beginning Administrators. The program requires a candidate to demonstrate and document competency in the specific knowledge, skills, and dispositions required of a Building Level or Curriculum/Program Administrator.

3.14.Standard Administrator License – A Standard Administrator License is a five-year renewable license issued to candidates who have successfully completed all state-mandated licensure requirements for Building Level, Curriculum/Program or District Level Administrator. This license is valid for five (5) years, at which time it must be renewed, or it will expire.

3.15.State-Mandated Licensure Assessment - The State-Mandated Licensure Assessments are assessment tools tests used for the evaluation of administrators who are pursuing standard administrator licensure. Successful completion of the state-mandated licensure assessment is defined as meeting the state-adopted cut score for the appropriate licensure assessment.


4.1.The Initial Arkansas Administrator License:

4.1.1.is a non-renewable license for grades P-8 or 7-12

4.1.2.is valid for no less than one (1) and no more than three (3) years

4.1.3.is effective as of the date of first employment as a beginning administrator documented on the Initial Administrator License Application

4.1.4.expires three (3) years from the effective date, unless requirements for a Standard license are met

4.2.There are two (2) Initial Arkansas school administrator licenses.

4.2.1.Building Level Administrator

4.2.2.Curriculum/Program Administrator (issued in one of five (5) areas) Education and Talented Education Education Area Specialist Specialist

4.3.Candidates for an Initial Administrator License must:

4.3.1.hold a current standard teaching license, Curriculum/Program Administrator the license must be in the specialty area where applicable.

4.3.2.have a minimum of five (5) years full time teaching experience, Building Level Licensure, at least three (3) of the five (5) years teaching experience must be at the level at which the candidate is seeking licensure. Curriculum/Program Administrator Licensure, at least three (3) of the five (5) years teaching experience must be at the level and/or in the area in which the candidate is seeking licensure.

4.3.3.complete the appropriate program of study (inclusive of an internship and portfolio), Administrator must be prepared through a regionally accredited college or university. for an Initial Arkansas Administrator License are to be recommended for licensure by the Educational Leadership Chairperson at the Arkansas college or university where the degree or program of study was completed. Graduate Degree from a regionally accredited college or university is the minimum degree requirement for an Initial Arkansas Administrator License. candidates holding a graduate degree in an area other than educational leadership the institution of higher education will review their credentials to determine their individual needs. The candidates will complete a program of study based on their individual needs inclusive of an internship and portfolio based on the Standards for Licensure of Beginning Administrators to obtain an initial license.

4.3.4.be hired as a Beginning Administrator in an Arkansas school district. The position must be in the level/area of the license sought.

4.4.The initial license will be issued when the appropriate Initial License Application is completed, appropriately signed, and received by the offices of Professional Licensure and Professional Quality Enhancement at the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE). The application provides ADE with verification of: a) the current standard teaching license, b) the teaching experience, c) the graduate degree and completion of the program of study (inclusive of an internship and portfolio), and d) employment as a school administrator.

4.4.1.Candidates who complete all requirements, but are not employed as a Beginning Administrator for a period of five (5) years are required to reestablish eligibility.


5.1.The Standard Arkansas Administrator License:

5.1.1.is a five-year renewable license that becomes effective as of the date of issue

5.1.2.expires five (5) years from the effective date, unless the license is renewed

5.2.There are three (3) Standard Arkansas Administrator Licenses.

5.2.1.Building Level Administrator (effective for grades P-8, 7-12)

5.2.2.Curriculum/Program Administrator, issued in one of five (5) areas (effective for grades P-8, 7-12) Education and Talented Education Education Area Specialist Specialist

5.2.3.District Level Administrator (effective for grades P-12)

5.3.The requirements for each of the Standard Arkansas Administrator Licenses are as follows.

5.3.1.To qualify for the Building Level Administrator License the candidate must: employed as a Building Level Administrator, a current Arkansas Initial Building Level Administrator License, in Administrator Induction, which includes mentoring during the period of Initial Licensure (minimum of one (1) year), complete the state-mandated licensure assessment.

5.3.2.To qualify for the Curriculum/Program Administrator License the candidate must: employed as a Curriculum/Program Administrator in the area of the initial license, a current Arkansas Initial Curriculum/Program Administrator License in the license-specific specialty area, in Administrator Induction, which includes mentoring during the period of initial licensure (minimum of one (1) year), complete the state-mandated licensure assessment.

5.3.3.To qualify for the District Level Administrator License the candidate must: a current standard teaching license, at least five (5) years full time teaching experience, a current Standard Building Level or Curriculum/Program Administrator License, or complete an advanced degree (with a program of study reflective of the standards for District Level Administrator Licensure), or complete an advanced program of study reflective of the standards for District Level Administrator Licensure (both inclusive of an internship and portfolio), from a regionally accredited college or university, complete the state-mandated licensure assessment.

5.4.Candidates for a Standard Arkansas Building Level or Curriculum/Program Administrator License are to be recommended for licensure by the authorized school district representative.

5.4.1.The Standard Building Level or Curriculum/Program Administrator License will be issued when the appropriate Standard License Application is completed, appropriately signed, and received by the offices of Professional Licensure and Professional Quality Enhancement at ADE. The application provides ADE with verification of: a) employment as a licensed school administrator, b) the appropriate initial administrator license, c) completion of the Arkansas Administrator Mentoring Program, and d) successful completion of the state-mandated licensure assessment (documented via a copy of the official score report).

5.5.Candidates for a Arkansas Standard District Level Administrator License are to be recommended for licensure by the Educational Leadership Chairperson at the Arkansas college or university where the advanced degree or advanced program of study was completed.

5.5.1.The Standard District Level Administrator License will be issued when the Standard District Level License Application is completed, appropriately signed, and received by the offices of Professional Licensure and Professional Quality Enhancement at ADE. The application provides ADE with verification of: a) the standard teaching license, b) the teaching experience, c) the standard building level administrator license, d) the advanced degree or completion of the advanced program of study (both inclusive of an internship and portfolio), and e) successful completion of the state-mandated licensure assessment (documented via a copy of the official score report).

5.6.The Standard Administrator License will be issued to applicants holding an administrator license from another state who have met all requirements for an Arkansas Standard Administrator License through reciprocity.


6.1.The ALCP is an ADE-approved plan filed with the Office of Professional Licensure, which is designed to assist an individual who has been offered employment in an administrative position prior to completion of state Administrator Licensure requirements.

6.2.The ALCP License is good for a minimum of one (1) year and a maximum of three (3) years.

6.3.To qualify for an ALCP License candidates must:

6.3.1.hold a current standard teaching license, Curriculum/Program Administrator the license must be in the specialty area where applicable.

6.3.2.have a minimum of five (5) years full time teaching experience, Building Level Licensure, at least three (3) of the five (5) years teaching experience must be at the level at which the candidate is seeking the ALCP. Curriculum/Program Administrator Licensure, at least three (3) of the five (5) years teaching experience must be at the level and/or in the area in which the candidate is seeking the ALCP.

6.3.3.be enrolled in the appropriate program of study through a regionally accredited college or university administrator program,

6.3.4.have or complete a Graduate Degree from a regionally accredited college or university, candidates holding a graduate degree in an area other than educational leadership the institution of higher education will review their credentials to determine their individual needs. These candidates will complete a program of study (inclusive of an internship and portfolio) which meets their individual needs and is based on the Standards for Licensure of Beginning Administrators.

6.3.5.be hired as a Beginning Administrator in an Arkansas school district. The position must be in the level/area of the ALCP license sought.

6.4.Candidates are to be recommended for the ALCP by:

6.4.1.the Educational Leadership Chairperson at the Arkansas college or university where the degree or program of study is offered, and

6.4.2.the authorized school district representative where the candidate is employed.

6.5.The employing school district must file a complete ALCP application with the offices of Professional Licensure and Professional Quality Enhancement within thirty (30) days of hiring the beginning administrator under an ALCP.

6.6.While employed as a beginning administrator under an approved ALCP the candidate must

6.6.1.be assigned an administrator mentor, and participate in Administrator Induction, Administrator Induction will continue until all requirements are met (no less than one (1) and no more than three (3) years).

6.6.2.complete the program of study (inclusive of portfolio and internship),

6.6.3.successfully complete the state-mandated licensure assessment.

  1. OTHER

7.1.All information submitted for an Arkansas Administrator License must be accurate, authentic and not altered in any way. Any license issued as a result of a violation of the above mentioned will be null and void.

7.2.The Office of Professional Licensure reserves the right to amend and/or rescind any Arkansas Administrator License that has been issued in error.

7.3.Administrators needing a duplicate license must submit a completed application form (indicating “duplicate”) to the Office of Professional Licensure. A duplicate license will be issued only for a license that is current.


8.1.All administrators holding an Initial Building Level or Curriculum/Program Administrator License, who are employed as beginning administrators, will participate in Administrator Induction for no less than one (1) year and no more than three (3) years. Beginning administrators will:

8.1.1 participate in required Administrator Induction activities.

8.1.2 register for and successfully complete the state mandated assessment.

8.2.All Arkansas School Districts shall complete and submit the ADE required District Mentoring Plan Signature and Assurances form to the Office of Professional Quality Enhancement at the Arkansas Department of Education no later than September 15 of each year.

8.3.All Arkansas School Districts shall implement, support and monitor the quality of Administrator mentoring as outlined in ADE guidelines. Districts will:

8.3.1.assign an administrator mentor to the beginning administrator upon employment of the beginning administrator,

8.3.2.release beginning administrators and mentors from the district to attend mandatory statewide orientation and informational meetings held by ADE,

8.3.3.adhere to mentoring guidelines developed by ADE, including distribution of professional development support funding within the parameters established by ADE,

8.3.4.file annual reports, including: of lists of new administrators and mentors no later than September 15, of year expenditure report will coincide with the APSCAN cycle.

8.4 School districts that do not comply with these rules and regulations shall be placed in accredited-cited status for licensure deficiencies. Licensure deficiencies for these purposes are defined as failure to submit and implement an approved district mentoring plan, failure to register all beginning administrators with the Office of Professional Quality Enhancement, and/or failure to comply with established guidelines for assignment, support and monitoring of beginning administrators and mentors.


9.1.A waiver of administrative licensure may be requested by a school district when a district wishes to employ an individual who has identified expertise but does not possess an administrator license. This will apply to only building and district level administrators. (NOTE: This is a district-specific, non-transferable waiver request, and does not culminate in an administrator license.)

9.2.A waiver request must be made to the Director of Education.

9.3.A waiver request must outline the licensure area in which the waiver is being requested, and should include the following:

9.3.1.the need for the waiver,

9.3.2.special qualifications of the individual for whom the waiver is being requested,

9.3.3.outcome expectations,

9.3.4.an annual accountability plan, and