Timeframe: / 26April – 10May 2017 / Survey Type: / Online survey in Survey Monkey. An incentive prize was offered for customers completing the survey online. Some reply paid mail back forms were available in service centres or to be posted out to telephone users if required, however only six were received back.
Delivery Channel: / After service feedback from Service Tasmania phone, service centres and internet users. E-mail requests were sent to more than 8 000 online bill payers who had consented to provide their email address for future feedback surveys.
Survey Measurement /Analysis / Customers were asked to rate their level of satisfaction and their level of agreement to a series of attitude statements. Minimal verbatim comments were sought to clarify.
Number of completed surveys* / 1,621 (prev. 2,617) made up of customers from each of Service Tasmania’s three service delivery channels:
Service Centres 830 (1,115) Phone 228 (65) Online 529(1,372)
Overall Satisfaction  / 91% (prev86%)
Individual Channel Satisfaction: Service centres 91% (prev95) Phone 89 % (prev69)Online 92% (prev94)
Quality of Service:
(Customer Expectations):
/ Overall:
•95% (prev85) of all customers had their expectations met or exceeded / Service centres:
•95% (prev 98) had their expectations met or exceeded / Online:
•98% (prev84) had their expectations met or exceeded / Phone:
93% (prev72) had their expectations met or exceeded
Summary Satisfaction Ratings /
  • ‘I was treated fairly’ - 93% (prev88%) either strongly agree or agree.
    Phone:91% (80)Service centres:94% (96)Online:N/A
  • ‘I was informed of everything I needed to do’– 89% (prev89) either strongly agree or agree
    Phone:86% (71) Service centres:94% (95)Online:88% (89)
  • ‘Staff were knowledgeable and competent’ – 87% (prev86) either strongly agree or agree.
    Phone:82% (70)Service centres:91% (95)Online:- N/A
  • ‘Staff went the extra mile’ – 77% (prev75) either strongly agree or agree.
    Phone:72% (51)Service centres:81% (83)Online:- N/A
  • ‘The website had information I needed’ Online only 92% (prev 93) agree or strongly agree
  • ‘The website is visually appealing’ Online only 66% (prev 64)  agree or strongly agree (interestingly 28% responded neither agree nor disagree)
  • ‘I feel confident that my privacy is fully protected on this site’Online only 78% (prev76)agree or strongly agree

Timeliness of Service: / •81% (prev71%) of phone respondents and 63% of service centre respondents agreed with the statement: ‘I waited a reasonable amount of time at the service centre’.
•29% (prev27) of callers reported ‘no wait’ and 46% (prev30)  a ‘short wait’ (1-2 mins) when they made contact through the phone. Only 5% (prev. 6) of respondents reported a ‘long wait’. / Overall Satisfaction with the time it took to get the service from Service Tasmania: 
Overall Accessibility of the service through Service Tasmania:  / 85% (prev87) of all respondents were either very satisfied or satisfied with the time it took to get the service.
Service centres: 85% (prev 92)
Phone: 74% (prev68)Online: 93% (prev95)
85% (prev87) of all respondents were either very satisfied or satisfied with the accessibility of the service.
Service centres: 93%(prev96) Phone: 70% (prev69)
Online: 92% (prev 96)

*1,621 surveys were fully completed. The number of participants from each channel is taken at the beginning of the survey and does not necessarily match the total number of surveys overall at the end. This number also reflects 6 additional surveys that were added after the close and initial run of survey data – when they arrived in the mail.