Study Guide – Mid- Term Examination


The following study guide is to assist you in your preparation for the exam. It should not be considered a substitute for studying nor should it be considered all inclusive. It is distributed in order to stimulate thought and study in the content areas considered important to this course and subject matter.

Psychology, Developmental Psychology & Cognitive Psychology - def.

Common bias in scientific examination

Understand correlation, causation and correlational coefficients.

Be familiar with the Central, Peripheral, Autonomic, Somatic, and sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Definition of Homeostasis

Understand Cognitive Dissonance

Know Maslow’s Humanistic approach to psychology

Definition of Consciousness

Circadian Rhythms – what are they and what purpose do they serve

REM and Non-REM sleep – characteristics of each

Def. of learning

Understand the various aspects of classical and operant conditioning

Understand the various senses (5) and to what they respond and how they are connected.

Def. of critical or sensitive period

Understand the different research techniques (survey , experiment etc…)

Kubler-Ross’ 5 stages for dealing with loss or death

Understand the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist

Aspects of a control group v. the experimental group

Know what a neuron and neurotransmitters are and be able to diagram and label.

Know the ethical considerations in research (at least 4)

Def. of attachment

Nature v. Nurture debate

Understand the sleep disturbances discussed in class (what they are)


Understand the different reinforcement schedules and their results

Know the different parenting styles discussed in class

Difference between adolescence and puberty

Difference between illusions and hallucinations

Be able to draw a picture of the brain, labeling the 4 lobes and at least one area/function or ability attributed to each lobe.

Kohlberg’s 3 stages of moral development – define and understand

Disengagement and Activity Theories – define and understand

Engram – what it is.

Ebbinghaus’ curve of forgetting.

What increases the likelihood of remembering – what are we most likely to remember?

The different types of memory (short-term, long-term) and ways of measuring memory (recall, recognition etc…).

Understand the idea of interference when talking about memory.

Understand Baumrinds four major styles of parenting.