Blandford Forum Town Council would like to invite Blandford Forum-based groups and organisations to take part in the seventhCommunity Expo, enabling you to promote and explain what you do to the public. This year, we have decided to merge ‘Well & Connected’ with the Community Expo which is a great chance to showcase all the wonderful community groups who work tirelessly to make our local community so active and vibrant.

Details of the Expo will be included in the Town Council newsletter sent to every property in the town. It will also be advertised in the August edition of the Forum Focus, on the Town Council website, Facebook page and notice boards. Organisations and groups can also carry out their own advertising to maximise attendance. An electronic copy of the public poster is attached, but if you would like printed versions then please contact us and we will have them ready for you to collect from the Council offices.

If you would like to network or advertise what you do to the people of Blandford Forum or simply recruit new members, then book a space (free of charge) and return the slip overleaf by Wednesday 29th August2018.A table and chair(s) will be provided, wifi is available and groups can set up from 9am. The size of the space allocated will be confirmed once numbers are known, but please note due to the event’s popularity in previous years it is likely that one large table may have to be shared, therefore please bear this in mind when planning your display.

Please indicate on the slip if you wish to be sited against the wall (if you have a certain type of display), or next to a particular organisation and we will endeavour to accommodate your request, although this is not guaranteed and we will allocate on a first come, first served basis.

Dates for your 2018 diary…

Sunday 16th SeptemberCharter 800 Market

Sunday 11th NovemberArmistice Day Service at 11:00am

Remembrance Sunday Parade and Church Service at 3:00pm

Friday 7thDecemberChristmas Tree Lighting and Civic Reception & Civic Christmas Carol Servicefrom 5:00pm

Wednesday 13th DecemberBlandford Yuletide Festivalfrom 5:00pm

Please register your organisation’s interestby Wednesday 29th August 2018.

Spaces will be allocated giving priority to Blandford Forum-based organisations.

Organisation Name:
Main Organiser Contact Name:
Tel / Mobile No:
Wall Space Required? / Y / N
I would like to be positioned next to:
I would also like to hold a….
(Please note: promotion of, and attendance at workshops, presentations or taster sessions will be your responsibility). / Workshop / Presentation / Taster Session (please provide details)
Additional Requirements:

Thank you

Data Protection Act 2018:

Please complete and return the attached Consent Form to allow the Town Council to retain your data for the purposes of organising the annual Community Expo.

Twinned with Preetz, Germany
/ / Twinned with Mortain, France

Town Clerk’s Office
Church Lane, Blandford Forum
Dorset DT11 7AD / Tel: 01258 454500 • Fax: 01258 454432