Chapter 9 Anticipation Guide

Issues of the Gilded Age


Directions: Prior to reading the chapter read the following statements. For those that you believe to be true put a T. For those you believe to be false, label with an F. As you read, try to prove yourself right or wrong. Be sure to write down page numbers for “proof” as well as a few short words or phrases to help you in the class discussion.

_____ 1. Jim Crow laws kept blacks and whites segregated in the south.


PAGE ______PARAGRAPH______

_____ 2. Literacy tests and Grandfather clauses helped ensure that African Americans in the south were able to

exercise their right to vote.


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_____ 3. It is possible for separate treatment to be equal.


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_____ 4. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois disagreed on the best way for African Americans to gain

equal rights.


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_____ 5. Chinese immigrants on the west coast were offered equal rights with native-born Americans.


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_____ 6. The US court system made it difficult for Mexican-Americans to prove they had legal rights to land

they had owned for years.


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_____ 7. The arrest of Susan B. Anthony for voting in a New York election was justified.


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_____ 8. Political cartoons were used to alert the public to the corruption of public officials.


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_____ 9. Candidates for public office should be able to reward their supporters with jobs if they win.


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_____ 10. The Pendleton Civil Service act was passed to ensure that people in the civil service system were

qualified for their jobs.


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_____ 11. High tariffs are good for the economy.


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_____ 12. The practices of railroad companies and the banking system were beneficial to farmers.


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_____ 13. The main goal of Populism was to protect the interests of big business.


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_____ 14. William Jennings Bryan advocated staying on the gold standard.


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_____ 15. The Progressive Era carried out many Populist reforms.


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