MONDAY 11th July

6.30pmChurch Lunch Meeting (see inside)

7.30pmWorship Consultation (see inside)


10.00amMidweek Prayers


SATURDAY 16th July

9.30amJunior Belletones

10.30amJunior Belletones – A Decade of Bells (see inside)

SUNDAY 17thJuly

10.00amRevd D Hookins & Dr Paul Chilcote

6.00pmRevd Steve Hawkes (Refresh)


Sunday, 10thJuly 2016

Welcome to worship

Prayer for 15 minutes in Room 1 before the services.

Feel free to come and go.

Large print hymn books and sheets are available.

Loop system for those with hearing aids.

Small children are welcome to join our supervised crèche in Room 1. Toys are available in the welcome area for parents who wish to play with their children whilst listening to the service.

The candle prior to worship is a sign that we should keep

a prayerful silence.

After morning service, please join us for refreshments in the Hall and visit the Fairtrade stall. The ‘Good News Book’is available for use.


The order for the new Handbooks will go out during next week – publication is due at the end of the month. PLEASE BOOK YOURS by giving your name to Jenny Franklin or Jeannette Lake TODAY! Thank you.

EU Referendum

If you have been alarmed and saddened by the violence and hatred unleashed since the results of the referendum were announced, there is something we can do as individuals NOW if you have access to the internet. AVAAZ, a global campaigning organisation with a website, has a petition it plans to send to The Sun, the Daily Mail and other UK national newspapers about their role in all this. At present the petition has nearly 95,000 signatories. It is aiming for 100,000. You can add your name by clicking on:

Mary Castles

Monday, 11th July, 6.30pm – Church Lunch Meeting

We are trying to re-introduce the monthly Thursday Church Lunch BUT we cannot do it without YOUR HELP.

Please come to the meeting in Room 2 for those who wish to see the Thursday Church Lunch re-introduced. We value your views and help in any way to get up and running again.

If you feel you can help in anyway,but are not able to attend the meeting, please indicate on the form opposite the Minister’s vestry by the second week in July or talk to Keith Palmer.

Monday, 11th July, 7.30pm - Worship Consultation

The next Worship Consultation will be in Room 5. All are welcome to attend. If you have anything you wish discussed please let one of the stewards know before the meeting.

Thursday, 14th July, 7.30pm – Taizé Worship Service

At Salisbury United Reformed Church

Saturday, 16th July, 10.30am – A Decade of Bells 2006-2016

Please come and celebrate with the Junior Belletones and listen to our playing.

Saturday, 16th July – Annual Social Scene BBQ

In the church garden. Details on the Notice Board.

Tuesday, 19th July, 7.30pm – Church Council

If you have something you would like discussed at the next Church Council meeting, please let David Hookins or Katrina Dixon know by Friday, 15th July.

Thursday, 28th July, 7.30pm – A Silent Communion

At Salisbury United Reformed Church

This service uses symbols, gestures, mime, participation, interaction and reflection - but NO spoken word. All crafted and blended together with specially selected moving classical music.

Tuesday 2nd August - Action For Children Market Stall

In square outside Guildhall.

We would be pleased to accept donations of DVDs, bric-a-brac, paperback books, clothes, etc. Please contact Sue or Doug Buttimer for further details or collection if necessary, by phone: 01725512581 or e-mail: .

Precept MinistriesUK - Paid Administrative Assistant

Start date to be agreed during August/September 2016

Part-time (20 hours)

Work location:Precept MinistriesUK Office, Christian Centre, Dews Road, SalisburySP2 7SN

Salary £7.20 per hour

If you have a passion to serve God, want to help people get to know Him better, are organised and have office skills, please contact Precept Ministries UK on 01722 770028 or email for an application form.




07956 100936

Church Office Mon to Fri, 9.30am-Noon


01722 322755