PROB 11/1692 06 November 1824 Will of John Miller , Sugar Broker of Harleyford Place Kennington Common , Surrey
This is the laft Willand Testament of me
John Miller of Harleyford place Kennington common in the Country of Surry
Sugar broker made the nineteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred
and twenty three that is to say I do give and bequeath all that my leasehold
messuage or tenement being No 16 situate standing and being in Harley-
ford place aforesaid wherein I do now reside with the appurt[enance]s and all my ~
estate and interest term and terms of years And benefit of renewal therein ~
unto my friend Thomas Hill of Harleyford place aforesaid Gentleman and
Simon Willatt [or Billatt] of Water lane in the City of London xxx("surgeon" crossed out) Sugar broker
Their executors adm[inistrat]ors/advisors and afsigns to hold the same unto them the ~
said Thomas Hill and Simon W[B?]illatt their executors admors and assigns
for all the residue and remainder of the term of years which shall be to
come therein at the time of my decease upon trust to permit and suffer my
dear Wife Elizabeth to reside therein and have the use thereof for as
many years of term to come therein as she shall happen to live
(note the men should be in a directory [W][B]ill[a][o]tt
Willatt? Billatt? The "W" in wife is very different. It doesn't look much like a "B" either!
Surry - a variant spelling of Surrey
appurts = appurtenances
admors = administrators)
she duly paying the ___ expenses? of repairs and insurance and other out
goings payable by ___ respect? Of the same ___ and from and immediately
after her ___ thou upon trust with all ___ speed to make absolute
sale of my said Leasehold ___ and testament unto any person or persons
who______by public auction or private ____ for such ___ or ___s in
money as ___ be reasonably had e gotten for the ___ and upon payment
of the money arising by and from such sale to afsing and give a proper ___
for the money for which the same shall be sold which receipt? I do hereby __
____ shall be a good and ______to the purchase or purchasers
thereof for so ___ of the purchase money as shall be ______
or _____ to be ____ and that such purchaser or purchasers his her or
their executors or ____ shall ___ afterwards be ______
or responsible for any lofs ______or ______of such in
purchase money or any part thereof and my will is and I do hereby
____ that the money to arise and be procured by and from the sale of
my said Leasehold ____ aforesaid shall be ____ as forming
part of my resid______and personal estate and ___ accordingly
and I do five and bequeath all my books painting prints plates
china linen goods chattels household stuff and furniture together
with my wine and other liquors unto the said Thomas Hill and ?
Simon ?illaff their ___ and ___ upon trust to ___ the xx
Same to be ___ and enjoyed by my said wife for her life ______
A receipt? For the same and making herself and her executors accountable
for the restitution? thereof at the ___ of the ___ of such of the said
property as may not be of a reasonable or pro__able nature and from
and after her decease then in trust for my Son George John Miller
my two daughters Eliza the Wife of Walter Brooks of Hot____
the said County of Surrey ______and Ann Miller in such parts
shares and proportions as my said Wife shall be any writing under
her hand ___ or appoint and in default? Of such Executor appoint
___ thou in trust for the said George John Miller Eliza Brooks
Ann Miller equally to be dived between them share and share
alike as for___ in ___ and I do five and bequeath all ___
Capital o___ utensils and fixtures ___ by me in my ___ of a
Sugar baker broker at the time of my decease and upon my said ___
the said George John Miller his executors ___ upon trust to
pay out full ___ or equal half parts of the yearly? profits of my said
businefs unto my said Wife so long as she ____ my widow? by tow equal
half yearly payments on the twenty fifth day of March and the __ __
twenty ninth day of September and upon the decease of my said Wife ~
her ___ marriage which shall first happen then as to such? months?
and also as to the ___ or ______during the widowhood of
my said Wife in trust for me said son the said George John Miller his
___ and ___ absolutely and I do give and bequeath all those ___
interest and dividends of six hundred and thirty two pounds tow shillings
and four pence Bank ___ four per ______now standing in the
joint names of myself and the said Simon ?illaft William ___ and
Eliza Brooks and which dividends where by a ______of
afs___ dated the ninth day of October one thousand eight hundred
and seventeen afs___ unto __ for the life of the said Eliza Brooks
unto my said daughter the said Eliza Brooks for her ___ and ~
and benefit and I do ___ and release unto my son in law the said ~
Walter Brooks the debt? or sum of two hundred and fifty pounds __ ~
interest? from him and all interest due thereon at the time of my decease
and I direct my Executors to deliver? up to him to be ___ the bond
or other security I hold for securing such debt and I do give @ bequeath
all those my three ____ pures policies? of afor___ whereby my life
___ now? stand insured in the London ___ and London ____ offices?
in three ___ sums of money accounting together to the sum of four?
thousand five hundred pounds sterling into the said Thomas Hill and Simon
?illatt their executors and ___ upon trust immediately upon my decease
to ___ the monies ____ by such policies of afsurance and ______
____ of and interest_ in the same monies when so ___ upon such trusts
as __ by me hereinafter ___ and ___ of and ____ the residue of my
personal estate and I do give and bequeath unto my said daughter the said
Ann Miller the sum of five hundred pounds sterling and unto my Son the said
George John Miller the sum of one hundred pounds sterling and unto my ~~
daughter the said Eliza Brooks the sum of one hundred pounds sterling upon her
___ separate? ___ and for her own personal use and benefit and as__ and
___ing all the ___ reside and ___ of my goods chattels ___ funds?
monies __ and ___ unto use? and other monies mortgages and securities
for? ___ debts and _ll and singular other personal estate whatsoever,
and whosoever and of what nature? _____ the same may be __ ___
___ my me given or otherwise disposed of subject however in the first place
to the payment and ____ of my just debts and funeral expenses the
proving of this my Will and other incidentals? ___ touching? the same and
the ___ execution thereof and also to the payment of the three _____ legacies
___ hereinbefore given as aforesaid and the duty upon such leg___ I do
give and bequeath the ___ and ___ every? part thereof unto the said Thomas
Hill and Simon @illatt their executors and ___ upon trust that ~
they the said Thomas Hill and Simon ?illatt and the survivor of them
and the executors and ___ of such survivor do xxx shall and do as
___ as ______be after my ____ sell and convert into money all
such part or parts thereof as shall not consists of monies or ___ for in
money and shall and do rall in from time to time ___ in ___ and ____
______part unto use together with the monies and securities for ___ and
debts ___ unto use together with the monies to be ___ under the said
policies of afsurance as aforesaid and shall and do with all ______
____ thereupon layout and ___ the same in the purchase? of Bank?
___ four pre cent annuities in the joint names of the said Thomas Hill
and Simon ?illatt or in the names of the survivor of them or in the names
of the executors or ___ of such survivor to be upon and subject to the
trusts by me hereinafter ___ of and ____ the ___ that is to
say upon trust to pay the interest thereof unto my said Wife from ___
____ during her widowhood and upon her ____ or ___ marriage
which shall first happen then as to for and ____ one thousand
pounds ___ annuities part of the said Bank __ four per cent annunities so
to be purchased upon trust to pay the interest thereof unto my said daughter?
Ann whist single and upon her marriage then upon trust to pay such__
interest from time to time during the __ remainder of her life unto such
person or persons and in such ____ as she shall by any writing under
her hand notwithstanding her _____ appoint but not so as to ______
___ of ____ selling or charging such interest and or as ____
be taken that such interest be at all times applied for the sole ____
___ of my said daughter Ann and be not subject to the _____ debts
______or ______of any husband with whom she may marry
also that the ___ and ____ of my said daughter Ann _____ of her
appoint__ or appoint__s shall be from time to time a good and effectual ~
_____ to my said Trustees or other __ person and persons paying
such interest for so ___ thereof as in such ___ respectively shall
from time to time be expe?fsed to be ____ and upon the decease of my
said daughter Ann then as to the principal or capital of the said one ~
thousand pounds Bank ___ four per cent annuities upon trust to ~
transfer and afs___ same unto such person and persons in such parts
shares and proportions and ____ and with or without power of corporation?
and ___ appointment as my said daughter Ann at any time or times by any
deed or deeds writing or writings to be by her ___ or ____ in the presence
of ___ to be attested by two or more reliable witnefses to by the last Will and
Testament in writing or any codicil thereto to be by her singed and ~ ~
published in the presence of and to be attested by the same number of ~
witnefses shall be ____standing her _____ and _____ be then
proved or ___ direct or appoint give or bequeath the same and in __
default of such direction or appointment gift or bequest and as to ___ past
and so ___ of the said one thousand pounds trust Bank annuities ___
no such direction or appointment gift or bequest shall be ___ in trust
for such person and persons in and by the statue and for distribution of this
personal estate of persons dying intestate would become ___ to this
personal ___ of my said daughter Ann in ___ she had died unmarried
and intestate and as to for and ___ five hundred pounds Bank ~
annuities ___ part of the said Bank ___ four per cent annuities so to
be purchased as aforesaid upon trust to transfer the said five hundred ~
pounds Bank annuities upon the decease of my said Wife ______
___ the said George John Miller his ___ and ___ absolutely to ~
and for his and their own? use and benefit and as to for and ____ all
the rest and residue of the said ___ Bank annuities in trust for such ~
person and persons in such parts shares and proportions and ____ and
with or without a power of r__ation and ___ appointment as my said
Wife at any time ot times by any deed or deeds writing or writings to be by
____ witnefses or by the last Will and Testament in writing ir any
Codicil thereto to be by her singed and published in the presence of and to
be attested by the same number of Witnefses shall direct or appoint ~
give or bequeath the same and in default of such direction or
appointment gift or bequest and as to so ___ and such part of the
___ trust Bank annuities whereof no such direction or appoint-
ment gift or bequest shall be made in trust for my said Son George John
Miller and my said two daughters Eliza Brooks and Ann Miller equally
to be divided between them share and share alike as ____ in ____
and not as joint tenants provided always and my will is and I do hereby
further direct and declare in ___ the Trustees if this my Will ___
of them shall ___ life ___ or having survived me shall or may
d___ to accept the ___ int__ded to be ___ reposed in them or him or
having accepted the same shall afterwards __ or be ___ of being ___
before the completion of the trusts or ___ incapable of asking therein __
any ____ or future trusted of this my Will shall id____ the __
shall be fully executed and performed those and in any of those ______
when and so often as ___ Trustees or a __ trustee shall be required for
the purposes of this my Will that it shall and may be lawful to and for this
survivor my said Trustees for the____ being of this my Will by any writing
or writings ___ his hand and ___ to nominate and appoint any other fit
person to be a Trustee __jointly with the surviving Trustee for the purposes
aforesaid in the place or stead of either of my trustees so dying and immediately
or as soon as may be after ______ination shall have been ___ the
several trust monies and ____ funds and ____ th__ vested in the ___
surviving Trustee in trust as aforesaid shall be afsyned and transferred __
in such ____ as that the same may become respectively? legally ___
vested in such ___ appointed Trustee in ______with the surviving Trustee
upon the several trusts and to and for the several intents and purposes and with
___ and subject to the ______and ____ by ______
______or ____ of and ____ the same respectively __ ___
of the said trusts and powers as shall be then subsisting and capable of __ __
effect or of being executed or performed and that every such __ appointed
Trustee shall and may thereupon act in the ___ and execution of
the same trust in life ___ to all intents and purposes and shall ___
or vested with the same powers and authorities as if he has been originally ~
named a Trustee in and by this my Will and I do hereby nominate __
and appoint the said Thomas ?ill Simon ~illatt and my said son George John
Miller Executors and my said Wife Executrix of this my last Will and Testament
provided always and I do hereby further ___ my Will to be that it shall ___
may be lawful to and for my said Trustees and Executors and Executrix asking?
under this my Will respectively and their respective Executors and ____ by
and out of all or any of the ___ which by virtue of this my Will or any of the
___ or powers herein ____ or given shall ___ to their or any of their ~
___ to d___ and ___ to and ______respectively and also
to allow to their respective Co Trustee and Executor and Executrix their ~
respective Executors and ___ all such ______
as they respectively shall or may suffer sustain infer to be ___ in ___
___ the execution of the several trusts and powers hereby in _____
___ed and vested or any of then or of this my Will and also that the said
Trustee and Executor and Executrix respectively their respective Exectuors
and ___ shall be ___ and ___able only oath? and every of ___fpr
and with his her and their own respective payments ___ and wilful in
defaults and not otherwise? and shall not be charged or chargeable with
or for any sum or sums of money other than such as shall actually ___
___ respective hands by virtue of this my Will the joining in ___ for
______and that no Trustee of this my Will paying or
____ to the payment of money to a Co Trustee thereof with a __
___ intent to ___ the _____ of the trusts hereof shall be in ~
responsible for the ____ or ____ of the Trustee ___ing the ___
nor __ _able for this application or ____ of such money withall?
any such Trustee be chargeable? or chargeable with or for any lofs or in
___ which shall or may happen in or about the execution of the trusts
their respective wilful default and lastly thereby revoking all ___ and
other Wills and Codicils by me at any time hereto__ made I do ___ this
to be my last Will and Testament___ in this and the six? ______of
paper hereunto ___ __ my hand to wit my hand at the bottom of ___
the said preceding sheets my hand to this last sheet and my ___ to the
top of the first of the preceding sheets where all the said sheets are fixed
together John Miller ££ The making ___ed in this and the six
preceding sheets ___ signed by the said John Miller the ___ and by
him published as and for and ___ to be his last Will and Testament in
the presence of us who in his presence said that of each other have ___
unto subscribed our names as Witnefses to such signing and publishing
David R__ Harleyford Place Kennington Rich'd Hall 14 Harleyford
Place Kennington
I desire this to be considered and taken as a Codicil and to form a part of my
__ing Will I hereby __stitute and appoint my Son John George John
Miller and my Son in law Walter Brooks both therein names to be Trustees to my
said Will jointly with Thomas ?ill and Simon ?illatt whom I have in
already appointed Trustees and they are to have and exerc___ the same ~
powers and privileges as are given to the said Thomas ?ill and Simon ~
?illatt and to be subject to the same ___ as if they the said George John
Miller and Wlater Brooks had been originally appointed Trustees with __
the said Thomas @ill and Simon @illatt Witnefs my hand and __ this
twenty third day of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty three
John Miller ££ Signed ___ published in the presence of David Rofs
Harleyford Place Kennington and Wm @coff 33 Regent Street Pall Mall
I desire this to be taken and considered as a Codicil and to form a
part of my ___ Will in which I have disposed of all my personal estate
__ to me up to the limit of my ___ without providing my Wife with any
money for the immediate ___ I therefore request my Trustees and Executors
her___ immediately after my ___ to pay out of my estate effect?
to my said Wife the sum of one hundred pounds and fifty pounds ___ this
sixteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty four John Miller
££ Signed sealed and published in the presence of Wm Scott 33 Regent Street
Jane Rofs 16 Harleyford Place
Proved at London with 2 Codicils 6th November 1824 before the
worshipful Charles Coote ?? of Laws and ___ by the oaths of Thomas ~
Simon ?illatt George John Miller the Son and Elizabeth Miller Wife __
the Exec__ whom? ___ was granted having been first sworn? duly to ___
He died on the 29 Jun 1824