Double Major Pathway – LTNS + Second Major p 1

Sample Double Major Pathway

Latina/Latino Studies + Other Major 48 Units or less

Minimum Units Required for Graduation: 120 units

With no double/triple counting:

GE 48 units

LTNS Major 39 units

Other Major 48 units (or less)

135 units needed for double major and GE

With double counting from the sample double major program in LTNS and a Second Major:

Double/Triple Count Non-GE Units RequiredTotal Major Units

LTNS Major24 units (LTNS/GE) + 15 units = 39 total

Second Major??units(LTNS/Other major)+ 48 units or less = 48 total

24 units+ 63 units 87 for 2 majors

with no GE


Results: 24double counted units for GE and LTNS major

24additional GE units to fulfill required 48 units

63additional units to fulfill 2 majors (or less)

111total units (instead of 135) to finish 2 majors and GE requirements

Note: Second majorcourses that fulfill other GE requirements are not factored in this sample pathway. Please consult with the second major departmentfor their list of GE certified courses that double count for their major. The total units required will most likely be less than 111.

College of Ethnic Studies

Latina/Latino Studies Department – 39 units

The following sample is based on a possible GE track, with an UD Topical Perspective on Human Diversity, Social Justice and Civic Engagement, or World Perspectives.

24 units (highlighted) can double count for GE and LTNS major, fulfilling C3, D1, D2, D3, LLD, American Institutions, and overlays for AERM, ES, GP, SJ.

4 Core Courses (12 units)

LTNS 215 Introduction to Latina/o Studies

LTNS 410 Seminar on Gender and Latinas/os

LTNS 435 Oral History Methods: Theory and Practice

LTNS 680 Latina/o Community Organizing

Choose at least one Latina/Latino Studies Arts and Humanities course (3 units)

Units selected from the following with at least one course.

LTNS 225 Survey of Latina/o Visual Images

LTNS 230 Intro to Latina/o Literature (Area C3 LD Humanities: Literature + Area E – LLD; GP, AERM, SJ)

LTNS 270 Latina/o Arts and Humanities

LTNS 286 Policy Making and Latinos

LTNS 305 Latina/o Studies Creative Writing Workshop (Area C-HCA UD – Creativity Innovation; GP, AERM)

LTNS 320 Latina/o Art History (CSL)

LTNS 409 Latina/o Cinema (Area C-HCA UD – Social Justice, World Perspectives; GP, AERM, SJ)

LTNS 425 Popular and Traditional Music of the Latina(o) Diaspora (CSL)

LTNS 440 Caribbean Cultures and Spirituality

LTNS 455 Resistance Literature of the Americas

LTNS 475 Aztec Philosophy (Area C-HCA UD – Enduring Ideas, Ethical Reasoning, World Perspectives; ES, AERM)

LTNS 490 Latina/o Teatro Workshop

LTNS 520 North and South American Cultural Expression

LTNS 530 Latina/os and the Media (Area C-HCA UD - Creativity Innovation, Human Diversity, Enduring Ideas, Social Justice + Area E – LLD; AERM, SJ)

LTNS 536 Latina/o Journalism

LTNS 560 Contemporary Latina/o Literature

LTNS 575 Latina/o Culture and Identity

LTNS 679 Central American Literature: Roots to the Present (Area C-HCA UD – Creativity Innovation, Enduring Ideas, Human Diversity, Social Justice, World Perspectives; )

Choose at least one Latina/Latino Studies History course (3 units)

Units selected from the following with at least one course.

LTNS 265 Topics in Latina/o History (Area D1 LD Social Science)

LTNS 278/ HIST 278 History of Latinos in U. S. (Area D2 LD Social Science – US History + American Institutions; AERM, SJ)

LTNS 315 Latina/os in California (CSL) (AERM, SJ)

LTNS 450 Indigenismo: Indigenous Cultures of the Americas (Area C-HCA UD – Environment, Person and Community, World Perspectives; AERM)

LTNS 460 Central Americans of the U.S.: History and Heritage (Area D Social Science UD - Social Justice, World Perspectives; GP, AERM, SJ)

LTNS 465 Mexican-Americans: History and Heritage

LTNS 467 Caribbeans in the U.S.: History and Heritage (GP, SJ)

LTNS 501 Latin America: The National Period

LTNS 533 History of Women in Latin America

Choose at least two Latina/Latino Studies Behavioral / Social Science courses (6 units)

Units selected from the following with at least two courses.

LTNS 205 Cyber Raza: Culture and Community On-line (CSL)

LTNS 210 Latina/Latino Health Care Perspectives (CSL)(GP, ES, AERM, SJ)

LTNS 211 Latina/o Families Narrative (Area D1 LD Social Science; GP, ES, AERM, SJ)

LTNS 276 Latina/o, U.S. Government, and Constitutional Ideals (CSL)(D3 LD Social Science –US Govt + American Institutions)

LTNS 280 Transculturation and Latina/o Communities

LTNS 286 Policy Making and Latinos

LTNS 355 Black-Indians in the Americas

LTNS 380 Afro/Latina/o Diasporas (Area D UD –Human Diversity, World Perspectives; GP, AERM)

LTNS 410 Seminar on Gender and Latinas/os (CSL)

LTNS 415 Economic Progress of Latinos in the U.S. (CSL)

LTNS 430 Race, Crime, and Justice (CSL) (Area D UD Social Justice + SJ overlay)

LTNS 445 Gendered Borders: Latinas and Globalization

LTNS 470 Latina/o Immigration to the U.S. (CSL) (Area D UD – Human Diversity, Person and Community, Enduring Ideas, Ethical Reasoning, Life in CA, Social Justice, World Perspectives)

LTNS 485 Latina/o Youth, Crime, and Justice (CSL) (GE - SJ overlay)

LTNS 500 Latina/o Community Mental Health

LTNS 505 Gender, Sexuality, and Latino Communities

LTNS 515 Transnational Character of Human Rights in Central America

LTNS 580 Educational Equity (CSL) (Area D UD –Human Diversity, Enduring Ideas, Social Justice; AERM, SJ)

LTNS 640 Sociology of the Latino Experience

LTNS 660 Latina/o Politics (CSL) (Area D UD –Human Diversity, Life in CA, Social Justice; GP, AERM, SJ)

LTNS 670 Mexican Politics and Society (CSL) (Area D UD –Human Diversity, Life in CA, Social Justice, World Perspectives; GP, AERM, SJ)

Electives(15 units) on advisement