Class: Teachers:
Early Childhood (Ages 0-3 years) Parents
Preschool (Ages 4-5 years) Joanna Woodsmall, Debbie Giles
Primary (Grades 2 & 3) Veronika Sukup, Bonnie Beachy
Middler (Grades 4 & 5) Jim Beachy, Doris Weaver
Junior High (Grades 6, 7, & 8) Dana Bumbalough, Matt Pflederer
Youth (Grades 9-12) Evie Shellenberger
Adult Class: A discussion of Money Enough by Douglas Hicks will be led by Wendell Lantz
Call to Worship
Leader: We gather in the name of God, our teacher who loves us.
All: We gather in the name of the One who is in our midst.
Leader: We gather as people who are sometimes poor and persecuted.
All: We gather and claim the kingdom of heaven.
Leader: We gather as merciful, pure, peacemaking people;
All: we look toward blessings.
Leader: We gather as mournful, meek, hungry people;
All: we look toward blessings.
All: In gathering here, may we be encouraged and strengthened.
Child Dedication – Congregational Response (from HWB #791)
Darren & Espri, you have offered Eleanor and Sylvia
to the strong and tender providence of God.
We rejoice with you and give thanks for the gift of your children.
We promise, with humility and seriousness,
to share in your children’s nurture and well-being.
We will support, by our example and words,
your efforts to provide a loving and caring home,
where trust in God grows and Christ’s way is chosen.
Our prayers will be with you and for you.
May our shared life and witness help make your task both joyful and fruitful.
April 7, 2013
We welcome all persons
to worship, study and fellowship with us as we continually
seek to be faithful disciples of Jesus
The Beatitudes
Focus: Rejoice and be glad! Jesus proclaims blessings for those who might
otherwise be overlooked.
Gathering to Worship
Gathering Song – H 56 - Awake, arise, O sing a new song
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Worship (see back of bulletin)
Singing our Faith
H 6 – Here in this place
H 277 - I know that my Redeemer lives
SJ 94 - Blest are they
Offering - Special offering for April is for Ecuador Outreach
Child Dedication: Eleanor Bender and Sylvia Bender
Song – H 621 – Jesus, friend so kind and gentle
Hearing the Word
Children’s Time
Scripture: Matthew 5: 1-12
Sharing Joys and Concerns / Prayer
Sending Song – H 422 – May God grant you a blessing
Benediction: May we go out today as people who are blessed.
Rebecca Kauffman, Pastor 653-4140
Matt Pflederer, Pastor (574) 606-6727
Marlene Beachy 723-0737
Mica Beauregard 723-4502
Ted Larrison 723-3826
All the congregation
Pastors: Rebecca Kauffman; Office Hours - Tues 9-4, Wed 12-4, Thurs 1-5
Matt Pflederer; Office Hours – Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Secretary: Andrew Blount, office hours on Friday
Phone: (812) 723-2414; Fax: (812) 723-3515 email:
Address: 2589 N. CR 100 W., Paoli, IN 47454
In covenanting together, we affirm that Jesus Christ is Lord. We gratefully acknowledge him as our Lord and accept his teaching as the way to live. We recognize the importance of:
· Regular Bible study, worship with others, and prayer as a vital part of our Christian life.
· Taking each other seriously, contributing our gifts and caring for one another in love to strengthen the Christian body.
· Living and sharing the Good News as Christ has taught us and as the Holy Spirit enables.
TODAY April 7, 2013 (worship at 9:30) / NEXT SUNDAY April 14, 2013 (worship at 9:30)The Beatitudes / The Beatitudes
Worship Leader: / Dana Bumbalough / Worship Leader: / Rebecca Kauffman
Music Leader: / Marlene Beachy / Music Leader: / Marlene Beachy
Meditation: / Matt Pflederer / Meditation: / Susan Classen
Greeters: / Larry Lehman / Greeter: / Jim & Bonnie Beachy
Nursery: / Evie S. & Bonnie Beachy / Nursery: / Crystal Shellenberger & Wally S.
A.V.: / Craig Bumbalough / AV: / Craig Bumbalough
We are starting a series on "The Beatitudes." The Beatitudes are a set of teachings by Jesus that forms the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew. Each week we will be focusing on a particular Beatitude starting today with "Blessed are the Poor in Spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven".
12:30 – 1:30 pm – “Behold the Light” music program practice
Next Sunday
Next Sunday the focus is on Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.” Pray this week for those who mourn.
12:30 – 1:30 pm – “Behold the Light” music program practice.
Wed. April 10 – 6:30 pm Large Group, with a light meal at 6:00. Agenda to include: discussion of overage funds, the 2013 spending plan, Gift Discernment, and “Place of Safety” policy.
April 21, 7:00 pm – “Behold the Light”. You are encouraged to invite friends and family to this special music program.
April 27, 2:00 pm – Logan Parsons’ graduation from Vincennes University
April 28, noon – Taco Bar lunch fundraiser to help support children going to summer camp.
Desserts needed! The “Backpacks of Blessings” program is hosting a chicken dinner on Sat. April 27. If you would like to help the cause, desserts are needed. Contact Mary Beth. Thank you!
New address for Andrew Blount & Rebecca Kauffman:
78 E County Rd 350 N Orleans, IN 47452
The Gifts Discernment committee (GDC) is still seeking someone to fill the role of Elder. You are asked to prayerfully consider who might be suitable for this role. Suggestions will be gathered at Large Group or speak to a GDC member (Louise, Wally, Matt, Jan).
If you subscribed to The Mennonite this year through PMF please contribute $37.00 for the subscription.
“Rejoice” renewal cards are in your mailbox, please return to the church office to subscribe to this devotional book.
Think Mennonite conference meetings are just about boring business? Think again! These meetings provide opportunity to meet the variety of people who also make up the Mennonite Church, to be inspired by how God is stirring in other congregations and settings, and to worship as a larger body. This summer there are 3 opportunities to connect with the wider church that we belong to:
*June 7-9 – IN-MI Conference annual meeting at Bethany Christian School in Goshen.
*June 20-22 – Central District Conference annual meeting at Bluffton University, OH.
*July 1-6 – Phoenix ’13 National Convention (for youth & adults!), in AZ
If interested in simply attending or serving as a delegate, talk to a PET member.
Pray for Bill Johnson who will be having surgery this Thursday on his back in order to relieve leg pain.
Continue to pray that God would bring healing to Brett Ford. He still has some numbness and pain.