George Mason Athletic Boosters
Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2013, 7:30, George Mason High School Cafetorium
Call to Order 7:34 Craig Cheney, Tom Horn, Ann Anderson, Steve Selby, Rob Donovan, Bill Stewart, Cheryl McMillen, Rob Hof, Mike Wolfe, Charlotte Hyland, Kate Nesson.
Approval of Minutes from March after a change is made to the Old Business section (selling spirit wear at the Memorial Day Booth).
Treasurer’s Report (Monthly Report) No report until next month.
Committee Reports
Concessions: All Night Grad Planning Committee suggested a jar for donations at concessions, but decided to raise money for lights instead. Made $500 in concession sales at affordable housing expo, which will be donated to the lights. Laura Nickle will send Craig Cheney the check.
Mulch Sale Post-Mortem: Thanks to Steve Selby and Rob Donovan for organizing the delivery of 3,000 bags by 11:45 (3.5 hours). Thanks to Marybeth Connelly for the added publicity that resulted in 1,000 orders in the last four days. Need to account for the truck rental cost of around $150 in future years. May consider advertising the sale in News Press. Will put Thank Yous in News Press.
Scholarship Committee: Mike Wolfe is chairing with two others. Will confer with Tom Horn around the 2-3rd week of May.
Memorial Day: Ann Anderson or Craig Cheney will double check with Jenny Paxton to make sure we have a booth reserved.
Spring Recognition Event scheduled for June 3.
Spirit Wear: Lots of inventory to sell at Memorial Day, the spring recognition banquet. Also plan to offer it to staff at start of school convocation. Darrin Coppock will take over and attend the next meeting.
Redskin Tickets: Already paid for next fall’s tickets.
Update on Status of Baseball/Softball Lights Fund Raising and Other Capital Projects
Lights bill has been paid. Need to transfer funds and Cheryl McMillen needs the precise amount so she can write the check to the school board.
Bill Page backed out of naming rights deal, but discussions are underway with Coleman Power Sports (50-50 chance they will sign). Tom Horn is negotiating a deal with an established firm that sells ads for High Schools. The firm will take a percentage of any deal, but Boosters will retain control and approval. Boosters has a 7-year period to raise the money.
Fundraiser: Lights Fundraiser scheduled for April 27. Rain Date is May 11.
Recognition Event: Once we have a sponsor in place, we will plan a formal Naming Rights ceremony and invite all donors (30-40 people) to say thank you.
School Board Liaison Report: City Council work session tonight to discuss the school budget. Don’t think it will be approved, but not sure what City Council will come back with.
Athletic Director’s Report: Projects: Tennis Courts still need work done. Waiting for right temperature to resurface courts. Halt season for the limited time (four days) and will rent from Jefferson Park. Plan to do the work sooner rather than later to benefit current players. Plus, it will be safer. Fencing project around tennis courts will be completed tomorrow. Softball press box erected over spring break 100% donated by anonymous person.
Officers and Committee Leads for 2013-14: Craig Cheney is reviewing the list and will email list before next meeting for Board review. Need to nominate for 5 positions in May and vote officially in June.
Big Teams wants us to drop Sage and use Pay Pal instead since it’s so much easier. Need to set up account and determine who will be authorized (Spirit and Mulch Sales). Once Pay Pal Account is set up, we need to tell Big Teams to set it up on web site.
Old Business
Standard Operating Practices Book (areas needed include directory, mulch, banquets, HOF, Redskins, Bill Rose Fund)
New Business
Adjourn 8:18
Next meeting May 13 then June 3