Purpose: To interpret characteristics of objects in space and analyze how those characteristics are limiting factors affect space travel.

Timeline: Assign Thursday May 12 – Present in class Thursday May 19.


Goldilocks and her bear friends live in a solar system where the star is dying. They must move to a new solar region similar to where they live. They are carbon based life forms similar to that which lives on a planet that you may be familiar with. You have been hired to become an expert on a local solar region in order to help plan a future migratory mission to form a new colony that will preserve the Goldilock way of life.


1.  Log into the computer and launch the Internet Browser. In the location box, enter the address: www.wfisd.net once you are on the wfisd web site in the upper left corner under choose a school go to Barwise Leadership Academy and click on it. At the Barwise page, under Departments choose science and then 7th grade.

2.  Click on the Goldilocks’ Zone and determine the main factors which need to be considered when determining if a planet can sustain life as we know it.

List them here:

·  1st

·  2nd

·  3rd

3.  You will now need to research a distant solar region to determine the best possible planetary location for the new colony. Your research team will need to develop a planetary profile for each of the major planets in the new solar region before the colonization can begin.

4.  Use a planetary profile page to record the data for each of the eight possible colony locations. Each group must turn in at least eight planetary profiles. Any other objects you find interesting can also be added to you data base if you have time. The links The Solar System and Planetary Research have been provided for you. Please use them before jumping straight to Google hyperspace and getting lost in an unknown universe.

5.  You will be finding an image of each body in space to sketch onto the planetary profile pages. After looking at the web links your teacher provided first, you may also use Google images as long as you remember to add the word “planet” to the search category. When you locate the image you want

·  open a word document

·  place the mouse cursor over the image to be saved ,

·  using the right mouse button, click on the image,

·  select copy

·  click on the Word button at the bottom of your screen to return to the word document.

·  place your cursor on the space you want the image to be pasted.

·  type a label for the image so you know what solar community object it is.

6.  Once your planetary profiles are complete, you need to read the articles on human space travel linked on the 7th grade science page under Goldilocks Dilemma (Human Space Travel and Space Station). This will prepare you to plan Goldilocks’ trip from her dying solar system to her new home in a solar system far, far away. See the mission planning guide.

7.  Use your rubric and check list to ensure you are including all that you need to complete this assignment to the fullest possible potential. Presentations can be an illustrated storybook, play, song, full length comic strip, diorama with story, etc……


ó  Note: You will not be able to successfully complete this assignment if you aren’t willing to read information. You cannot do this activity by simply looking at pictures.


1.  What factors limit long-term human exploration of the inner planets?

2.  What factors limit long-term human exploration of the outer planets?

3.  Since human exploration of other planets poses so many challenges, how was all this information gathered?

Check List of What Should be Included in Presentation Preparation and the presentation.

ü  _____ Work as a team. You will need to divide up tasks to get the project complete.

ü  _____ First Check Point will be Monday May 16th. All Planetary Data Sheets must be completed

ü  _____ Remember to use the skill sheet “How to Make a Scientific Drawing” when working on you Planetary

ü  _____ Second Check Point will be Tuesday May 17th. Mission planning guide should be complete with all extra research notes written on the back.

ü  _____ Explain the term “Goldilock Zone”

ü  _____ Incorporate three planetary profiles including the one most suitable for Goldilocks to inhabit.

ü  _____ Include data showing why each planet is or is not habitable by the immigrating Goldilock race.

ü  _____ Explain the difficulties of traveling in space.

ü  _____ Discuss the impact of long term space travel on the human body.

ü  _____ Describe how the difficulties of traveling in space will be overcome.

ü  _____ Have any hand outs, note pages, assignment pages, etc… ready for your presentation day. Third Check Point Wednesday May 18th **Let me know if there is anything you need copies of the day before your presentation.

ü  _____ Forth Check Point will also be Wednesday May 18th. Presentation is complete and ready to be given to class on Thursday May 20th.

Rubric for The Goldilocks Dilemma

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
8 Planetary research Organizers
30 points / Researched independently. Research organizer completely filled out with relevant information. Did not fill up space with large print. / Researched independently. Research organizer filled out. More information could be recorded. / Most research was independent. Research organizer is lacking information needed for lesson. / Research organizer not completed or information is sparse. Shows a lack of effort.
Planning Organizer
30 points / Graphic organizer is completed with relevant information recorded for a well thought out mission / Graphic organizer is completed. Did not go "over and above" to include all relevant information for presentations. / Graphic organizer shows little effort. Very little relevant information is recorded. / Graphic organizer is not completed or information is sparse. Shows lack of effort.
Cooperative Work
20 points / Student fulfilled their group job. Worked well with other students and took responsibility for their role to the group. / Student fulfilled their group job. Did not always work cooperatively with others, but did complete their role to the group. / Student did not complete their group job effectively. Did not always work cooperatively. Others had to do some of their role for the group. / Student did not complete their group job or work cooperatively. Other students had to complete their role for the group.
20 points / Lesson is engaging. Student’s interest is held beginning to end and significant information is communicated. / Lesson is engaging. Student interest is held most of the time. Significant information is communicated. / Lesson is somewhat engaging. Some necessary information is missing. / Lesson is not engaging. Lesson seems to be put together with little thought.
Information is missing.


updated 12/3/2010