Office for Doctoral Studies

Neue Stiftingtalstraße 2/I

A-8010 Graz

Progress Reportfor the PhD Study O 094

at the Medical University of Graz

(Please fill inthis form accuratelyand completely in BLOCK LETTERS)

1st Progress Report
2nd Progress Report / Date of Submission:
Matriculation Number (if applicable)
Information about the Student
Family Name
First Name(s)

Information about the Dissertation(to be filled incompletely by the student)

Dissertation Topic
Name of the Institute or Clinical Department where the Dissertation is performed
Name of the PhD programme
Molecular Medicine
Brain Ageing
Doctoral College – Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
Doctoral College – Molecular Fundamentals of Inflammation

Pursuant to § 6 of the Curriculum forthe PhD Studies at the Medical University of Graz, the students are obliged to present a yearly ProgressReportbefore the ThesisCommittee.Following this presentation, the Progress Report is forwarded in written form to the Office for Doctoral Studies.

The Progress Reportis only valid with the signatures and comments of all members of the ThesisCommittee.Without approval by the Dean for Doctoral Studies the Progress Report (0.5 semester hours) cannot be credited to the course record of the PhD student.

Date(s) of extraordinary meetings of the Thesis Committee with the Student between two Progress Reports (if applicable):


Members of the doctoral thesis committee

Member 1/Supervisor:


Institute/Clinical Department:

Member 2/Co-Supervisor:


Institute/Clinical Department:

Member 3/Co-Supervisor:


Institute/Clinical Department:

Date and place of presentation of the progress report

Date and place of presentation:______

Starting time:______

Closing time:______

If applicable, please enclose your presentation.

Progress Report

Formal Criteria for the Progress Report

-Text in English

-Font: Arial size 11 or Times New Roman size 12

-Spacing: double

-Organized and formatted like a regular manuscript; 5 to maximally 20 pages text
(not including Abstract, References, Figures and Tables)

-Use as many extra sheets as required

1.Introduction(max. 2 pages)

2.Materials and Methods


3.1. 1st accomplished aim and results

3.2. 2nd accomplished aim and results

3.3. …


5.References (Vancouver style)

6.Figures (including Legends)


8.Deviations from the proposed schedule

9.Problems encountered

10.Further plans/schedule

Comments of the Thesis Committee

(Use extra sheets if required)

Thesis Committee Member1/Supervisor:______

(Date and Signature)


(Signature and comments are obligatory for approval of the progress report and creditation to the course record of the PhD student. By signing this document, the undersigned confirms that she/he attended thepresentation of the progress report.)

Thesis Committee Member 2/Co-Supervisor:______

(Date and Signature)


(Signature and comments are obligatory for approval of the progress report and creditation to the course record of the PhD student. By signing this document, the undersigned confirms that she/he attended thepresentation of the progress report.)

Thesis Committee Member 3/Co-Supervisor:______

(Date and Signature)


(Signature and comments are obligatory for approval of the progress report and creditation to the course record of the PhD student. By signing this document, the undersigned confirms that she/he attended thepresentation of the progress report.)