Intentions Setting eWorkbook


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No part of this material may be shared, distributed, or used for any purpose other than intended. Nothing in this manual may be used for workshops, nor reproduced by any means, including electronic storage within a computer program or database, without the written advance consent of Bruce D Schneider and iPEC Coaching. Your use of this workbook constitutes acceptance of these terms.


Introduction 3

Part 1 – Where Are You Now? 4

Area 1 – Personal Development 5

Area 2 – Career & Profession 6

Area 3 – Family & Parenting 7

Area 4 – Intimate & Social Relationships 8

Area 5 – Health & Aging 9

Area 6 – Finance 10

Area 7 – Spiritual Awareness 11

Area 8 – Fun & Enjoyment 12

Area 9 – Inner Work & Qualities Development 13

Area 10 – Energy and Engagement 15

Summing Up 17

Part 2 – Creating a Vision 18

Integrity 18

Creating Synchronicities 19

Walking the Talk 20

Non-judgment 21

Clearing the Clutter 22

Part 3 – Creating the Future, Now 25

The You, 2.0 Plan 25

Personal Plan 25

Professional Plan 27

Commitment 29

Accountability 29

Part 4 – Progress Journal 30


This eWorkbook introduces you to some basic concepts that will help you as you progress through Life & Leadership Potentials Training (LPT) and the Coach Training Program, as well as help you as you begin creating the next phase in your life. There are exercises to complete and information to read. You will be asked to submit the completed eWorkbook. Note, however, that this program is for your development. You are on a self-journey; a journey of discovery. iPEC may or may not read your answers, as, for the purpose of this project, our “opinion” shouldn’t be necessary. In other words, it’s time to start trusting yourself. The purpose of this eWorkbook is for you to self-evaluate and self-develop.

Answer honestly and after whatever deep contemplation you feel is necessary, but please do take the proper time to get the most benefit from this and from your iPEC experience. After you complete this eWorkbook, you can expect to have:

·  Gained a greater self-awareness of who you are

·  Discovered your strengths

·  Discovered areas for development

·  Considered some important concepts that will help you move forward

·  Clearly set the intention of your learning experience at iPEC and beyond

Important note: The process you will go though in this eWorkbook – identifying where you are and where you want to go – is a process you’ll be replicating with your clients, and so, it’s important to experience the process, first-hand.

In order to get the most out of it, we suggest that you complete the Life Review prior to beginning this eWorkbook.

Part 1 – Where Are You Now?

When you are more self-aware, you understand and appreciate how you think, feel, and act. By taking time to recognize “where you are,” you can work towards getting to where you want to go. In the Life Review, you looked at what brought you to this point. Now it’s time to take a deeper look.

In this section, you will examine ten areas, or aspects, of your life. For each area of your life, you’ll rate your current personal level of satisfaction with a list of items associated with that area. If you have other items in a particular area that are important to you, feel free to add them.

You will be rating your satisfaction on a scale of 1 – 10, with 1 meaning that you are not at all satisfied and 10 meaning you are completely satisfied. If something doesn’t apply to you, choose N/A.

Please identify those items that are personal strengths of yours (these may give you clues, later on, as to what you might like to coach others on), and also those items you wish to personally improve or develop. For example, if you’re a great decision maker, check the Personal Strength box on the “Decision Making” line. If decision making is something you’d like to get better at, check the box for Item to Improve Upon or Develop.

So that you can better coach clients on those aspects of their lives, at the end of each of the ten areas, you’ll also be asked to identify what, if anything, you’d want to learn about during the course of the Coach Training Program to increase your coaching ability or effectiveness in that area.

Note that if you plan to be a corporate coach, life issues will still come up – even executives have lives – and if you’re planning to be a life coach, career issues will still come up – as most people do have a career. Thus, it’s important to look at all aspects of your life – and of your client’s.

Area 1 – Personal Development

Current Satisfaction Rating / Is this a personal strength? / Is this an item to improve upon or develop?
Creativity/Self-expression / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Moving through Blocks / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Dealing with Loss / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Self-appreciation/Acceptance / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Self-Love / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Goal-setting/Achieving / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Dealing with Change / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Living True to Your Values / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Communicating Effectively / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Staying Power / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Use of Talents/Gifts / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Balance / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Decision Making / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Being Your Authentic Self / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Continuing to Grow / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Other / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A

What insights do your answers give you about yourself in the area of personal development?

What would you like to explore in the area of personal development that would better help you coach a client around these issues?

Area 2 – Career & Profession

Current Satisfaction Rating / Is this a personal strength? / Is this an item to improve upon or develop?
Clarity of Career Vision/Mission / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Leadership Ability / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Technological Skills / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Management Skills / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Scheduling and Time Management Skills / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Delegating Skills / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Stress Management / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Ability to Work with Deadlines / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Positive Attitude / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Organizational Skills / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Public Speaking / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Financial Skills and Knowledge / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Teamwork / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Marketing Skills / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Networking Ability / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Sales Ability / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Other / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A

What insights do your answers give you about yourself in the area of career and profession?

What would you like to explore in the area of career and profession that would better help you coach a client around these issues?

Area 3 – Family & Parenting

Current Satisfaction Rating / Is this a personal strength? / Is this an item to improve upon or develop?
Parenting / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Disciplining my Children / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Setting & Reinforcing Rules/Boundaries / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Understanding Childhood Development / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Stress Management / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Clarity of the Purpose of Family / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Personal Role within the Family / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Family Accountability / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Participation in Family Rituals / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Unconditional Love & Acceptance of Family Members / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Living & Sharing Family Values / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Balance / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Ability to Run a Household / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Fun Time! / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Relationship to Pets/Animals in the Home / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Participation in Children’s Schooling / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Relationship with Siblings / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Relationship with Parents / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Other / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A

What insights do your answers give you about yourself in the area of family and parenting?

What would you like to explore in the area of family and parenting that would better help you coach a client around these issues?

Area 4 – Intimate & Social Relationships

Current Satisfaction Rating / Is this a personal strength? / Is this an item to improve upon or develop?
Intimacy / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Communicating Clearly / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Listening / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Socializing / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Boundary Setting / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Saying No / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Handling Conflicts / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Being True to Yourself / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Clarity of Purpose of Relationships / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Romance / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Ability to Not Be a People Pleaser / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Sexual Fulfillment / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Companionship / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Forgiveness / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Gratitude / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Ability to End Relationships / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Dealing with Loneliness and Rejection / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Acceptance of Others / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Enough Close Friendships / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Other / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A

What insights do your answers give you about yourself in the area of intimate and social relationships?

What would you like to explore in the area of intimate and social relationships that would better help you coach a client around these issues?

Area 5 – Health & Aging

Current Satisfaction Rating / Is this a personal strength? / Is this an item to improve upon or develop?
Body Image / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Weight / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Eating Habits / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Exercise / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Stress Reduction Techniques / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Overall Appearance / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Contentment with Aging / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
General Health / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Dealing with Death/Grieving / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Overcoming Unwanted Habits / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Thinking Young / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Living a Healthy Lifestyle / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Handling Powerful Emotional Situations / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A
Other / Level of satisfaction1 = Not at all Satifisfied2345678910 = Completely SatisfiedN/A

What insights do your answers give you about yourself in the area of health and aging?