Conference schedule



Panel #1: Ricoeur, Languge and the Imagination


John Arthos, DenisonUniversity, “Narrative Identity as Gebilde: Ricoeur’s Advance in the Hermeneutic Theory of the Work.”

George Taylor, University of Pittsburgh, “Ricoeur’s Philosophy of Imagination.”

Darin McGinnis, LoyolaUniversityChicago, “Ricoeur and the Grounding of Reflection on Discourse.”

Melissa Mosko, MarquetteUniversity, “Ricoeur’s ‘Little Ethics’ as a Framework of Regulative Ideas.”

Panel #2: Ricoeur and the Religious Experience


John Starkey, Oklahoma CityUniversity, “Thought Returns to the Symbol, the Story, and the Self: Ricoeur and Religious Experience.”

Rabbi Joseph Edelheit, St. CloudStateUniversity, “Paul Ricoeur’s Biblical Hermeneutics and Rabbinic Hermeneutics.”

Boyd Blundell, LoyolaUniversity of New Orleans, “A New Theological Rhythm: Paul Ricoeur as a Detour.”

Timothy Maddox, Hardin-SimmonsUniversity, “A Ricoeurian Solution for Historical Reference in Biblical Narrative.”

5:45-6:45 - Dinner

7:00-9:00 –Public Lecture, Dr. Charles Reagan, KansasStateUniversity, “On Recognition.”



Panel #3–Ricoeur and the Arts


Helga Lenart-Cheng, HarvardUniversity, “Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy and the Genre of Autobiography: The Curious Silence”

Roger W.H. Savage, UCLA, “Is Music Mimetic? Ricoeur and the Limits of Narrative.”

David Leichter, MarquetteUniversity, “Lear’s Howl of Attestation: Tragedy at the limit of selfhood in Oneself as Another.”

Panel #4 – Ricoeur and the Political


David H. Fisher, NorthCentralCollege, “Just Ricoeur.”

Farhang Erfani, AmericanUniversity, “Ricoeur on the Pre-political.”

Jim Ambury, AmericanUniversity, “Ricoeur and the Politics of Memory.”


Panel #5 –Ricoeur and Theology


Dan Stiver, Hardin-SimmonsUniversity, “Systematic Theology after Ricoeur.”

Adam Graves, University of Pennsylvania, “Between Athens and Jerusalem: Ricoeur on the Relation Between Speculative and Religious Discourses.”

Michael Mols, Institute for Christian Studies, “Song of Songs: A Reply to Ricoeur.”

Panel #6 – Ricoeur and Subjectivity


Tim Davidson, University of Oklahoma, “Ricoeur’s Phenomenology of the Ego.”

Travis Holloway, BostonCollege, “After Ricoeur/After Heidegger: Imagining a New Subjectivity.”

Alan Tomhave, University of Missouri, “Ricoeur and the Becoming Real of Freedom.”

12:00-1:00 - Lunch

1:00-2:15 –Public Lecture: Dr. William Schweiker, University of ChicagoDivinitySchool, “Ricoeur and the Return of Humanism.”


Panel #7 – Ricoeur and Memory


Rachel Waterstradt, LoyolaMarymountUniversity, “Ricoeur’s Legacy for Genocide Studies: Wagering on the Balance between Individual and Collective Responsibility for Atrocity.”

Rebecca Huskey, University of Oklahoma, “An Invitation to Remember: Ricoeur’s Legacy for Thought on Human Suffering.”

Andreea Deciu Ritivoi, CarnegieMellonUniversity, “The Traumatic Past: Paul Ricoeur’s Reflections on the Moral and Epistemic Dimensions of Collective Memory.”

Panel #8 – Ricoeur and Interpretation


Miao Deyang, China, “To Exist is to Interpret: A Review of the Interpretation Theory of Ricoeur.”

Jay Mootz, PennsylvaniaStateUniversity, “Ricoeur’s Critical Hermeneutics and the Psychotherapeutic Model of Critical Theory.”

Yvana Mols, Institute for Christian Studies, “Mixing Genres to Open Worlds? Means and Ends in Carla Harryman and Paul Ricoeur.”

Scott O’Leary, FordhamUniversity, “The Logic of Paul Ricoeur: Mediating the Gadamer-Habermas Debate.”


Panel #9 – Ricoeur and Symbolism


Matthew Miller, University of CentralOklahoma, “Ricoeur, Cassirer and the ‘Meaning’ of ‘Symbol.’”

Jim Sisson, MercerUniversity, “Ricoeur on the Symbolism of Evil: A Seductive Presence.”

Craig Kubias, LimestoneCollege, “Paul Ricoeur and Religious Metaphor.”

Panel #10 - Ricoeur and Work


Todd Mei, University of Kent (UK), “Form and Figure: Paul Ricoeur and the Rehabilitation of Work.”

David Kaplan, University of NorthTexas, “Paul Ricoeur and the Philosophy of Technology.”

Daniel Bradley, Nat’l. University of Ireland-Galway, “From Text to Non-action: The place for passivity in Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics of the Word.”


Frank Roebuck