Preparatory Project Application Form

For Joint Secretariat use only
Date of arrival:
The main objectives of this document are:
  for projects to present their project proposal
  for project selection to determine project’s relevance for the programme
  for communication purposes to present the project to a wider public and programme stakeholders
  to have a baseline for monitoring of project progress

PART A – Preparatory project summary

A.1 Project identification

Project title
CAV Number / Official use only
Unique ID number / Official use only
Project acronym
Name of the lead partner organisation in English
Project duration / Start date (Month/Year)
End date (Month/Year)
Nr of Months
Programme priority / Priority 1
Using Innovation to Maintain And Develop Robust And Competitive Communities
Priority 2
Promoting Entrepreneurship to Realise the Potential of the Programme Area’s Competitive Advantage
Priority 3
Fostering Energy-Secure Communities through Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Priority 4
Protecting, Promoting and Developing Cultural and Natural Heritage

A.2 Project summary

Please give a short overview of the project
The first 4 lines will act as a synopsis for the NPA programme website
-  the common challenge you are jointly tackling in your project
-  the main objective of the project and the expected change your project will make to the current situation
-  the main outputs you will produce and who will benefit from them
-  what is new/original about the approach you plan to take and
-  what is new/original about it
In English language [500 - 1000 characters]

A.3 Preparatory Project budget summary

Total Partner Budget to be inserted from Application Form Package part D

Example inserted:

PART B – Project partners

B-1 Lead partner
Name of organisation in English
Name of organisation in original language
Abbreviation of organisation
Beneficiary ID / Official use only
Address / street, postcode, town, country, homepage
Person Responsible / contact details - name, e-mail address, telephone
Contact person / contact details - name, e-mail address, telephone
NUTS3 code[1] / number and name of the region
Legal status / Public/Private (See Annex 1)
Organisation Procurement Status
Co-Financing Source / ERDF
Norway ERDF equivalent
Iceland ERDF equivalent
Type of partner / See Annex 1 – Type of partner and target group classification)
VAT Number
Partner Budget / Total eligible budget of the lead partner
Which are the organisation’s competences and experiences relevant for the project? Add role in the project. / Max 500 crt
If applicable, describe the organisation’s experience in participating in and/or managing EU co-financed projects or other international projects. / Max 500 crt
Bank Name
Bank Address
I, the signing authority for the Lead Partner organisation, certify that the information in this proposal
is accurate and that my organisation has agreed to co-ordinate the activities and carry the full
responsibility of the project if this proposal is awarded funds from the Northern Periphery and Arctic
Programme 2014-2020. I certify that the project will be implemented in accordance with national laws and EU regulations, and I especially acknowledge the rules considering public tendering, competition policy and eligible costs. To the best of my knowledge, a proposal with similar content, with the involvement of any of the partners has not been submitted to other EU-funded programme.
Date Signature Full Name Position
B.2 Project Partner (x)
Name of organisation in English / preferably using the official translation
Name of organisation in original language
Abbreviation of organisation
Beneficiary ID / Official use only
Address / street, postcodetown, country, homepage
Person Responsible. / contact details - name, e-mail address, telephone
Contact person / contact details - name, e-mail address, telephone
NUTS3 code[2] / number and name of the region
Legal status / Public/private (See Annex 1)
Organisation Procurement Status
Co-Financing Source / ERDF
ERDF 20% (Partners outside programme area)
Norway ERDF equivalent
Iceland ERDF equivalent
Faroe Islands ERDF equivalent
Greenland ERDF equivalent
Type of partner
VAT number
Partner Budget / Insert Total eligible budget of the partner
Which are the organisation’s competences and experiences relevant for the project? Add role in the project. / Max 500 crt
If applicable, describe the organisation’s experience in participating in and/or managing EU co-financed projects or other international projects. / Max 500 crt

Add additional Project partners as required

Associated Partners

B.3 Associated Partner (x)
Name of organisation in English / preferably using the official translation
Name of organisation in original language
Abbreviation of organisation
Address / street, postcode,town, country, homepage
Person Responsible / contact details - name, e-mail address, telephone
Contact person / contact details - name, e-mail address, telephone
Project Partner affiliation / Which project partner the associated partner is connected
Associated Partners role in project

Add additional Associated partners as required

Project Partner overview

(Filled in from Section B)

Partner Number / Project partner title / Abbreviation of organisation / Country / Partner total eligible budget / Partner status

PART C – Preparatory Project description

C.1 Project relevance

C.1.1 What are the common territorial challenges that will be tackled by the potential main project?
When describing the project’s relevance, please also demonstrate that the project is relevant for all partner areas by taking into account the level of ‘maturity in the field of intervention’. In addition, please describe how the main project will base its outputs on stakeholders needs and how stakeholder involvement during the project is envisaged
Max 2000 crt
C.1.2 How will the expected results of the main project contribute to changes sought by the programme?
Max 2000 crt

C.2 Project objectives and expected results.

C.2.1 Programme specific objective
Select one programme specific objective your project is contributing to.
1.1 Increased innovation and transfer of new technology to SMEs in remote sparsely populated areas
1.2 Increased innovation within public service provision in remote, sparsely populated areas
2.1 Improved support systems tailored for start-ups and existing SMEs in remote and sparsely populated areas
2.2 Greater market reach beyond local markets for SMEs in remote and sparsely populated areas
3 Increased use of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions in housing and public infrastructures in remote, sparsely populated areas
4 Increased capacity of remote and sparsely populated communities for sustainable environmental management
C.2.2 Programme result
Select one programme result your main project is expected to contribute to
Select one programme result indicators corresponding to the selected programme priority
1.1 Degree of collaborations between SMEs and R & D
1.2 Awareness and attitudes among health professionals towards the use of eHealth technologies.
2.1 Conditions for start-ups in remote, sparsely populated areas
2.2 Awareness of business opportunities beyond local markets among SMEs
3 Aware ness of energy efficiency opportunities and renewable solutions in housing sector
and public infrastructures in remote and sparsely populated areas
4 Preparedness of responsible authorities in remote and sparsely populated areas for environmental management in relation to climate change and impacts of new investments in exploitation of natural resources

C.3 Products and services (outputs) envisaged in a main project proposal.

C.3.1 What is the expected main project’s approach in addressing these common challenges and/or joint opportunities and what is new about the approach that the project takes?
·  Please describe expected new solutions which will be developed during a main project and/or existing solutions that will be adapted and implemented during the project lifetime.
·  Please describe in what way the approach goes beyond existing practice in the sector/ programme area/ participating countries.
·  If possible, please refer to the relevant output indicators for main projects listed in Annex 2.
Max 1000 crt
C.3.2 Why is transnational cooperation needed to achieve the project’s objectives and result?
Please explain why the project goals cannot be efficiently reached acting only on a national/regional/local level and/or describe what benefits the project partners/target groups/project area gain in taking a transnational approach. Consider how the project applies principles such as joint development, financing, implementation, and staffing.
Max 1000 crt
C.3.3 Target groups
Who is expected to use the potential products and services? / List target group(s)
How will you involve target groups (and other stakeholders) in the development of the potential main project products and services

C.4 Indicative time plan overview

Please indicate in which calendar month each activity will start and end.

Activity name / Month 1 / Month 2 / Month 3 / Month 4 / Month 5 / Month


Please describe and specify activities:-


PART D – Project budget

Financial BudgetTables in Excel

Partner Budget Breakdown in Excel

See detailed instructions in the Application Instructions and the Programme Manual

PART E – Project annexes

1.  Match Funding Commitments per partner

2.  Partner Budget Breakdown templates per partner

3.  Letter of legal status confirmation for partner organisation.

4.  VAT Statement for project partners not able to recover VAT

Special Note:

Lead partner confirmation and signature

By signing the application form the lead partner confirms that:

  the project neither in whole or in part has or will receive any other additional EU funding (except for the funding indicated in this application form) during the whole duration of the project;

  the project partners listed in the application form are committed to take part in the project’s activities and funding;

  the project is in line with the relevant EU and national/regional legislation and policies of the regions and countries involved;

  the lead partner and the project partners will act according to the provisions of the relevant national and EU regulations, especially regarding structural funds, public procurement, state aid, environment and equal opportunities, as well as the specific provisions of the programme;

  the project respects equal opportunities and non-discrimination and has no harmful impact on the environment;

  the information in the application form is accurate and true to the best knowledge of the lead partner.


Partner legal status

Public (More than 50% of the capital or voting rights is controlled by public bodies)
Private (50% or less of the capital or voting rights is controlled by public bodies)
International Organisations

Classification of beneficiaries and target groups

Nr / Main categories / Examples
1 / local public authority / municipality
2 / regional public authority / regional council
3 / national public authority / ministry, department
4 / sectoral agency / local or regional development agency, environmental agency, energy agency, employment agency, etc.
5 / infrastructure and (public) service provider / public transport, utility company (water supply, electricity supply, sewage, gas, waste collection, etc.), airport, port, railway, etc.
6 / interest groups including NGOs / international organisation, trade union, foundation, charity, voluntary association, club, etc.
7 / higher education and research / university faculty, college, research institution, RTD facility, research cluster, etc.
8 / education/training centre and school / primary, secondary, pre-school, vocational training, etc.
9 / enterprise, including SME / micro, small, medium, large
10 / business support organisation / chamber of commerce, chamber of trade and crafts, business incubator or innovation centre, business clusters, etc.
11 / EEIG, EGTC[3]
12 / General public[4]
13 / Other[5]

ANNEX 2 Output indicators for Main projects

Priority Axis 1 Innovation

Type / Output Indicator / Measurement unit
Common indicators / Number of enterprises receiving support
Definition: Number of enterprises receiving support in any form from ERDF (whether the support represents state aid or not).
Enterprise: Organisation producing products or services to satisfy market needs in order to reach profit. The legal form of enterprise may be various (self-employed persons, partnerships, etc.)[6]. / Enterprises
Number of enterprises cooperating with research institutions
Definition: Number of enterprises that cooperate with research institutions in R&D projects. At least one
enterprise and one research institution participates in the project. One or more of the cooperating parties (research institution or enterprise) may receive the support but it must be
conditional to the cooperation. The cooperation may be new or existing. The cooperation should last at least for the duration of the project.
Enterprise: Organisation producing products or services to satisfy market needs in order to reach profit. The origin of the enterprise (inside or outside of the EU) does not matter. In case one enterprise takes the formal lead and others are subcontractors but still interacting with
the research institution, all enterprises should be counted. Enterprises cooperating in different projects should be added up (provided that all projects receive support); this is not regarded
as multiple counting.
Research institution: an organisation of which R&D is a primary activity[7]. / Enterprises
Specific indicators / Number of product and service opportunities to be developed, based on new or existing R&D / Products and services
Number of supported SMEs reporting productivity increase in %. (i.e. Increased sales, customer base and increased productivity) / SMEs
Number of innovative models/solutions addressing viability and low critical mass in public service provision / Collaborations
Number of innovative
technology-driven solutions for public service provision in remote areas / Services

Priority Axis 2 Entrepreneurship

Type / Output Indicator / Measurement unit
Common indicators / Number of enterprises receiving support
Definition: Number of enterprises receiving support in any form from ERDF (whether the support represents state aid or not).
Enterprise: Organisation producing products or services to satisfy market needs in order to reach profit. The legal form of enterprise may be various (self-employed persons, partnerships, etc.)[8]. / Enterprises
Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the market products
Definition: The indicator measures if an enterprise receives support to develop a 'new to the market' product in any of its markets. Includes process innovation as long as the process contributes to the development of the product. Projects without the aim of actually developing a product are excluded. If an enterprise introduces several products or receives support for several projects, it is still counted as one enterprise. In case of cooperation projects, the indicator measures all participating enterprises.
A product is new to the market if there is no other product available on a market that offers the same functionality, or the technology that the new product uses is fundamentally different from the technology of already existing products. Products can be tangible or intangible (incl. services). Supported projects that aimed to introduce new to the markets products but did not succeed are still counted[9]. / Enterprises
Specific indicators / Number of business support solutions utilising place-based opportunities / Services
Number of new or sustained jobs reported / Jobs
Number of business support solutions removing barriers for start-ups/existing SMEs / Services
Number of new solutions using technology to overcome long distances to market / Services

Priority Axis 3 Renewables and energy efficiency