Grammar Unit #1 Summative Exam

Part I. Multiple Choice

Section A: Subjects & Verbs

Read the sentences and decide which letter (A, B, or C) correctly indicates the subject and verb in each.
Everyone, including the bus drivers, enjoyed the class trip.
/ a. / bus drivers, enjoyed
/ b. / Everyone, enjoyed
/ c. / class, enjoyed
Even the teachers, with so many children to supervise, had a day of fun.
/ a. / children, had
/ b. / teachers, had
/ c. / teachers, supervise
The science museum was filled with countless school groups that day.
/ a. / science, was filled
/ b. / museum, was filled
/ c. / groups, filled
The young children marveled at the dinosaur models.
/ a. / dinosaur, marveled
/ b. / children, marveled
/ c. / young, marveled
In the museum's giant human heart model, they traced the path of the blood.
/ a. / heart, model
/ b. / museum's, giant
/ c. / they, traced
At lunchtime, the children, teachers, and bus drivers ate in the cafeteria.
/ a. / lunchtime, ate
/ b. / children, ate
/ c. / children, teachers, bus drivers, ate
After lunch, the group went to a small auditorium for a film on ecosystems.
/ a. / lunch, went
/ b. / group, went
/ c. / ecosystems, on
After the film, the museum guide took them all to a model of a pond community.
/ a. / guide, took
/ b. / museum, took
/ c. / film, took
This model showed typical producers and consumers.
/ a. / model, showed
/ b. / producers and consumers, showed
/ c. / this model, typical
The children observed the vegetation, fish, and frogs.
/ a. / vegetation, fish, frogs, observed
/ b. / children, observed
/ c. / frogs, observed
On the bus ride home, the children took seats with their friends.
/ a. / children, took seats
/ b. / bus, ride
/ c. / children, took
After the long day, they were all quite excited and talkative.
/ a. / they, all were
/ b. / they, were
/ c. / they, were excited
By the time the buses rolled into the school parking lot, it was dismissal time.
/ a. / it, was
/ b. / dismissal time, was
/ c. / busses, rolled
Did all of the teachers thank the bus drivers?
/ a. / All, thank
/ b. / teachers, thank
/ c. / all, did thank
With no homework to do, the children cheered while leaving the buses.
/ a. / homework, to do
/ b. / children, leaving
/ c. / children, cheered

Section B: Correcting the Fragment

Each of the following groups of words is a fragment. Identify what part of the sentence is missing and needs to be added to make the fragment into a sentence.
went to see a movie on Friday night
/ a. / Add a subject
/ b. / Add a verb
/ c. / Add a subject and a verb
/ d. / The subject and verb are present, but it doesn't express a complete thought.
the main actor
/ a. / Add a subject
/ b. / Add a verb
/ c. / Add a subject and a verb
/ d. / The subject and verb are present, but it doesn't express a complete thought.
/ e. / Either B or C could be correct.
he was
/ a. / Add a subject
/ b. / Add a verb
/ c. / Add a subject and a verb
/ d. / The subject and verb are present, but it doesn't express a complete thought.
filled to capacity
/ a. / Add a subject
/ b. / Add a verb
/ c. / Add a subject and a verb
/ d. / The subject and verb are present, but it doesn't express a complete thought.
opening night
/ a. / Add a subject
/ b. / Add a verb
/ c. / Add a subject and a verb
/ d. / The subject and verb are present, but it doesn't express a complete thought.
/ e. / B or C
showing the previews from an upcoming movie
/ a. / Add a subject
/ b. / Add a verb
/ c. / Add a subject and a verb
/ d. / The subject and verb are present, but it doesn't express a complete thought.
captures the interest of TV viewers
/ a. / Add a subject
/ b. / Add a verb
/ c. / Add a subject and a verb
/ d. / The subject and verb are present, but it doesn't express a complete thought.
the movie's most exciting scenes
/ a. / Add a subject
/ b. / Add a verb
/ c. / Add a subject and a verb
/ d. / The subject and verb are present, but it doesn't express a complete thought.
/ e. / B or C
my roommate is
/ a. / Add a subject
/ b. / Add a verb
/ c. / Add a subject and a verb
/ d. / The subject and verb are present, but it doesn't express a complete thought.
he and I go
/ a. / Add a subject
/ b. / Add a verb
/ c. / Add a subject and a verb
/ d. / The subject and verb are present, but it doesn't express a complete thought.
/ e. / Either B or C could be correct.

Section C: Fragments, run-ons, complete sentences

Choose the letter (A, B, or C) that correctly identifies each group of words as a fragment, a run-on sentence, or a complete sentence.
An unexpected, but quite welcome, rise in temperatures.
/ a. / fragment
/ b. / run-on sentence
/ c. / complete sentence
People were outdoors enjoying the unseasonable warmth.
/ a. / fragment
/ b. / run-on sentence
/ c. / complete sentence
With only T-shirts and shorts.
/ a. / fragment
/ b. / run-on sentence
/ c. / complete sentence
Many walked around the river.
/ a. / fragment
/ b. / run-on sentence
/ c. / complete sentence
With children on bicycles speeding by in the March sunshine.
/ a. / fragment
/ b. / run-on sentence
/ c. / complete sentence
Wind conditions were good sailboats were everywhere.
/ a. / fragment
/ b. / run-on sentence
/ c. / complete sentence
Their brightly colored sails adding brilliance to the scene.
/ a. / fragment
/ b. / run-on sentence
/ c. / complete sentence
I walked awhile with my father; meanwhile, my mother prepared dinner at home.
/ a. / fragment
/ b. / run-on sentence
/ c. / complete sentence
My father told me it had snowed last week, temperatures remained in the 30s all week.
/ a. / fragment
/ b. / run-on sentence
/ c. / complete sentence
Until yesterday when it went up to 70 degrees.
/ a. / fragment
/ b. / run-on sentence
/ c. / complete sentence
Choose the sentence (A, B, or C) that is not a run-on sentence.
/ a. / Many students work while attending college most of them finance their education without any help from parents.
/ b. / Many students work while attending college; most of them finance their education without any help from parents.
/ c. / Many students work while attending college, most of them finance their education without any help from parents.
a. / These students pay tuition, and they purchase all texts and learning materials.
/ b. / These students pay tuition and, they purchase all texts and learning materials.
/ c. / These students pay tuition, they also purchase all texts and learning materials.
/ a. / Most apply for grants and scholarships and they also apply for student loans.
/ b. / Most apply for grants and scholarships they also apply for student loans.
/ c. / Most apply for grants and scholarships; in addition, they apply for student loans.
/ a. / These students work many hours a day, and then they must attend classes.
/ b. / These students work many hours a day and, then they must attend classes.
/ c. / These students work many hours a day, then they must attend classes.
/ a. / Some work during the day, after working, they attend night classes.
/ b. / Some work during the day; after working, they attend night classes.
/ c. / Some work during the day and after working, they attend night classes.

Part II. Short Answer & Revision

Section A: Things you SHOULD know & by the way…correct the next three sentences

1.  I like this class, it is very interesting.

2.  Because I forgot the exam was today.

3.  My professor is intelligent I've learned a lot from her.

4.  What are the three ways to fix comma splices or fused sentences?

5.  What are FANBOYS and what does it stand for?

6.  What is another name for a dependent clause?

7.  Give a simple definition for the following terms:

a.  Simple sentence

b.  Compound sentence

c.  Complex sentence

d.  Compound complex sentence.

Section B: Rewrite - Paragraph Revision

The following paragraph has no capital letters or periods to mark the beginnings and ends of sentences. Rewrite the paragraph and add capitals, periods, commas, and/or other punctuation that may be needed to make the word groups into complete sentences. Your goal is to be sure that there are no fragments

my brother was always my best friend when I was a child especially as we two were almost alone in the world we lived with our old grandmother in a little house, almost a shack, in the country whenever I think of him now I see a solemn, responsible boy a boy too old for his years who looked out for me no matter what once there was a bully John Anson who looked enormous to me though he was probably an average twelve-year-old John had it in for me because he liked Littice Grant who liked me he decided to beat me up right before her eyes I was lucky my brother came by he didn't interfere any he just stood there somehow though his presence gave me confidence I licked the stuffing out of John Anson if my brother hadn't been there I don't think I could have done it.