Patient and Public Engagement Group Meeting (PPEG)

Monday 26 January 2015

1pm to 3pm

Feeedback from the workshop session

Q1 How do you think we should manage the number of things the health system needs to talk to the public about?

Co-ordination – work as partners to ensure joined up approach

Negative perceptions of NHS – make sure you speak up for NHS

People are overdosed on health issues – may impact on interest level

Outreach is really important

Cost saving exercise is likely perception. Hospitals are precious so acknowledge that

One big message with subsets

All doing outreach – must work together better

You said, we did

Simply and carefully

All working to same song sheet and coordinated in who is having the meetings, when

Simple language

Social media – have conversations

Reach as many people as possible

Public don’t understand the complexity of NHS so explain

What does the CCG do, how does it fit into Better Care Together (BCT) and why does it matter? Or is clinical competence, respect, treated, choice enough

Tell people how to navigate choice/Choose & Book when ill - what the choices are

Be clear

Right message in language that is understandable

Learning lessons

Hearts and minds of the public need to change – patient expectation, cultural expectations

Listen, hear and act

Education – important that public know what we mean before we ask

Healthwatch Rutland putting together a programme of events that will cover a number of things in a linked way – happy to share details

Must get to real people

Have to prioritise events so make yours stand out

Work closely with a few large employers

Fundamentally understanding the better care together structure and what is working/not working

East Midlands Housing – independent living/sheltered environment

Much easier to work the ‘umbrella’ organisation

Talk to councils/ involve them more

Healthwatch Rutland have spoken to Rutland County Council (RCC) who want to link in with us & them

Q2 What do you think are the best ways we reach as many people as possible? e.g. events, media etc

Asking the clinicians who have day to day contact to people

Things are impacting on Patient stories - Board


Friends of friends

Locality groups

Speaking up for health

Use feedback effectively

Social media

Social media and networking opportunities

Texting questions + then giving feedback

Have conversations – make everything two way

Targeting parents who can link with their parents and their children

What will things look like in 5 years? But don’t over promise or present as a done deal

You said, we did

Outreach – talk to people face to face. Go to people where they congregate

Feedback – is it working?

Patient stories

Some Dementia Services not allowing carers to attend

Need to go where hard to reach groups

Too much information given too frequently

Too many events. 2 goods ones a year

Virtual groups good

Simple leaflets for consultation

Work more with big charities – they have mailing lists of members

Travellers – directly to sites (councils)

Healthy people not interested so target unhealthy people

Make membership mag available in library (be healthy be heard)

Acute hospitals and GP surgeries – give information on what services can be provided. Use these places to get messages across – TV screens in GP surgeries – this is when people are ill and can take in messages

Environment at A & E busy – always people around so use opportunity to talk to them

Telephone line

Locality groups at LPT

Jane Parr – communication network

Face to face events good, better than detailed questionnaires

Q3 Andthe best ways to reach the seldom heard (particularly but not exclusively those covered by the nine protected characteristics)?

Advocates for people to support them

Valuing contact provided by volunteers.

Show evidence that we do work with seldom heard – builds confidence

One size doesn’t fit all – any change perceived as worse than it is

Elderly housebound – personal contact via family member

Lunch clubs/voluntary

Community organisations

Events/faith groups


BME forum


Live chats through Skype

Tweet from events

Acronym list to bust NHS jargon

6th formers

Head of Student Services

Toddler/mums groups

Parish magazines

Patient listening booth very good but sometimes public not interested in discussing

Old peoples’ homes

Important to see actions/movement after engagement and consultation

Important for public to understand costs and reasons for choosing the appropriate service

Wheel very effective public communication? Envelope with official letter (plastic/see through with please keep label)

Always consider nine protected characteristics

Q4 When we are capturing feedback what do you think the public would respond best to? e.g. detailed questionnaires, voting pads, events, cold calling, mail shots, stopping people in the street etc.

Voting pads

Listening booths

Incentives – egdatastickbracelet

Free health checks

Going to work places

Go to places where people are to talk to them – eg discharge lounge

‘have a chat’ approach

Avoid always talking to ‘usual suspects’

Text messages

Make sure there are easy read version for learning disabilities (LD) but also for family and carers

Cold calling not good

Questionnaires (simple) when using services ie only 3 questions + comment box

If feedback is captured then do something about it + tell us