Entry Level Banking Job Description

Entry level banking job description and profile

The entry level job meant to the job person entered in the sector and started the carrier with the posts such as cashier, teller or accountant etc… basically it can be of various types. A person can start his career with the various positions. As the person gains experience, he or she will be promoted to higher posts like managers or may be CEO.

Entry level banking duties and responsibilities

The person may start the job with the posts apart from the above defined posts such as sales and marketing executive, deposit clerks, customer service executives and assistants to accountants or other senior staff. The duties and responsibilities actually depend up on the type of the job but here are some of the basic which every fresher has to fulfill:

·  The primary duty of a fresher is to learn about the basic functioning of the bank and implement them in everyday work when needed.

·  He or she has to help the customers in resolving their quires and in the deposits and loan information and procedures.

·  He or she has to increase the client base for the bank by implement sales and marketing techniques.

·  He or she has to provide back end support entry level jobs involve maintaining the databases of the bank and upgrading them regularly

·  It will be very necessary for the candidate to follow the instructions of senior executives

Entry level banking skills and specifications

The skills and specifications for an entry level banking jobs are as follows:

·  The main requirement is the ability to learn and understand the various aspects of the banking industry

·  He or she must be able to catch things easily so must be alert and attentive and pay attention to the work.

·  The candidate must be able to show precision and accuracy in following orders

·  He or she should be able to understand banking concerns of customers and help them out

·  It will be needed to have excellent analytical skills with the communication power.

Entry level banking education and qualification

·  The basic degree required is a high school diploma.

·  However, technical jobs like accountants require a bachelor’s degree in accountancy, finance or business administration.

Entry level banking salary

·  Entry level salaries for bank employees can be between $20,000 and $40,000 for clerical posts

·  The salary can be between $30,000 and $60,000 for technical posts.