Curriculum Vitae

Dina Mansour-Ille

Overseas Development Institute

203 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ, UK

Tel: +44 (0)20 3817 0020 / Fax: +44 (0)20 7922 0399 / Nationality: Egyptian


·  Political economy of human rights

·  Migration and refugee studies

·  Gender policy analysis

·  Social movements and activism

·  Middle East/EU-Mediterranean politics


2014 / Ph.D. in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability (Summa Cum Laude)
Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
Thesis: “Breaking the Cycle of Poverty? The Politics of Development and Socio-Economic Rights in Egypt: A Moral Economy Approach to Social Change”
2009 / M.A. in International Human Rights Law (Honours)
American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Thesis: “Discrimination against the Poor in Law and Practice: The Poor as a Vulnerable Group”
2005 / B.Sc. in Political Science
Cairo University, Cairo Egypt


2016 –

/ Overseas Development Institute (London, UK)
Senior Research Officer – Politics and Governance Programme

2014 –

/ Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (London, UK)


2015 – 2016

/ Orient-Institute Beirut (Beirut, Lebanon)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Max Weber Fellowship)


/ International Center for Migration Policy Development (Vienna, Austria)
Local Research Partner in Beirut – “Migrant in Countries in Crisis”: Lebanon Case-Study: Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon

2014 – 2016

/ Lebanese American University (Beirut, Lebanon)
Adjunct Faculty – Institute of Migration Studies

2014 – 2015

/ Arab Council for the Social Sciences (Beirut, Lebanon)
Fellowships and Research Grants Manager
2013 – 2014 / European University Institute (Florence, Italy)
Research Assistant – BORDERLANDS Project; INTERACT Project

2010 – 2013

/ Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy)
Doctoral Researcher
-  Identity, Education and Social Change: The Case of Egypt
-  Multilevel Governance and the Future of the European Union: Addressing its Crisis of Identity

2009 – 2010

/ Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (Cairo, Egypt)
International Advocacy Researcher – International Human Rights Advocacy Project


/ United Nations’ High Commissioner’s Office for Refugees (Cairo, Egypt) Eligibility Assistant (NUNV) – Refugee Status Determination (RSD) Unit

2007 – 2008

/ American University in Cairo (Cairo, Egypt)
Teaching Assistant – International Human Rights Law Programme

2006 – 2007

/ American Chamber of Commerce (Cairo, Egypt)
Assistant Economic Researcher/Junior Trade Officer

Language Skills:

Arabic: Native English: Near-native

German: Fluent/Proficient Italian: Intermediate

French: Basic Chinese: Basic


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles, Policy Briefs, and Working Papers

-  Mansour-Ille, D., Ille, S. “Reinventing Revolutions: The Moral Politics of Cyberactivism in the Case of the Egyptian Secularist Movement” Policy and Internet [under review].

-  Mansour, D. “"A Region without 'Spring’: A Tenacious Tale of Poverty, Inequality and Precarity", International Social Science Journal [upcoming].

Mansour, D. “The Socioeconomics of Exclusion: Re-questioning Citizenship in relation to Social Justice in PostArab Spring Egypt” Arab Citizenship Review No. 15, 19 February 2016[Policy Paper].

-  Ille, S. and Mansour, D. “Rational Atrocities and State Formation: A Game-Theoretic Approach to the Case of ISIS”. The Economics of Peace and Security. Vol. 10 (2), Pages 21-30 (2015).

-  Mansour, D. “Stirring the ‘Mix’: Gender and Religion within Islamic Contexts in Europe” On the Correlation of Center and Periphery – Global Humanities: Studies in Histories, Cultures, and Societies (Vol. 1) (January 31, 2015).

-  Mansour, D. “Women’s Rights in Islamic Shari’a: Between Culture, Politics and Interpretation”. Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 1–24, (November 2014) ISSN: 1554-4419.

-  Mansour, D., Ille, S. and Madkour, M., “Clash of Identities: Understanding Social Conflict in Post-Arab Spring Egypt” in Identity, Difference and Belonging [Vol. 1], Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press (2014).

-  Mansour, D. “Egyptian Film Censorship: Safeguarding Society, Upholding Taboos”. Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media 4 (Winter 2012). Web. ISSN: 2009-4078.

Authored/Edited Books:

-  Mansour, D. (et al. eds.), Multiculturalism, Conflict and Belonging [Paperback], Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press, (Vol. 1-2) (2014).

-  Mansour, D. Discrimination against the Poor in Law and Practice: The Poor as a Vulnerable Group [Paperback], LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, (January 2013).

Short Pieces:

-  Mansour, D. and Madkour, M. “Egypt Facing the Challenge of Democracy” Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations (2012).

-  Mansour, D. “The Aspirations of the Muslim Brotherhood” Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations (2011).

-  Mansour, D. “The ‘Right’ to Domestic Violence” Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations (2010).

Conferences and Presentations:

The Internet, Policy and Politics Conferences, September 22-23, 2016, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, “Reinventing Revolutions: The Moral Politics of Cyberactivism in the Case of the Egyptian Secularist Movement.”

Deconstructing Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, September 7, 2015, Queen Mary University, London, UK, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 15th Anniversary Event.

The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Policies of Receiving Countries and Crisis Impact on Displaced Syrians and Receiving Societies, March 27-28, 2015, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon, “Beyond the Crisis: Syrian Refugees in Egypt.”

Exploring an Agenda for Active Citizenship Conference, February 20-22, 2015, American University in Beirut, Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship, Beirut, Lebanon, “The Political Economy of Social Change: from the moral economy of the peasants to the “Arab Spring” in Egypt.”

The Impact of Arab Uprisings on the Citizenship in the Arab World, November 12-14, 2014, University of Balamand, Koura, Lebanon, “Egypt in the Post-Arab Spring: A Country at the Cross-road between Identity Conflict and Social Change.”

-  Media and Arab Spring Conference, April 14-5, 2012, University College Dublin, Clinton Institute, Dublin, Ireland, “The Paradox of Representation and the Use of New Media in the Arab Spring: Egypt as a Case Study."

-  The 4th ECPR Graduate Conference, July 4-6, 2012, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany, Section Chair in “Political Economy”.

The Media, Communication and Democracy: Global and National Environments Conference, September 1-2, 2011, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, “The Middle East between Digital Democracy and Digital Society: Egypt as a Case Study.”

AUC Social Justice Conference: Theory, Research and Practice, May 3-5, 2011, Cairo, Egypt, “Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right? Assessing the Millennium Development Goals in the Case of Egypt.”

Seminar on “Religions in the Era of Globalization”, March 2010, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy.

-  Istanbul Seminars, “Realigning liberalism: Pluralism, Integration, Identities”, May 19-24, Istanbul, Turkey.

-  Law & Society Conference, May 29- June 2, 2008, Montreal, Canada, “Discrimination against the Poor in Law and Practice: The Poor as a Vulnerable Group.”