Health Sciences Division

Nursing Assistant Program Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the program? Do I have clinical practice?

Classes are from 8-5 Monday to Friday for two weeks.

Clinicals are on the second week of the program and start at 6:45 a.m.

Do I need a uniform for clinicals?

Uniform is required for clinicals – white scrub top with school emblem sewn on the left sleeve, white scrub bottoms and white shoes and white socks.

What is the deadline to register for classes?

You will need to complete your registration, pay your tuition and submit your health informationat least Two Weeks before start of class.

If I change my mind, will I get a tuition refund?

75% of the tuition will be refunded if you cancel your class no less than two business days before class starts. If you attend class and then decide to cancel, there will be no refund.

What else do I need to do in order to get my CNA certification?

You will need to register for the national nurse aide certification examination. The examination costs $100.00, and includes a theory and a skills examination.

How long do I have to wait before I can take the examination?

You can apply for the examination immediately after you complete the course successfully. The waiting period depends upon the number of candidates testing in that particular testing center.

Do I have to take the certification examination within a certain time frame?

You will need to pass the certification examination within 24 months of course completion. If you wait longer than 24 months, you will have to go through another nurse aide certification course in order to qualify for the certification examination.

Nursing Assistant Registration Checklist

To be submitted two weeks before start of class

_____ Complete Nursing Assistant Registration Form and take

toMrs. Jan Hyman in Bldg. 100, Rm. #104A.

_____Proof of TB skin test (less than one year old)

If TB skin test is positive, submit proof of sputum test or chest x-ray that is negative for TB.

_____Proof of Hepatitis B vaccination 1st shot.

_____CPR card (adult with AED required)

Must be American Red Cross or American Heart Association.

_____Receipt showing payment of tuition(submit payment to business office (Bldg. # 500).

_____Drivers License & Social Security card or Permanent Resident card or Visa.

Please bring all the above documents to Mrs. Hyman, Bldg. 100, Rm. 104-A in order to complete your registration and to save your slot in the class!

Mrs. Hyman – 256-551-3156,, Fax – 256-551-1704