Name ______

Block ______

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen


Cole Matthews is angry. Angry, defiant, smug--in short, a bully. His anger has taken him too far this time, though. After beating up a ninth-grade classmate to the point of brain damage, Cole is facing a prison sentence. But then a Tlingit Indian parole officer named Garvey enters his life, offering an alternative called Circle Justice, based on Native American traditions, in which victim, offender, and community all work together to find a healing solution. Privately, Cole sneers at the concept, but he's no fool--if it gets him out of prison, he'll do anything. But what he doesn't know is a one-year banishment on a remote Alaskan island may be more difficult than he could ever imagine. Does he survive the year and what happens when he is faced with Spirit Bear, will he survive?

Key Ideas

  • In life, you have choices: to be happy or sad, constructive or destructive, to love or to hate. These choices define who you are and your potential.
  • Anger can be used constructively or destructively.
  • It is often harder to forgive yourself than others.
  • True justice involves more than serving a prison sentence; it requires community support to heal both the victim and offender.

Big Questions

  • How did Cole learn to be so violent? How can he break this cycle?
  • What do you think of Circle Justice? If you were in trouble, would you want to go through one?
  • How does Cole change from the beginning of the novel to the end?

Chapter 1 Questions

  1. Who was Peter Driscal and what happened to him?
  1. “Cole hated his parents. His mom acted like a scared Barbie doll, always______but ______. And his dad was a bullheaded ______ with a temper.”
  1. Why do you think Garvey kept visiting Cole?
  1. What is Circle Justice?

Chapter 2 Questions

  1. What were Cole’s real intentions when he pretended to go along with the requirements of the Circle Justice?
  1. What four things did Edwin tell Cole to learn?
  1. Why do you think Cole is so rebellious and defiant?
  1. What did Edwin tell Cole about his treatment of the animals?

Chapter 3 Questions

  1. What secret about his dad did Cole reveal to Garvey?
  1. When Cole’s mother knew what his dad was doing, what did she do?
  1. Explain what Garvey did with the contents of the brown paper bag.
  1. What was his purpose in doing this?

Chapter 4 Questions

  1. Who was involved in the Circle of Justice?
  1. What did Cole do to Peter Driscal at this meeting and why did he stop?
  1. The Keeper described Circle Justice - she said that justice often fails because it punishes rather than what? What is the purpose of Circle Justice?
  1. What was the significance of the feather?

Chapter 5 Questions

  1. When Cole became delirious, what did he try to find?
  1. When Cole awakens from his first night on the island, what does he see?
  1. Why did the bear make him so angry?
  1. When Cole heard what his father said at Circle Justice he exploded, why?

Chapter 6 Questions

  1. As the chapter opens, Cole and his father are having a very heated exchange of harsh words. Why were they out of line and what did the Keeper do about it?
  1. Cole begged his mom to say something when she held the feather. What did he want her to say? Did she do it? Why or why not?
  1. We know Cole has an anger problem. How does his dad deal with his own anger?
  1. Tell about the one time Cole's mom tried to intervene when Cole was being beaten.

Chapter 7 Questions

  1. Cole woke up in the middle of the night because of the stillness. What was about to happen?
  1. What did Cole do when he saw the Spirit Bear at the mouth of the bay?
  1. Why do you think he did this? What was he thinking?
  1. Did this frighten the bear? Why or why not?

Chapter 8 Questions

  1. What does the Spirit Bear do when Cole charges him?
  1. When Cole realizes where he is, what are the sea gulls doing?
  1. Describe how Edwin (elder of Tlingit) told Cole to live with the other creatures on the island.
  1. Is he doing this?
  1. How are Edwin's words proving to be true?
  1. Cole experiences intense pain and swallows a lot of his blood. These two issues cause him more distress - what happens?
  1. What emotion did he find even more unbearable than the pain?

Chapter 9 Questions

  1. Cole is obviously badly injured as he lies there on the edge of the bay. What other conditions make this even worse for him?
  1. Cole's bitterness and anger actually helped him keep from losing consciousness during this time. He was watching baby birds. What did he think he would do if he were the mother bird? Why did he feel that way?
  1. The storm rages on and on until finally lightening strikes right beside him. What does it hit and what happens?
  1. The author says that Cole had to focus on the moon to help him "remain on this side." What does he mean by that?
  1. Cole tried to remember what Garvey and Edwin had said about circles as he watched the moon. What had they told him?
  1. What does Cole do at the end of the chapter that tells the reader he is beginning to learn and grow?

Chapter 10 Questions

  1. When Cole finally found the baby birds, what had happened to them?
  1. Why was he envious of them?
  1. Cole comes to the conclusion that he wants to live - why do you think he chooses life over death?
  1. What does Cole eat and then choke on? What other delicacies did he find to eat?

Chapter 11 Questions

  1. Before Cole ate the mouse to give himself energy, he said he "pitied the little mouse." How is this different from his attitude earlier in the story?
  1. Cole felt satisfaction after he ate, explain why.
  1. How did Cole get water?
  1. Describe Cole's emotions when the Spirit Bear returned.
  1. Why did he spit at the bear?

Chapter 12 Questions

  1. Why did Cole reach out and touch the bear?
  1. What does Cole discover about the world just as he was growing delirious?
  1. How does Garvey react when he realizes that a bear has attacked Cole?
  1. What does Cole mean when he tells Garvey he is okay?

Chapter 13 Questions

  1. Describe the difference in the way Cole treats Garvey and Edwin now and how he treated them in the first chapters.
  1. Cole tells Garvey that the bear attack was his fault, what does he mean?
  1. Rosey gives Cole good advice. What is it?
  1. Cole tells Edwin that he is done being mad. What does Edwin tell him anger is?

Chapter 14 Questions

  1. Describe Cole's physical condition at the beginning of this chapter.
  1. What did Cole's dad do for him during his hospitalization? His mom?
  1. What has happened to Cole's mom? Why is she doing so much better?
  1. What was Garvey's surprise for Cole at the Circle Justice meeting?
  1. If you were a part of the circle at this point - what would you have recommended be done with Cole? If I were part of the circle, I would recommend ______.

Chapter 15 Questions

  1. What information did Peter Driscal’s attorney reveal about Peter’s recovery?
  1. If Cole were to return to the island, what conditions did Edwin suggest to the Circle?
  1. Why did Cole say that on the island, he was dying, but realized he had never lived yet (p. 132)?
  1. What did the Circle decide to do with Cole?

Chapter 16 Questions

  1. Why does Cole struggle with physical tasks that should be simple?
  1. What news does Garvey break to Cole once they’re on the island?
  1. What does Cole learn about trust?
  1. Why is “the whole world a hot dog?”
  1. What did Edwin tell Cole to celebrate when he complained there was nothing to celebrate?

Chapter 17 Questions

  1. What new experience did Edwin introduce Cole to his first morning back on the island? Why was this good for Cole?
  1. Describe Edwin’s demonstration with the stick.
  1. What do happiness and anger have in common? They are both a ______.
  1. Cole told Edwin his demonstration with the stick made more sense than all of the weird things counselors had tried to tell him. Why did Edwin say this was true?

Chapter 18 Questions

  1. Why wouldn’t Garvey or Edwin help Cole build his new cabin?
  1. Who paid for the new supplies? How?
  1. Why did Edwin insist Cole do the whale dance?
  1. Why didn’t Edwin have Cole dance an “anger” dance to release his anger yet?
  1. When did Edwin say that Cole could skip a day of going to the water?

Chapter 19 Questions

  1. What happens when Cole announces he’s hitting the sack?
  1. When Cole apologized to Edwin and Garvey, what did they tell him?
  1. Garvey and Edwin left early to go to their tent. What did Cole do after they left?
  1. What did Cole do the next morning?
  1. What do you think Cole learned in this chapter?

Chapter 20 Questions

  1. What does Cole tell Edwin and Garvey he learned when he returned from his morning soak?
  1. On page 169 Cole was glowing with satisfaction. Why did he feel this way?
  1. Describe the evening meal Cole prepared. Why did he do this?
  1. What dance does Cole decide to do? Why do you think he chose this dance?

Chapter 21 Questions

  1. How did Cole get a log for his totem?
  1. What reason does Edwin give Cole about not seeing the Spirit Bear?
  1. What are totems?
  1. Why can’t Cole dance the dance of anger yet?

Chapter 22 Questions

  1. Cole works hard on his totem in this chapter. What did he decide to carve first and why?
  1. Why does Cole carve the wolf next?
  1. What lesson does Cole learn from the beaver?
  1. What about Edwin’s behavior troubles Cole when he brings supplies?

Chapter 23 Questions

  1. When Cole does “become invisible,” what does he experience?
  1. Which dance was Cole finally able to perform? What happens during the dance?
  1. When Cole cried out, “I’m sorry!” to whom was he apologizing?
  1. When he cries, “I forgive you!” who did he forgive and why?
  1. What did Cole learn in this chapter?

Chapter 24 Questions

  1. What did Cole have to discover before he could heal his wounded heart and broken spirit?
  1. What does Edwin reveal to Cole to be the reasons he and Garvey are helping him as they are?
  1. Why does Edwin believe Peter tried to take his own life?
  1. Why is saying you’re sorry not enough?
  1. What solution does Cole come up with to help Peter?

Chapter 25 Questions

  1. Why does Edwin tell Cole that he and Garvey are proud of him?
  1. What surprise does Edwin and Garvey bring Cole?
  1. What does Cole say his turning point was when he began to think of something other than himself?
  1. Why hasn’t Cole carved the bottom of the totem yet?

Chapter 26 Questions

  1. Where does Edwin have Cole sleep? Why?
  1. What is Peter’s attitude about staying on the island with Cole?
  1. When Cole becomes frustrated with Peter’s lack of appreciation, what does Garvey remind Cole of?
  1. Peter is confused about how to respond to Cole. What things does he do?
  1. What kindness does Peter extend to Cole?

Chapter 27 Questions

  1. Describe Peter’s behavior towards Cole?
  1. What was the last straw for Cole?
  1. How does Cole respond? What kindness does he show Peter?
  1. What does Peter do to Cole’s totem when Cole and Garvey are out watching for whales?
  1. How does Cole respond?

Chapter 28 Questions

  1. What does Peter propose for their morning soak?
  1. What does he do to Cole and why?
  1. What did the boys carve at the bottom of the totem? Why?

Vocabulary Building Activity

Look on the page number given in column one. Read the definition in column two. Find the word thatbegins with the letter given in column three and complete the word.

Page / Definition / Vocabulary Word
4 / expelled; state of exile
7 / cruel; fierce
15 / give or let have unwillingly
16 / shuffled along; ambled
20 / waved; flourished
22 / imagined in a fanciful way
24 / spiteful; poisonous
26 / indicative of gloomy ill humor
33 / filled with scorn; mockery
41 / deception; false impression
46 / dedicated
48 / scornfully reproached; challenged
57 / adapting or changing to suit one's purpose
60 / pertaining to womb-like character
68 / greedy; excessive eating
68 / boldly; shamelessly
71 / oozed; passed gradually
75 / at random; by chance
76 / state of deadened sensibility; apathy
84 / wasted
85 / exhausting
89 / fill again
91 / to hunt or search out
93 / daring or bold resistance
95 / sparse; scanty
96 / outlined; drawing like a shadow
110 / handled or used roughly
123 / broke the promise; showed disrespect
124 / carry on a lawsuit
130 / patient acceptance; quiet submission
134 / annoyed; irritated
144 / capable of being wounded
150 / exhausted; without energy
157 / deliverance
165 / waste time; idled
169 / smothered; suppressed
178 / no hope; despair
182 / gloominess; sadness
186 / cleverness; skill in planning
190 / followed a winding course
193 / twist and turn
194 / rose up; flowed out
198 / not reliable; deceiving
204 / fixed; regular method of doing things
209 / doubtful; undecided
213 / restoration to good condition
217 / sudden; vigorous attack
219 / charge; care
224 / self-satisfied smile
229 / skillfully planned movement
229 / sneering or cutting remark
230 / hypnotize
236 / beat