Congregation in Islam

Ostrander and Schroeder (1970) quote Naumov, a Soviet scientist commenting on one of their group studies:

Just recently, we held a seminar to discuss our research of telepathic influence on groups. We can get a total electromagnetic impression of a group; then we introduce a new person into the group, the total electromagnetic pattern of the group changes. There seems to be an effect of one person on a group telepathically.

Weston (2000) confirms the above-mentioned energy interactions and alterations in a group of people when another person enters the gathering. He reports to have experienced these situations since he was young and that some situations would develop in him fear and unbalance, as the energy in the environment would suddenly split, and he became aware of the different and new energy force that was an intense emotional force. Such vibrations can be noticed and felt through training, and with either programming with an expanded range of perception or altering the state of frequency of their consciousness with an act of will (Bentov, 1988).

Grow (2000) comments:

Everyone is familiar with this phenomenon on a more modest level; there are people around whom things go better, meetings are more productive, people naturally concentrate on deeper issues, and conflicts arise less often. Such people need not speak to be effective. Their presence alone helps. They communicate, by their very being, vital messages about what matters in life. Those who heal by presence carry this ability to its utmost and radiate something that can cause others to change without a word being spoken.

Group, and global consciousness does exist and it has shown up on a worldwide scale. Cahill (2001) reports that the events in the US on September 11 provided the latest indications of this possibility. This is because devices around the world registered significant anomalies before, during and for some time after the attacks.

The 38 devices called eggs are located around the world. These eggs generate random data continuously and send it for archiving and analysis to a special central location at Princeton University. They are known as Random Number Generators (RNG). This network is like an EEG or brain map for the planet. The RNGs are the brainchild of scientists at Princeton University, who have been operating since the late 1990s ongoing research called the Global Consciousness Project (GCP).

On September 11, the egg network registered an unmistakable and profound response. That morning, data that normally flows randomly suddenly began to register distinct concentrations in pattern, like a peak on a graph. Extreme deviations began before the first World Trade Center tower was hit and continued for nearly three days, to the end of September 13th. The anomalous trend began at about 4 a.m. EST on September 11, several hours before the attack in the early morning.

Apparently, in Japan, thousands of miles from the Middle East, Emoto (2004) was able to measure repeatedly the vibrations (in water) from substances (harmful by-products of bombs) at almost the exact time the war broke out.

The RNGs also registered some deviations before from random patterns during a global meditation organized by the Gaiamind Project, designed for the five minutes between 17:30 and 17:35 Greenwich Mean Time on January 23, 1997 to coincide with an unusual astronomical conjunction. However, no anomalies were registered during an attempt to replicate the January 23, 1997 Global Meditation.

Cahill (2001) quotes Henry Reed, Ph.D., senior fellow at the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies, who also teaches at ancient wisdom in Boone, as having said: This study is adding to a growing body of evidence that a group of people, setting their intent and working in consciousness alone, can have an impact worldwide. The importance of millions of Muslims saying their prayer together and on time, saying their Hajj rituals together, and so forth, has an even wider significance.

Muslims are Recommended to Say their Prayer Together, Visit Scholars, Avoid Evil and Shameless Gatherings

Morse (2000) quotes Alice (1996) as having said:

Our energy is also affected by the closest strongest resonate field which is around us. A person needs to surround himself with healthy strong energy to keep his health up … This procedure increases well-being and assists one in keeping his own energy vibrating at a frequency that promotes personal wellness.

One of the studies involving how the energy reacts in relationships, showed a girl’s energy shrink and reduces in size (decreased vibration) as she was around her parents. This was very consistent from family to family. Dr. Moss also studied energy transference between people and was able to show with Kirlian Photography the energy being transferred from one person to another as he or she concentrates on transferring her energy.

Muslims are highly recommended to shake hands and embrace each other when they meet. Weston (1998) recommends an act of embracing each other to charge one’s energy. Further, to be present in a gathering where participants are highly religious and pious people, the advantage and sharing of the purified info-energy is of significant advantage to the human body and soul. This is one reason why Islam has greatly recommended praying in congregation, attending scholarly and religious lectures in multitude. Grow (2000) comments that with this direct energy-level communication, people are healthy, happy, and in touch with themselves. Weston (1998) writes that the size of the resulting group energy field can be enormous, and with no expectations, a passerby could be adjusted and healed outside the congregation.

Further, affection has enormous healing power in its own ways, and touch is a sense that best expresses affection. The aspects of prayer on healing touch deserve a whole section and are dealt with in details. For instance, laboratory researchers fed extremely high cholesterol diet to groups of rabbits. However, one technician who was feeding these groups of animals got into a habit of taking some of them out of their cages; he would pet the rabbits, and cuddle them before feeding them their poisonous food. Although this behavior was much unauthorized, it turned out to be the most significant part of the study.

Rabbits that received affectionate treatment showed a significant decrease in arterioscleroses, and a much lower incidence of heart disease of all kinds. The simple act of touching these animals totally transformed their body’s ability to metabolize cholesterol. Deepak Chopra (1998) quotes this study, as well as Borysenko (1994) in the journal Science. Apparently, the rabbits, which were cuddled, were actually protected from the harmful effects of the high cholesterol diet fed to them. They repeated the study three times to make sure of the results and the findings were the same. Apparently, those who advocate hugging, which shares energy, believe that four hugs a day maintain health.

In another study, cocaine-addicted infants gained more weight when massaged several times per day. Parents have been observed to embrace their ill children for many hours at a time (Weston, 1998). These studies and observations confirm the importance of shaking hands, making contact, embracing each other, acts performed by Muslims many times on a daily basis. Weston (1998) comments that touch healing can take place by merely holding hands and placing ones hand on the subject’s forehead or neck. This is exactly the act recommended and practiced by the Prophet himself and all the Infallible. They all did this long time even before these studies were done.

The videotaped Chouhan-Weston clinical studies demonstrated that within three seconds of touching most people, their normal blue energy field with a white fringe is transformed. According to researchers, passing of healing energy - high frequency, free flowing and pure - is part of the energy sharing process. However, energy that is low in frequency, adulterated info-energy can also be attracted and cause blockages in the other person’s energy field. This is why Muslims avoid shameless and immoral places and gatherings where decadence resides and where unabashed acts are performed. In studies, angry and emotional people have been observed to raise the blood pressure of a person nearby without even touching him.

Further, it all depends on intention:

If the intention is to heal, the transmitted energy reflects that energy so that healing occurs. If the transmitted energy is to harm, the transmitted energy contains energy that harms (Weston, 1998).

Weston (1998) writes that when a group energy field is formed, the field acts intelligently to restore the participants to their optimum state of life. It is filled with the intentions (forming the conscious info-energy) of all those present.

Three of the seven reasons why the Archangel Jibraeel (AS) desired to become a human included participation in congregational prayer, companionship with scholars, and attending a funeral procession. All the above three represent a group of pious and religious people sharing not only unity and brotherhood, but also highly charged energy and favorable info-energy for that given duration. To share one’s energy with others absolved in piety and knowledge is beneficial for us and in a way, their energy would correct the malfunctioning and faults we have in our energy system, and vice versa. This is one reason why we feel encouraged, uplifted and reverent when we sit in congregation with people of such high ranks.

al-Ridha (AS) further confirms that such gatherings prevent too much disobedience against Allah (SWT), Almighty and Glorious. Weston (1998) writes that such kinds of people emit free flowing and unadulterated info-energy at all times and sharing your energy fields with such people is highly meritorious.

The tradition from the Prophet (S) that looking at the face of Ali, or looking at the face of a learned pious scholar is worship, should be sincerely accepted, in particular to its application of energy communication and transference. Deepak Chopra (2000) quoted a study during his interview with Larry King, live on CNN, on the relationship between the levels of (immunoglobulin) IgE and looking at Mother Theresa on television. In this highly reliable study, people were observed and objectively measured to boost their immune system by just looking at Mother Theresa on television.

Looking at the face of Ali (AS) was also considered a form of worship with endless merits. Apparently, one of the recommended acts of worship during pilgrimage to the House of Allah (SWT) is to spend some time looking at the Ka’bah, the House of God. We have noted Qur’anic verses storing different levels of vibratory force fields and therefore, looking at the verses of Qur’an has similar physical and spiritual merits (In several days in Ramadhan al-Mubarak, Muslims spend their time only looking at the verses of Qur’an). The merits of looking at running water, green grasses and trees in forests have a much wider significance.

As mentioned, looking at the House of Allah has been much encouraged by the Infallible. In al-Wafi Volume 2 and 4, al-Sadiq (AS) is quoted to have said:

Whoever looks at the Ka’bah, rewards are written for him and his wrongdoings are written off until he takes his look away from it.

Whoever looks at the Ka’bah, a reward is written for him and ten of his wrongdoings are written off.

Allah sends down one hundred and twenty blessings in the precinct of the Ka’bah; sixty for those who circumambulate, forty for those who worship, and twenty for those who look at it.

We have a tradition brought down to us by the Prophet (S) that once a blind man came to him and complained that there was nobody to take him to the mosque to attend the congregational prayer, The Prophet (S) replied:

Stretch a rope from your house unto the mosque and attend the congregational prayer.

(Biharul-Anwar; volume 3, page 236. al-Majlisi, 1627 (AR)

It is true that when the prayers of thousands are united, pray at one given time, when rituals are performed together, then the powerful, intelligent and conscious vibrations of peace and divine healing that are generated are of inestimable value in helping to manifest the desired results. Muslims have been well advised to congregate each Friday afternoon and say the Friday prayer together, the one prayer that is not to be offered alone.

O You who believe! When the call is made for prayer on Friday, then hasten unto the remembrance of God and leave off trading; that is better for you, if you only knew.

(al-Qur’an – Chapter 62, verse 9)

Furthermore, and to encourage different families of Muslims to meet at least once per week, Allah has ordained that the Prayer on Friday cannot be offered in two mosques that are less than seven miles apart. The people from the other mosque are supposed to attend their Friday Prayer at one mosque so there is a larger gathering. The followers of the Shiite faith also meet together several nights and days during the year and perform hours of meditation, reciting verses from Qur’an, and other invocations.

Apparently, the 1989 Chouhan-Weston clinical studies, which involved videotape bioelectrography to observe the healing experience and energy transfer, also showed that energy accumulates in power, reaching a specific threshold before it can be beneficial to one another and the intended recipients. The hours spent in worship may thus be only fruitful and beneficial.

The World Earth Healing Day was organized for similar reasons, to get people throughout the world to gather at one time, inside a sacred place or one of the earth power vortices, and pray together. Prayer circles mentioned earlier have similar goals. Muslims have further been advised to congregate several times during the day and say their obligatory five daily prayers. The unlimited rewards of such prayer (said on time) in congregation have been much emphasized.

To entice Muslims to say their prayer together and in congregation, Allah in His infinite mercy informed the Prophet (S) to impart to his followers the following narration:

Whosoever prays in a congregation, and in that congregation, there are more than ten people, then even if all the trees became pens, all the creation became writers and all the oceans became ink, the reward of the people in congregation cannot be written or counted. Further, if only two persons congregated then for each unit of prayer the person would get the reward of 150 units of prayer.

The 23rd night of Ramadhan al-Mubarak, as well as all odd nights starting the 19th has been given great importance, that one night is better than 1000 months. A good example is that Allah has refused fighting even with the infidels during the month of Rajab, the seventh month in the Islamic calendar. Allah revealed to the Prophet that Muslims should fast for several days in this month of Allah, to congregate often to worship and pray. Muslims operate in this manner throughout the year. Besides the rewards, the sharing of the steady, free flowing, and favorable info-energy between pious people in the congregation, eliminating low charge energy and tainted info-energy, and increasing the field’s rate of vibration becomes largely apparent and healthful.

This aspect of connection between humans has been much emphasized by spiritual as well as the medical communities, including Deepak Chopra (2000), a famous medical doctor who practices alternative, energy and spiritual medicine. In one of his March 2000 lectures, he advised his audience that one of the main ingredients to good, long-term physical and spiritual health involved being connected to people, plants, and the environment. This sharing of energy has been much noted and adhered to in history.

Muslims do many things together - they even eat together in large numbers. Apparently, Muslims do not practice this custom alone. There is a simple and beautiful tradition established about 500 years ago in India, in which all people regardless of class, religion, race or gender, sit together as equals and share in a blessed meal. No one has special seating or dishes. Every person, regardless of ethnicity or financial position, sits on the floor and is served. This is called Langar (also sometimes called a free kitchen). At the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India, over 10,000 people are served every day in this way.

Similarly, to be part of shameless and immoral gatherings would adulterate and taint the information within the fields of energy, making him or her vulnerable to shameful and evil practices. The adulterated info-energy released into the atmosphere from the evil acts or behavior will also lower one’s energy field rate of vibration, and alters his or her energy as a whole. According to Weston (1998), evil emotions in a group are also transmittable and parapsychology experiments have confirmed this. According to Weston, the group’s energy can be so overwhelming, that an individual with a weaker energy shield can begin to act and follow on the evil nature of the group.