Engaging Gospel Doctrine (Episode 189)

Lesson 16

“Ye Shall Be Called the Children of Christ”

Hook / Benjamin’s masterful sermon comes to a theological crescendo as he explains what it means to become a child of Christ.
Manual Goal / To encourage class members to seek and maintain the “mighty change” of heart that comes through exercising faith inJesus Christ.
EGD Goal / To help class members internalize the central argument of Benjamin’s speech: that we maintain spiritual well-being and become like God as we care for ourselves and others.
  1. Sunday School
  2. Framing (This is one of those amazing gospel summary sections, and King Benjamin teaches with such bracing, exhilarating clarity. Chapter 4 especially is exceptional)
  3. Two Minute Take Home
  4. The Plan of Salvation according to Ben (God, Faith, repentance, forgiveness, conversion, salvation)
  5. We are God’s hands
  6. Conversion, change, and becoming children of Christ
  7. Reading Commentary
  8. Lesson
  9. We are God’s hands: Benjamin’s central argument: Everything we have is God’s. We are forever indebted to God. And what God wants is for us to use our lives and substance to care for others.
  10. Spiritual well-being (including retaining a remission of sins) stems from caring for others physically (as well as emotionally, spiritually, etc)
  11. “all things in wisdom and order” (I am SO glad this is part of this challenging sermon)
  12. Conversion and a change of heart
  13. What is the difference between “Child of God” and “Child of Christ”? (God is heritage, Christ is covenant)
  14. Benjamin and the Plan of Salvation
  15. Nature of God (4:6; God is powerful, wise, patient, long-suffering, and atones.4:9, creator, wisdom, power; 4:20, God grants forgiveness and joy; 4:21, God gives us everything we have, lends us breath)
  16. Faith (4:3, 10. Faith leads to action, brings peace and joy)
  17. Repentance and remission of sins (4:2; see ourselves in our limited and needy state, begged for forgiveness; 4:12, 26. Stay humble. Maintain a repentant attitude. And above all, care for those in need)
  18. Conversion (5:2, have no more desire to do evil, but to do good continually. This conversion is maintained by caring for others)
  19. Salvation (4:6-7, put together points from the chapters. Love, joy, growth, desire to do good)
  20. Conclusion
  21. Scripture Study
  22. Study Notes
  23. Children of Christ in the context of Multiple Mortal Probations
  24. Are there these levels of divine kinship in other traditions?
  25. Does God really mean what he is saying about beggars?

(Talk about relationships in general, what it means to be part of a family) How engaging with others changes us, loyalty to others, what it means to have a name (these aspects are fading in American culture, honor, tradition, etc)