Engaging Gospel Doctrine (Episode 189)
Lesson 16
“Ye Shall Be Called the Children of Christ”
Hook / Benjamin’s masterful sermon comes to a theological crescendo as he explains what it means to become a child of Christ.Manual Goal / To encourage class members to seek and maintain the “mighty change” of heart that comes through exercising faith inJesus Christ.
EGD Goal / To help class members internalize the central argument of Benjamin’s speech: that we maintain spiritual well-being and become like God as we care for ourselves and others.
- Sunday School
- Framing (This is one of those amazing gospel summary sections, and King Benjamin teaches with such bracing, exhilarating clarity. Chapter 4 especially is exceptional)
- Two Minute Take Home
- The Plan of Salvation according to Ben (God, Faith, repentance, forgiveness, conversion, salvation)
- We are God’s hands
- Conversion, change, and becoming children of Christ
- Reading Commentary
- Lesson
- We are God’s hands: Benjamin’s central argument: Everything we have is God’s. We are forever indebted to God. And what God wants is for us to use our lives and substance to care for others.
- Spiritual well-being (including retaining a remission of sins) stems from caring for others physically (as well as emotionally, spiritually, etc)
- “all things in wisdom and order” (I am SO glad this is part of this challenging sermon)
- Conversion and a change of heart
- What is the difference between “Child of God” and “Child of Christ”? (God is heritage, Christ is covenant)
- Benjamin and the Plan of Salvation
- Nature of God (4:6; God is powerful, wise, patient, long-suffering, and atones.4:9, creator, wisdom, power; 4:20, God grants forgiveness and joy; 4:21, God gives us everything we have, lends us breath)
- Faith (4:3, 10. Faith leads to action, brings peace and joy)
- Repentance and remission of sins (4:2; see ourselves in our limited and needy state, begged for forgiveness; 4:12, 26. Stay humble. Maintain a repentant attitude. And above all, care for those in need)
- Conversion (5:2, have no more desire to do evil, but to do good continually. This conversion is maintained by caring for others)
- Salvation (4:6-7, put together points from the chapters. Love, joy, growth, desire to do good)
- Conclusion
- Scripture Study
- Study Notes
- Children of Christ in the context of Multiple Mortal Probations
- Are there these levels of divine kinship in other traditions?
- Does God really mean what he is saying about beggars?
(Talk about relationships in general, what it means to be part of a family) How engaging with others changes us, loyalty to others, what it means to have a name (these aspects are fading in American culture, honor, tradition, etc)