
Julie Kirkwood

Community Development Officer |

Megan Rowland

Cultural Development Officer |

P. 1300 368 333

Wandin North Public Art Project

Yarra Ranges Shire Council, ABN 21 973 226 012 (Council) invites artists to submit Expressions of Interest for the Design and Construction of Artwork for Wandin North Public Art Project

Expressions of Interest must be received by 5PM Wednesday 23 November 2016



Council is seeking to develop a significant public artwork for the rural township of Wandin North located in Victoria’s Yarra Valley. The work will be sited on a prominent corner on the Warburton Highway, overlooking the hills and wineries of the valley region. The work will be highly visible and take pride of place situated at the cusp of the Yarra Valley tourist region and centre of a bustling township and shopping precinct.

Council is seeking one or more elements to reflect a contemporary response to the site considering the history, environment, culture and stories of Wandin North. The work should consider design and connection to the streetscape improvements of the concurrent Wandin North Streetscape Project.

The opportunities for conceptual development in this project are many. The project will require an artist to make a sophisticated response and create a work with simplicity, power & resonance that is reflective of place.

Expressions of interest are welcomed from individuals or creative groups with appropriate experience in the creation and delivery of public art works.

1.1  The Yarra Ranges Environment

Yarra Ranges is a unique place. It offers a blend of urban fringe within a majestic backdrop of blue ranges and rolling hills. The geographical diversity of the region is one of its considerable attractions for both residents and visitors. People are drawn to the area’s breathtaking landscape and cultural tourism which includes the arts, food, wine and agri-business. There is a rich art history in the Yarra Ranges and a large number of artists live and work within our community.

1.2 Wandin North Shopping Precinct

Wandin North is eight kilometres east of Lilydale. The shopping precinct comprises of a collection of shops that cater to local residents and visitors to the Yarra Valley, a kindergarten, and a small triangular reserve surrounded by car parking. Council has recently consulted with traders, community groups, residents and visitors regarding suggested improvements to the precinct. Public artwork, streetscape works, footpaths, connections to the rail trail, wayfinding signage and references to the war memorial in Wandin East were identified as priorities. Annex 1 includes a summary of project ideas arising from these engagement activities that encompass both the shopping precinct and the broader township.

1.3 Yarra Ranges Creative Communities

Yarra Ranges is a place that values culture. Our community has expressed a desire to see an increase in quality arts and heritage activities in the public places where they live. The Yarra Ranges Cultural Policy and Action Plan identified Public Art as a major community priority, stating that outdoor public spaces are important places for presenting arts and heritage activities and that the experience of public spaces is enhanced by encountering activities such as festivals, performances and public art.

The Cultural Policy and Action Plan is available for download from Council’s website via the following link: http://www.yarraranges.vic.gov.au/Lists/Policy-directory/Cultural-policy-and-action-plan

In 2013, a ‘pop-up’ museum was installed at the Wandin North Public Hall which included a display of objects from the local community and the Yarra Ranges Regional Museum’s collection.Over a 2 hour period a number of local residents shared their stories with the Museum team about the changes they had seen in their local community and main streets. Annex 2 includes stories collected from Wandin residents.


2.1 Project Scope

The scope of the project is to deliver the effective design, development, safe manufacture and installation of public artworks for the Wandin North shopping precinct and to engage with the Wandin community.

Artists are expected to develop a creative response to the site and the project brief. Selection preference will be given to projects that effectively use their chosen media to explore the themes as identified by the Wandin community, and offer an intelligent response to the site.

The work/s must have a minimum lifespan of 20 years and require low maintenance with no specialised technical support.

The artwork should:

·  use the themes that have emerged from previous community engagement activity, as well as engagement undertaken by the artist, as a catalyst to develop a contemporary conceptual response to Wandin

·  articulate the Yarra Ranges local vernacular

·  consider the experience of the sites from both the pedestrian perspective and passing vehicles on the Warburton Highway

·  link thematically and artistically to concurrent street-scaping project

·  be well documented

2.2 Curatorial Framework

Council is seeking one or a series of elements that use local stories and character as a catalyst to develop a contemporary concept that responds to the site area, i.e. Wandin North shopping precinct.

The rich layers of history in Yarra Ranges are of national significance. They include the traditional owners of the land, the Wurundjeri people, through the Coranderrk experience of loss and dislocation, the significant artists who have worked in the region from Lin Onus to Dame Nellie Melba, and the many industries that helped develop Victoria including gold mining, timber, viticulture, agricultural production and tourism.

Yarra Ranges is seeking to develop a quality site specific work. It is expected that a dialogue will exist between the work, the region and its rich cultural heritage. The opportunities for concept development within this curatorial framework are many.

This project will require an artist to make a sophisticated response to these elements and create a work with simplicity, power and resonance that is reflective of place.

2.3 Design Objectives

In responding to the themes emerging from community, works may be informed by multiple characteristics such as space, scale, form and texture, as well as light, sound or notions of movement.

Consideration should be given to the following design objectives:

·  incorporation of the cultural, indigenous, environmental and industrial history of the area;

·  opportunity to explore and discover a creative public space;

·  generate interest in public art and its place in the community; and

·  use of sustainable design principles and practice.

The artworks will be freely accessible to the public. The concept and eventual detail design must also meet the following design objectives:

·  address issues of public safety and practicality in its construction and installation;

·  be sensitive to pedestrian site usage;

·  consider day and night time use and strategically used lighting to enhance the artworks at night; and

·  work to Australian Standards relevant to project implementation and associated risk management.

2.4 Media and Materials

There is no defined media, although the form should suit purpose and function.

Artists are required to be mindful of future maintenance of the artwork. Materials and design must be safe, durable and easily maintained, accounting for wear and tear, exposure to elements and the potential for vandalism. Artworks should present minimal opportunity for deterioration, vandalism or defacement.

A maintenance manual is required at completion of the work. The manual should guide the process for cleaning, material replacement and graffiti removal as well as specifying the end of life process including options for recycling and renewal.

2.5 Site

The site consists of:

1)  the paved area between Warburton Highway and the shopping precinct carpark, adjacent to 388 Warburton Highway, Wandin North

2)  the wall of the property located at 388 Warburton Highway, Wandin North facing the above paved area, currently used as a small supermarket.

Artists should take care not to compromise the amenity of the site. Consideration should be given to the use of the space, and comfortable pedestrian flow past the works. The site area is shown Annex 3.

2.6 Documenting the Project

To enable a dynamic and ongoing engagement with the project, it is expected that documentation and presentation of the project will be part of the overall outcome. Council will work with the artists to ensure the project and process is well documented. The artist may wish to work with Council to creatively present the process online.


3.1 Staging

The project consists of three stages:

Stage 1: Expressions of Interest. See item 4.1

Artists are invited to express their interest in the project in writing.

Hold point: Following Stage 1, a selection panel will review the proposals and decide whether or not to engage artists to progress to Stage 2. Yarra Ranges Council reserves the right not to progress to Stage 2.

Stage 2: Concept Development ($500). See item 4.2

Shortlisted artists will be invited to submit their concept development. Concepts shall include a written submission, examples of previous designs, and a presentation to a selection panel.

A payment of $500 (GST exclusive) will be paid to each short-listed artist/team. 50% of the payment will be paid at the commencement of Stage 2 and 50% paid after completion of the presentation to the panel.

Hold point: Following Stage 2, the selection panel will review the proposals and decide whether or not to engage one or more of the shortlisted artists to progress to Stage 3. Proposals may be accepted in whole or in part. The completed project may include works from more than one shortlisted artists. Yarra Ranges Council reserves the right not to progress to Stage 3.

Stage 3: Design Development, construction and installation ($25,000 - $35,000) See item 4.3

A schedule of works and a staged payment schedule will be developed by Council with the selected artist/s.

A budget in the range of $25,000 – $35,000 (GST exclusive) is available for Stage 3 works. Council will favour quality artistic outcomes that fall within or below this budget.

Your response should ensure that the project is technically feasible and can be completely carried out within the identified budget and timing constraints, including artist participation in community engagement process, design, manufacture and installation costs for all artworks.

3.2 Budget Schedule

A full budget schedule will be required in Stage 3. Selected artists are required to identify how they would allocate and manage the available budget. The artists must assure the selection panel that they have made a reasonable assessment of the cost of the construction and installation of the artwork/s.

3.3 Project Management

It is expected that the selected artist/s will undertake all project management associated with their project. Yarra Ranges Council will provide general assistance to ensure the successful delivery of the project. The selected artist/s must work closely with the Lead Design Consultant that is contracted by Council to design street-scaping improvements.

3.4 Contractual agreement

The selected artist/s will enter into a contract with Council for delivery of the project. The contract will outline payment stages and procedures in line with standard practice.

3.5 Intellectual Property

The ownership of copyright in the works produced on this project will be retained by the artist/s. The artist/s will be required to grant the Council a permanent and irrevocable royalty-free non-exclusive licence (including the right of sub-licence) to use the material produced on the project for marketing, publicity and promotional purposes. In the event that the work is required to be relocated or altered, Yarra Ranges Council will consult with the artist/s or their agent prior to any significant action being taken.

3.6 Promotion

Yarra Ranges Council will promote the project as appropriate, including, but not limited to, presence on Council’s website and other promotional materials.

3.7 Insurance

Before any work is performed on Stage 3 of the project, the selected artist/s must have Public Liability and Products Liability and Insurance coverage of at least $10,000,000, and Professional Indemnity coverage of at least $100,000. A current Certificate of Currency for the relevant level of insurance must be supplied to Council prior to the commencement of Stage 3.

If relevant to the selected artist/’s organisation, the artist/s must obtain and keep in force a WorkCover insurance policy with the Victoria WorkCover Authority as required by the Accident Compensation (WorkCover Insurance) Act 1993, and must forward a current Certificate of Currency to Council. Where WorkCover is not required by the artist/s, Personal Accident Insurance must be obtained and kept in force for the duration of Stage 3. A Certificate of Currency will be required by Council.

3.8 Occupational Health and Safety

Stage 3 of this project will require the selected artist/s to adhere to any OH&S requirements set by Council’s Health and Safety representative. Such requirements would include as a minimum the completion of a detailed Job Safety Analysis (JSA) and the engagement of suitably qualified and ticketed installation contractors.


4.1 Expressions of Interest

Artists should include the following material in their submission:
·  A current CV with artist statement or professional objective statement
·  Details of the legal structure under which the artist/s is working (eg. sole trader, company, incorporated association etc.)
·  Examples of previous relevant work undertaken by the artist
·  Preferably three references, including Local Government Authorities the artist has worked with on artworks permanently installed in a public space
·  Short-listed applicants will be advised within 2 weeks if they have been selected to proceed to the Concept Development phase (Stage 2)

4.2 Concept Development & Presentation - For short-listed applicants only

CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT / DUE: 5PM Monday 16 January 2017
Artists should include the following material in their submission:
·  A description of the proposed artistic and broad thematic approach, including a conceptual outline and summary of how the work will relate to its audience, i.e. residents of Wandin, traders, visitors and users of the shopping precinct
·  A description of how their proposed creative process would incorporate the community engagement considerations of this project.
·  Evidence that the site has been researched
·  Details and/or samples of proposed materials
·  An indicative budget with a breakdown of project components
·  An indicative timeline - outlining stages of the project, milestones, dates and deliverables, based on the timeline outlined in section 4.4 of this document
·  Invoices for Stage 2 payments (artists to complete Council registration process)
Artists will be required to present their concept in person to a selection panel. Artists should present concepts, materials and designs (including maquettes if desired) proposed for Wandin North, identifying methods for integration into the site, and a portrayal of the potential experience for the community.
Completed designs are not required at this stage. Community engagement will occur as part of Stage 3, which may influence the concept, themes, materials and/or design of the completed work.
The panel will comprise of Council staff and community representation.
Note: the panel presentation is designed to gain a deeper understanding of the artists contextual response to the site. Artists are not measured on their presentation skills.
