Washington Association of Diabetes Educators

Board Meeting

September 21, 2007

Seattle VA Hospital

The meeting was called to order by President Randy Elde, at approximately 4:30 pm. Members present in person were: Pat Haldi, Becky Petty, Kathleen Givan, Linda Castine, Jennifer Newell, Karen Conger, Caroline Hudders, and Jennifer Beach. Members present by phone-in were Cindy Brinn, Martha Wells, Teri Carpentier, Kathy VanderHei, and Ron Kammer. Special guests were Donna Christensen, legislative lobbyist for WADE; Sara Torbet, representing the ADA and youth oriented programs; Jan Wolfram, CDE from Boldt Diabetes Center in Olympia, WA.; and Nick Rubert, from Novo-Nordisk.

Special Guest Presentations:

Nick Rubert, of Novo-Nordisk was introduced by Randy. Nick has been active in diabetes legislation, encouraging government to provide better access for improved self-care in persons with diabetes. He spoke briefly, outlining his role and some of the accomplishments of Novo-Nordisk in the field of diabetes worldwide. Randy acknowledged special thanks for Nick and Novo-Nordisk for providing the box dinners for our meeting this evening.

Donna Christenson, legislative lobbyist for WADE gave an update on issues for this legislative session. Issues of interest to WADE members:

1)  There is one legislative committee that is trying to measure disparities in

persons with diabetes; contact person is nurse Rose Franklin. There is

nothing public on this yet.

2)  The National Diabetes Self-Management Act is being rewritten—WADE

support is requested

3)  Review of the prescription drug plan

4)  There will be a legislative push for better immunization rate among children.

5)  Basic Health Plan: approximately $1 million was added to help generate more slots for the underinsured. Those monies have not been received yet.

6)  There is a new school health legislative task force to consider physical education and recess in the public schools; and the distribution of prescription medications while children are at school. The task force is currently collecting survey information. Hearings will start in October, 2007. Donna will email dates of the hearings to Ron for the newsletter.

7)  From the governor’s office, the Blue Ribbon Commission will be exploring ideas for affordable insurance care for small business owners. For legislative policy from the governor’s office, contact Christine Hewitt.

8)  Legislative Day for WADE will be February 22, 2008.

Sara Torbet, Youth Program Associate Manager, spoke briefly about her new position with the ADA. She handed out several flyers concerning the Teen Advocacy Program, PDA issues and upcoming trainings, literature for legal advocacy, and a 2007-2008 calendar of youth programs for Western Washington.

It was suggested that she submit an article for the WADE newsletter. Refer to the attachment for curriculum being used for training PDA’s.

Jan Wolfram RN, CDE, a WADE member from the Boldt Diabetes Center in Olympia, WA, introduced the Life Science Discovery Fund, an entity that supports research in Washington State . . . . .to improve health and health care. It was created from state tobacco money. It is not part of the DOH. There is approximately $20 million in available monies. Jan has written two grant proposals: 1) a $4 million proposal for implementing a program for training medical assistants in providing diabetes information; 2) a $2 million proposal for evaluating continuous glucose monitoring in patients with gestational diabetes.

Refer to the handout for more information.

Jan is requesting a letter of support from WADE for her grant proposals, which are due for submission before our next meeting. Much discussion followed from the group. Some items of concern included cost/billing for MA services, evaluation/behavior change issues, etc. Kathleen and Linda have serious concerns regarding the ethical standards of MA’s and violating “scope of practice” issues. Several members suggested a review of the curriculum by board members before giving endorsement from WADE. Jan did not particularly want to share the curriculum, as it is copyrighted at this time. Consensus was not to make a decision until more information is provided. Randy will request a copy of the proposal for the board to review before making a decision. He will send that information to the board members via e-mail.


President—Randy Elde

Randy and Linda Castine attended the AADE National Meeting in St. Louis. Both shared a few highlights of that meeting.

President-elect—Pat Haldi

Pat and Kathleen presented the dates for the annual WADE meeting, April 25-27, 2008, at Lake Chelan. June 14, 2008, will be the date for the annual retreat. Pat presented some brochures and ideas for the 2009 WADE meeting. She is currently looking at April 30-May 2, 2009 at the Davenport Hotel in Spokane.

Public Awareness—Teri Carpentier and Caroline Hudders

Multiple ideas were presented and discussed that could be used to promote and advertise WADE. We need to put the current WADE logo on the display board that is being used for various activities. The question was raised concerning the location of the display board in Eastern Washington. Linda Castine mentioned that we could have WADE business cards printed. Greg Kammer can do the cards. Caroline is in the process of ordering pens with WADE imprinted. We also discussed the feasibility of ordering T-shirts, with the WADE logo.

Randy brought up previous discussion from the last meeting regarding public disparities. There is a need to separate “public awareness” and the “underserved.” Perhaps there could be some mentoring of other individuals who work with the underserved. For the sake of time, we will readdress the issue and write a specific job description.

There was much discussion concerning the issue of scholarships for the annual meeting. Jennifer Newell proposed that we give priority to those who work with the underinsured but not limit the monies just for the annual meeting. Randy suggested that tuition, hotel, and a travel budget be presented, not just tuition for the meeting. Caroline will present a proposal for a scholarship application at the next meeting.

There is an ADA conversation MAP training available. We discussed the possibility of some training at the next board meeting. No decision made.

There are several upcoming events that representatives of the WADE board who are able should attend to promote WADE:

1)  SNOW—the School Nurse Organization of Washington, 10/12-13 in Spokane Pat may be able to attend or know of some who could. The conference will be addressing “chronic disease in school children.”

2)  Pharmacy Conference, 10/27-28. Randy will attend on the 27th.

3)  Kidney Expo in Seattle area, 10/27 Caroline will attend.

4)  Diabetes Expo 4/19 in Seattle. Please promote.

5)  Annual WADE meeting 4/25-4/27 at Lake Chelan

6)  “Diabetes Awareness” at Deaconess Hospital in Spokane, 11/9

7)  Harborview Medical Center, January, 2008, quarterly diabetes update,

Contact Kathleen Givan.

For other report details, refer to the attachment submitted by Teri.

Professional Education—Jennifer Beach

There is a small group meeting available on10/2 presented by Sanofi-aventis at 7pm at the Edgewater Hotel in Seattle.

Linda Castine expressed a desire for some funds for library books to loan to WADE educators. Discussion followed. Will revisit.

Webmaster—Ron Kammer

Ron announced that a current membership directory is in process. He also addressed the “permissions” issue when sending out mass emails. Board members can do mass emails, but must have a disclaimer noted. Discussion followed. His written report is attached.

Treasurer—Kathy VanderHei

The treasurer’s report is attached. Everyone should have a copy. Jennifer will confer for finalization of the website so payment can be made. Ads and payment for such on the website are old. We will address the policy for requiring payment for ads at the next meeting. We will also address “travel budgets” and submitting requests for travel at the next meeting.

Newsletter—Martha Wells

The deadline for news and articles is one week after the board meetings. September 28th is the next deadline. We can e-mail newsletter reports. Martha would like us to respond with a yes or no, regarding submission of articles.

Membership—Susie Wang

Refer to the attachment for Susie’s report.

DPCP Liason—Jeanne Harmon

Refer to the submitted attachment for report.

Randy proposed adjournment of the meeting at 7:18 pm. Seconded by Kathleen Givan. The next meeting is set for 11/3 in Yakima, from 11am-2pm. The Yakima diabetes educators will be invited to attend. There will be a bus from Seattle provided for Western Washington board members to travel to Yakima. More information will follow for location, time, etc.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca A. Petty, RN
