Sentence Word Cards

One / day
they / each
decided / to
take / the
thing / they
liked / best

Week 1
I’m Coming to Get You!

Beginning / A monster rushes toward a peaceful planet and destroys it.
Middle – 1 / The Monster flew on. It found little Tommy Brown on its radar. “I’m coming to get you!” it roared.
Middle - 2 / Little Tommy Brown checks everywhere for monsters. He goes to bed.
End / With a terrible roar the monster pounced …
And it was tiny!

Week 1
I’m Coming to Get You! – What happens?

Middle – 1
Middle - 2

Week 1

Monster 1

/ Monster 2
How big is your monster?
What colour is your monster?
What is its face like?
What is its body like?
What does it like and hate?

Week 1


Beginning / Beegu (a small alien) arrives on earth by mistake. She is lost!
Middle – 1 / She looks for friends and a place to stay. She is very lonely and sad. No one seems to want her.
Middle – 2 / She finds some friends – children in the playground. She is happy. But then the teacher throws her out of the playground.
End / She hears a spaceship. It is her mother coming to get her. She goes home!

Week 2
A story about an alien - Structure

Beginning / An alien arrives on earth – friendly or fierce?
One or many?
Middle – 1 / Something happens – there is a problem…
Middle - 2 / The problem gets worse!
End / It all gets sorted out…
What happens at the end?

Week 2

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2008 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Y1 N Unit 4B – Sum – Weeks 1 – 2