7th/8th grade Science - Mrs. Chase
Monthly (starting in October), you are expected to read a science related current events article (current to six months or less) and then summarize it (not plagiarize it). Your summary needs to only be one page in length, double spaced type. You must copy the URL of the article you are summarizing OR turn in a hard copy if from a magazine.
NOTES of IMPORTANCE: 1” margins, 14 font size, times new roman, comic sans, or arial font. The top line of your summary must have your name and homeroom on it; the bottom line will be the full URL address or name of the magazine (if turning in a hard copy). Know you get five points to upload it to Edmodo. That is how I want it: do not print a hard copy and upload it; do not email to me and upload it…ONLY UPLOAD IT.
Current science event (within 6 months) 10 points
Summary, in your own words, one typed page with your name at top 20 points
Grammar/spelling/punctuation 10 points
URL at bottom OR a copy of what you are summarizing 10 points
Uploaded to Edmodo to current events assignment 5 points
Total Points Possible 55 points
Assignments not uploaded to Edmodo by midnight of the due date will lose 10 points on day one and 5 points each day thereafter until it is turned in. DON’T BE LATE! Absent students are still responsible for uploading by the due date.
DUE DATES 2017-2018: 10/31/17; 11/30/17; 01/31/18; 02/28/18; 03/30/18; 04/30/18
Please note: No summaries due in September, December, and May. I will accept one in December for 10 extra credit points, uploaded by December 15th if and only if it follows the requirements exactly. No partial credit will be given. No points if not uploaded by December 15th at midnight.