Technical standards for household gas appliances

Burning gaseous fuels appliances and their fittings must comply with the essential health and safety requirements laid down in the Gas Appliances Directive 90/396/EEC (OJ L-196 26/07/1990) in order to be placed on the European Union (EU) market.

Product scope

The Directive applies to household gas appliances and their components where used for cooking, heating, hot water production, refrigeration, lighting or washing. Forced draught burners and heating bodies to be equipped with such burners also fall within its scope.

Excluded from its scope are those appliances specifically designed for use in industrial processes carried out on industrial premises and appliances having a water temperature exceeding 105°C, such as steam boilers.

1. Essential requirements

Household gas appliances have to conform to the essential health and safety requirements provided in Annex I to the Directive. These requirements are related to some general and technical conditions, the materials used in their manufacture, and the design and construction.

Appliances are to be:

  • provided with appropriate installation, maintenance and user instructions,
  • built of appropriate materials and components,
  • designed so as not to be adversely affected by conditions such as condensation, bad weather, fluctuation in supply etc.,
  • capable of withstanding normal wear and tear,
  • capable of preventing the release of unburned gas,
  • built to ignite reliably and safely,
  • designed not to attain excessive temperatures, especially on controls
  • efficient on energy consumption
  • built to provide the appropriate degree of protection against contamination for water and foodstuffs.

2. Harmonised standards

Harmonised standards are technical specifications that would enable to meet the essential requirements. Products manufactured according to these harmonised standards benefit from a presumption of compliance with the essential requirements.

Harmonised standards are developed by the European Standardisation bodies: The European Committee for standardisation (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical standardisation (CENELEC) and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

A compilation of the references of standards may be found in the following website: .

Some circumstances that cannot be harmonised, such as the differences in climate and gas properties, can vary among the Member States’ national technical specifications and installation requirements.

The European Commission has published a list of the gas properties as they are used in the Member States of the EU and the EEA in Communication 98/C69/11 (OJ C-69 05/03/1998).

3. Conformity assessment

Notified bodies are always needed for all household gas appliances conformity assessment procedures.

Notified bodies are organisations designated by each MemberState and notified to the Commission and the other Member States, that are in charge of assesing manufaturer's conformity to the esssential requirements when a third party is required.

- In the case of appliances manufactured in series, the procedure to be used is the EC type examination, followed by one of the procedures mentioned below, at the manufacturer's choice:

  1. EC declaration of conformity to type: the manufacturer writes and keeps a declaration of conformity to type, besides the notified body carries out random checks.
  2. Production quality assurance: the manufacturer's production quality system is approved by a notified body.
  3. Product quality assurance: the quality system for the final inspection and the tests of the appliances are approved by a notified body.
  4. EC verification: a notified body either carries out a random-sample test per batch or tests each appliance manufactured.

- For appliances manufactured individually the manufacturer must use the EC verification by single unit. The notified body checks the appliance and draws up a certificate of conformity declaring that it complies with the provisions of the Directive.

4. CE marking

The CE marking symbolises the conformity of the equipment with the essential requirements. It shall be affixed on the product, packaging, instructions for use or guarantee in a visible, easily legible and indelible way.

All household gas appliances marketed in the EU must bear a CE marking, which is depicted in Annex III to the Directive, together with the name of the manufacturer, the trade name, the electrical supply used, the appliance category, the last two digits of the year the marking was affixed and the identification number of the notified body.
Fittings do not bear CE marking, but they must be accompanied by a certificate declaring the conformity of the fittings with the provisions of the directive, stating their characteristics and how they must be incorporated into an appliance to assist compliance with the essential requirements applicable to finished appliances.

5. Market surveillance

Each MemberState has established the competent authorities for checking that products placed on the market meet the requirements of the Directive and that the affixing and use of the CE marking is correct.


  • Council Directive 90/396/EEC of 29 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to appliances burning gaseous fuels (OJ L-196 26/07/1990)

Other information sources

European Commission - DG Enterprise and Industry; Guide to implementation of gas appliance Directive 90/396/EEC:

Additional information for Austria

Competent authority / competent bodies

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit - BMWA (Federal Ministry of Economy and Employment)
Abteilung I - Unternehmen (Department I - Enterprises)
Dampfschiffstraße 4
AT-1030 Wien
Tel: (+43) 1 71 100 8213
Fax: (+43) 1 71 435 82

Standardisation body

Österreichisches Normungsinstitut - ON (Austrian Standards Institute)

Heinestraße 38
AT-1020 Wien
Tel: (+43) 1 213 00 0
Fax: (+43) 1 213 00 818

Notified bodies


  • Gasgeräte-Sicherheitsverordnung - GSV, BGBl. Nr. 430/1994 - Order on the Safety of Gas Appliances

Additional information for Belgium

Competent authority / competent bodies

Standardisation body

Institut Belge de Normalisation - IBN (Belgian Institute for Standardisation)

Brabançonnelaan / Avenue de la Brabançonne 29
B-1000 Brussel / Bruxelles
Tel: (+32) 2 738 01 11 / (+32) 2 738 01 12
Fax: (+32) 2 733 42 64

Notified body

Technigas asbl

Rodestraat / Rue de Rhode, 125
B-1630 Linkebeek
Tel: (+32) 2 383 02 00
Fax: (+32) 2 380 87 04

Market Surveillance Authority

Service Public Fédéral Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Energie (Federal Public Service for Economy, SME, Middle-class and Energy)
Direction Générale de l'Energie (Directorate-General for Energy)
3me Division: Gaz – Electricité (3d Division: Gas - Electricity)

North Gate III
Koning Albert II-laan / Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 7
B-1000 Brussel / Bruxelles
Tel: (+32) 2 277 45 23/ (+32) 2 206 41 11/ (+32) 2 277 62 28
Fax: (+32) 2 206 5731 / (+32) 2 206 5732


Arrêté royal of 03/07/1992 concerning the placing on the market of gas equipments (MB of 11/08/1992), title amended by Arrêté royal of 06/12/2005 (MB of 07/02/2006)

Additional information for Cyprus

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ypourgeio Sygkoinonion kai Ergon (Ministry of Communications and Works)
Tmima Ylektromichanologikon Ypiresion (Department of Electrical and Mechanical Services)

P.O. Box 21426
CY-1722 Nicosia
Tel: (+357) 22 800 288
Fax: (+357) 22 776 266
E-mail: /

Standardisation body

Kypriakos Organismos Typopoiisis (Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation)

Corner of Leoforos Lemesou and Kosta Anaxagora 30
CY-2014 Nicosia
Tel: (+357) 22 411 411
Fax: (+357) 22 411 511


Regulation 373/2003, on gas appliances (EE 26/07/2002)

Additional information for the Czech Republic

Competent authority / competent bodies

Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví (Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing)
Technická komise pro spotřebiče plynných paliv (Technical Commission for Gas Appliances)

Gorazdova 24
CZ-128 01 Praha
Tel: (+420) 224 907 201
Fax: (+420) 224 907 152

Standardisation body

Český normalizační institut - ČNI (Czech Standards Institute)

Biskupský dvůr 5
CZ-110 02 Praha
Tel: (+420) 221 802 111
Fax: (+420) 221 802 301

Notified bodies


  • Zákon o technických požadavcích na výrobky (č. 22/1997 Sb.), 24.1.1997 (Law on Technical Requirements for Products)
  • Nařízení, kterým se stanoví technické požadavky na spotřebiče plynných paliv (č. 22/2003 Sb.), 9.12.2002 (Order on Technical Requirements for Gas Appliances)
  • Zákon o České obchodní inspekci (č. 64/1986 Sb.), 20. 10. 1986 (Law on Czech Commercial Inspection)

Additional information for Denmark

Competent authority / competent bodies

Økonomi- og Erhvervsministeriet (Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs)
Sikkerhedsstyrelsen (Danish Safety Technology Authority)

Nørregade 63
DK-6700 Esbjerg
Tel: (+45) 33 73 20 00
Fax: (+45) 33 73 20 99

Standardisation body

Dansk Standard (Danish Standards Association)

Kollegievej 6
DK-2920 Charlottenlund
Tel: (+45) 3996 6101
Fax: (+45) 3996 6102

Notified bodies


  • RGM nr 4027 of 20/06/1991. Gas Regulation, Part 1, Ruling on joined assessments, marketting and usage of gas appliances
  • BEK nr 9566 of 24/09/2004. Decision on the marketing, sale and use of gas appliances
  • RGM nr 4028 af 20/06/1991. Decision on gas appliances construction, function and labelling

Additional information for Estonia

Competent authority / competent bodies

  • Eesti Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications)
    Siseturuosakond (Internal Market Department)
    Kvaliteedi infrastruktuuri talitus (Quality Infrastructure Division)
    Harju tn. 11
    EE-15072 Tallinn
    Tel: (+372) 625 6342
    Fax: (+372) 631 3660
  • Tehnilise Järelevalve Inspektisioon (Technical Inspectorate)
    Aru 10
    EE-10317 Tallinn
    Tel: (+372) 694 9454 / 694 9412
    Fax: (+372) 694 9410

Standardisation body

Eesti Standardikeskus MTÜ (Estonian Centre for Standardisation)

Aru 10
EE-10317 Tallinn
Tel: (+372) 6055 050
Fax: (+372) 6055 070

Notified bodies


  • Toote nõuetele vastavuse tõendamise seadus - Product Conformity Act of 17/11/1999 (RT I 1999, 92, 825)
  • Küttegaasi ohutuse seadus - Gas Fuel Safety Act of 22/05/2002 (RT I 2002, 49, 311)
  • Nõuded gaasi- ja abiseadmele, selle teabega varustamisele ja vastavusmärgi paigaldamisele - Requirements for Gas Appliances and Fittings, for Supplying them with Information and for Affixing of Conformity Mark of 28/06/2002 (RTL 2002, 75, 1156)
  • Gaasi- ja abiseadme nõuetele vastavuse hindamise ja tõendamise kord ning nõuetele vastavuse hindamiseks ja tõendamiseks vajalikud vastavushindamise protseduurid - Regulation on Gas and Gas Appliances of 28/06/2002 (RTL 2002, 75, 1157)

Additional information for Finland

Competent authority / competent bodies

Kauppa- ja Teollisuusministeriö (Ministry of Trade and Industry)
Teknologiaosasto (Technology Department)
Laatupolitiikan ja teknisen turvallisuuden ryhmä (Division for Quality Policy, Safety Technology Standardisation and Safety Research)

P.O.Box 32
Tel: (+358) 9 16001 / 9 1606 3725
Fax: (+358) 9 1606 3449

Standardisation body

Suomen Standardisoimisliitto - SFS (Finnish Standards Association)

P.O.Box 116
Tel: (+358) 9 149 9331
Fax: (+358) 9 146 4925

Notified bodies


Kaasulaiteasetus. Gas Appliances Decree of 22 December 1993, (Suomen säädöskokoelma 1993/1434)

Additional information for France

Competent authority / competent bodies

Standardisation body

Association française de normalisation - AFNOR (French Standardisation Association)

11, Rue Francis de Pressensé
F-93571 Saint-Denis la Plaine CEDEX
Tel: (+33) 1 41 62 80 00 / (+33) 1 41 62 76 44
Fax: (+33) 1 49 17 90 00

Notified bodies

  • AFNOR Certification SA
    11, Rue Francis de Pressensé
    F-93571 Saint-Denis la Plaine CEDEX
  • Certigaz SAS
    Rue de Courcelles, 62
    F-75008 Paris

Market surveillance authority

Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie (Ministry for the Economy, Finance and Industry)
Direction Générale des Entreprises (General Directorate of Enterprises)
Direction de l'Action régionale de la Qualité et de la Securité Industrielle (Directorate for Regional Action, Quality and Safety Industries)
Sous-direction de la sécurité industrielle et de la Mètrologie (Sub-Directorate for Industrial Safety and Metrology)

5, Place des Vins de France
FR–75573 Paris Cedex 12
Tel: (+33) 153 44 27 59
Fax (+33) 153 44 27 60


  • Arrêté ministériel of 12/08/1991 implementing Directive 90/396/EEC on gas appliances (JO of 22/09/1991)
  • Arrêté of 08/12/2000 establishing the organism for EU type-approval for gas appliances (JO of 20/12/2000)
  • Arrêté interministériel of 04/03/1996 establishing the provisions for the compliance of gas appliances withing dwellings, caravans, autocaravans and vans with standards (JO of 03/04/1996)
  • Arrêté ministériel of 07/06/2002 on the prevention of fire hazards, explosions and asphyxiation in leisure vehicles (JO of 16/06/2002)
  • Arrêté ministériel of 05/07/1994 amending arrêté of 12/08/1991 implementing Directive 90/396/EEC on gas appliances (JO of 31/07/1994)

Additional information for Germany

Competent authority / competent bodies

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie - BMWI (Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology)

Scharnhorststr. 34-37
DE-10115 Berlin
Tel: (+49) 30 2014 9
Fax: (+49) 30 2014 7010

Standardisation body

Deutsches Institut für Normung - DIN (German Standardisation Institute)

Burggrafenstraße 6
DE-10787 Berlin
Tel: (+49) 30 2601 0
Fax: (+49) 30 2601 1231

Notified bodies


  • Geräte- und Produktsicherheitsgesetz - GPSG - BGBl I 2004, 2 (219), 6.1.2004 (Law on Devices and Product Safety)
  • Gasverbrauchseinrichtungsverordnung - 7. GPSGV - BGBl I 1993, 133, 26.1.1993 (Order on Gas Consumption)

Additional information for Greece

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ypourgeio Anaptyxis (Ministry of Development)
Geniki Grammateia Viomichanias (General Secretariat for Industry)
Triti Diefthynsi Kladikis Viomichanikis Politikis (Third Directorate of Sector Industrial Policy)

Sisini 8
GR-11528 Athens
Tel: (+30) 210 6965 837 / 210 6965 802
Fax: (+30) 210 6965 838

Standardisation authority and notified body

Ellinikos Organismos Typopoiisis - ELOT (Hellenic Organization for Standardization)

Acharnon Street 313
GR-11145 Athens
Tel: (+30) 210 212 0100
Fax: (+30) 210 228 3034

Notified bodies

Additional information for Hungary

Competent authority / competent bodies

Gazdasági és Közlekedési Minisztérium - GKM (Ministry of Economy and Transport)
Ipari Főosztály (Department of Industry)

P.O. Box 1880
HU-1055 Budapest V.
Honvéd u. 13-15
Tel: (+36) 1 4753 434
Fax: (+36) 1 4753 435

Standardisation body

Magyar Szabványügyi Testület - MSZT (Hungarian Standards Institution)

Ülloi str. 25.
HU-1091 Budapest
Tel: (+36) 1 456 6800
Fax: (+36) 1 456 6884

Notified bodies


Az ipari, kereskedelmi és idegenforgalmi miniszter 22/1998. (IV. 17.) IKIM rendelete egyes gázfogyasztó készülékek kialakításáról és megfeleloségének tanúsításáról

Additional information for Ireland

Competent authority / competent bodies

Management authority

Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment (DETE)
Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs (ODCA)

4 Harcourt Road,
Dublin 2
Tel: (+353) 1 402 5555
Fax: (+353) 1 402 5501

Standardisation and notified body

National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)

Dublin 9
Tel: (+353) 1 807 3800
Fax: (+353) 1 807 3838

Market surveillance authority

Health and Safety Authority (HSA)

10 Hogan Place
Dublin 2
Tel: (+353) 1 614 7000
Fax: (+353) 1 614 7020


European Communities (Appliances Burning Gaseous Fuels) Regulations, 1992 (S.I. No. 101 of 1992)

Additional information for Italy

Competent authority / competent bodies

Standardisation body

Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione - UNI (Italian National Standardisation Body)

Via Sannio, 2
I-20135 Milano
Tel: (+39) 02 700241
Fax: (+39) 02 7002 4375

Notified bodies

    Via Quintiliano, 43
    I-20138 MILANO
    Via Moscova 11
    I-20017 RHO
    Via Rombon, 11
    I-20134 MILANO
    Via Artigiani, 63
    I-25040 BIENNO
    Via Rossini, 2
    I-47814 BELLARIA
    Piazza Scilla, 2
    I-00178 Roma-Capannelle
    Via Treviso 32/34
    I-31020 San Vendemiano
    V. Mazzini, 81/b
    I-33080 Fiume Veneto

Market surveillance authority

Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (Ministry of Economic Development)
Direzione generale per l'energia e le risorse minerarie - DGERM (Directorate-General for the Energy and Mineral Resources)

Via Molise,2
Tel: (+39) 06 4705 2531 / 06 4705 2639
Fax: (+39) 06 4705 2847


  • Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica of 15/11/1996 No. 661, laying down the implementing measures for Directive 90/396/EEC on gas appliances (Supplemento ordinario No. 231 to Gazzetta Ufficiale - Serie generale – of 27/12/1996 No. 302)
  • Legge of 06/12/1971 No. 1083, on the safety measures in the use of burner gas on gas appliances (GU - Serie generale - of 20/12/1971 No. 320)
  • Decreto ministeriale of 12/04/1996, establishing techical regulations on fire prevention for the design, construction and use of appliances burning gaseous fuels (Supplemento ordinario to Gazzetta Ufficiale - Serie generale - of 04/05/1996 No. 103)

Additional information for Latvia

Competent authority / competent bodies

Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrija (Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia)

Brīvības str. 55
LV-1519 Riga
Tel: (+371) 701 3105 / 701 3193
Fax: (+371) 728 0882

Standardisation body

Latvijas standarts - LVS (Latvian Standards Ltd)

K. Valdemāra str. 157
LV-1013 Riga
Tel: (+371) 737 1308
Fax: (+371) 737 1324

Notified bodies

Additional information for Malta

Competent authority / competent bodies

Management authority and standardisation body

Ministry for Competitiveness and Communications
Malta Standards Authority - MSA
Consumer and Industrial Goods Directorate - CIGD

Merchants Street
MT-Valletta VLT 03
Tel: (+356) 212 55545 / 212 42420
Fax: (+356) 212 42406


  • Appliances burning gaseous fuels (L.N. 52 of 18/03/1996)
  • Product Safety Act. (Government Gazette of Malta No. 17,052 of 09/02/2001

Additional information for the Netherlands

Competent authority / competent bodies

  • Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport - VWS (Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport)
    P.O.Box 20350
    NL-2500 EJ The Hague
    Tel: (+31) 70 340 79 11
    Fax: (+31) 70 340 78 34
  • Voedsel en Waren Autoreit - VWA (Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority)
    P.O. Box 19506
    NL-2500 CM The Hague
    Tel: (+31) 70 448 48 48
    Fax: (+31) 70 448 47 47

Standardisation body

Nederlands Normalisatie-Instituut - NEN (Netherlands' Standardisation Institute)

P.O.Box 5059
NL-2600 GB Delft
Tel: (+31) 15 269 03 90
Fax: (+31) 15 269 01 90

Notified bodies


Besluit gastoestellen. Gas Appliances Decree of 8 January 1992 (Stb. 1992, 124)

Additional information for Poland

Competent authority / competent bodies

Standardisation body

Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny (Polish Committee for Standardisation)

ul. Swietokrzyska 14
PL-00-050 Warszawa
Tel: (+48) 22 556 77 55 / 22 556 77 26
Fax: (+48) 22 556 74 16

Notified bodies

Urzad Dozoru Technicznego (Office of Technical Inspection)

ul. Szczesliwicka 34
PL-02-353 Warszawa
Tel: (+48) 22 572 21 00
Fax: (+48) 22 822 72 09

Instytut Nafty i Gazu (ING) (Oil and Gas Institute)

ul. Lubicz 25a
PL-31-503 Kraków
Tel: (+48) 12 421 00 33 / (+48) 12 653 25 12
Fax: (+48) 12 421 00 50

Osrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy (PREDOM-OBR)

ul. Krakowiaków 53
PL-02-255 Warszawa
Tel: (+48) 22 846 54 31
Fax: (+48) 22 846 19 05

Centralny Osrodek Chlodnictwa (COCH)

ul. Juliusza Lea 116
PL-30-133 Kraków
Tel: (+48) 12 637 09 33
Fax: (+48) 12 637 37 24

Market surveillance authority

Panstwowa Inspekcja Pracy (The National Labour Inspectorate)
Glówny Inspektorat Pracy (Chief Labour Inspectorate)

ul. Krucza 38/42
PL-00-926 Warszawa
Tel: (+48) 22 661 8111
Fax: (+48) 22 625 4770


  • Law on Conformity Assessment (Obwieszczenie Marszalka Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w sprawie ogloszenia jednolitego tekstu ustawy o systemie oceny zgodnosci), of 24 August 2004 (Dz.U. No 204 item 2087; Dz.U. No 166, item 1360)
  • Regulation of the Ministry of Economy and Labour on requirements for gas appliances (Rozporzadzenie Ministra Gospodarki, Pracy i Polityki Spolecznej w sprawie zasadniczych wymagan dla urzadzen spalajacych paliwa gazowe), of 15 April 2003 (Dz.U. No 91 item 859) - implementation of the Directives 90/396/EC and 93/68/EC

Additional information for Portugal

Competent authority / competent bodies

Standardisation body

Instituto Português da Qualidade - IPQ (Portuguese Institute of Quality)

Rua António Gião, 2
P-2829-513 Caparica
Tel: (+351) 21 294 81 00
Fax (+351) 21 294 81 01

Notified body

Centro de Apoio Tecnológico à Indústria Metalomecânica - CATIM (TechnologicalSupportCenter to Mechanical Industry)

Rua dos Plátanos, 197
P-4100-414 Porto
Tel: (+351) 22 615 90 00
Fax: (+351) 22 615 90 35

Market surveillance authority

Ministério da Economia e da Inovaçao (Ministry of Economy and Innovation)
Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica - ASAE (Portuguese Authority for Food Safety and Consumer Protection)

Av. Conde Valbom, 98
P-1050-070 Lisboa
Tel: (+351) 21 798 36 00
Fax: (+351) 21 798 36 54


  • Decreto-Lei 130/92 of 6 June (DR 153 I-A, 6/7/1992) incorporating Council Directive 90/396/EEC of 29 June 1990 relating to appliances burning gaseous fuels.
  • Portaria 1248/93 of 7 December (DR 285 I-B, 7/12/1993), implementing Decreto-Lei 130/92 of 6 July (DR 153 I-A, 06/07/1992) on essential safety requirements and type-approval rules relating to gas appliances.

Additional information for Slovakia

Competent authority / competent bodies

  • Ministerstvo hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky (Ministry of Economy of the SlovakRepublic)
    Mierová 17
    SK-82715 Bratislava
    Tel: (+421) 2 4854 1111
    Fax: (+421) 2 4333 7827
    Website: ,
  • Úrad pre normalizáciu, metrológiu a skúšobníctvo Slovenskej republiky (Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing)
    Štefanovičova 3
    P.O. Box 76
    SK-81005 Bratislava
    Tel: (+421) 2 5249 6847
    Fax: (+421) 2 5249 1050

Standardisation body

Slovenský ústav technickej normalizácie - SÚTN (Slovak Standards Institute)

Karloveská 63
P.O. Box 246
SK-84000 Bratislava
Tel: (+421) 2 6029 4474
Fax: (+421) 2 6541 1888

Notified bodies


  • Zákon o technických požiadavkách na výrobky (č. 264/1999 Z.z.), 7.9.1999 (Law on technical requirements for products)
  • Nariadenie Vlády SR ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o technických požiadavkách na spotrebice plynných palív (č. 393/1999 Z.z.), 16.12.1999 (Order on Technical Requirements for Gas Appliances)

Additional information for Slovenia

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo (Ministry of the Economy)

Kotnikova 5
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel: (+386) 1 478 33 11
Fax: (+386) 1 433 10 31

Standardisation body

Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo - SIST (Slovenian Institute for Standardization)

Šmartinska cesta 140
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel: (+386) 1 478 30 13
Fax: (+386) 1 478 30 94

Notified bodies


  • Energetski zakon - Energy Act of 30/09/1999 (Uradni list 79/1999)
  • Odredba o plinskih napravah - Order on gas appliances of 17/11/2000 (Uradni list 105/2000)
  • Odlocba o priznanju veljavnosti certifikatom o skladnosti plinskih naprav - Decree on validity of conformity assessment certificates for gas appliances of 28/09/2001 /Uradni list 76/2001)

Additional information for Spain

Competent authority / competent bodies

Standardisation body

Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación – AENOR (Spanish Standardisation and Certification Association)