Convened 6:30 p.m./ Adjourned 10:21 p.m.
Officials in Attendance:
Ernest Rice, Selectperson, ChairGary Geaghan, Assessor
Bruce Plourd, SelectpersonCheryl Cook, Budget Committee
Rick Damren, SelectpersonHoward Holinger, Budget Committee
Michael Barrett, SelectmanPhil Sprague, Cemetery Com., Chair
Gary Mahler, SelectpersonJack Sutton, Budget/Transfer St. Com.
Greg Gill, Town ManagerRichard Bourne, Bd. of Assessment
Gary Foss, Facility Maintenance/Sexton Loyce Hayslett, Library Trustee
Janet Patterson, Librarian
Order of Business:
1. Rick Damren made a motion to open the meeting. Gary Mahler seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
Unfinished Business:
1. New Town Office – Update
An update was provided by Atrayal York. In the public bathroom and staff bathroom there are tile floors with tile midway up the wall; the wall above will be painted. In the conference room there are wood grain vinyl laminate samples.
Gary Mahler made a motion to approve the tile and laminate wood floors. Rick Damren seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
The sheetrock work will begin and the wall colors need to be chosen. A water test will be performed tomorrow.
Belgrade /RSU #18 Review Committee, Chairwoman Leilani Carlson requested the Selectpersons allow the committee to continue their work and to allow the facilities committee to complete their work. The committee is hoping to finalize everything soon. A Governance Meeting will be held at the Middle School, Thursday at 5:30 p.m.
2. Budget Articles
Article #6 – Gary Mahler made a motion to approve the amendments to the Cemetery Ordinance. Michael Barrett seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
Article #28 – Gary Mahler made a motion to approve the article for the purchase of a new truck. Michael Barrett seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
Article # 41 – Pam Prescott was present for the discussion. The Town Manager met with the auditor this week and he needs to see how the portfolio is set up. He needs to know how the bank was told to run the account, along with the beginning and ending balances. Pam stated the Selectpersons have never had any input. It was reported that it appears the money for the Stevens fund has been supplemented by the Town and taken out of the undesignated fund.
Article #43 –Property Tax Levy
As long as the town votes to approve the article for road bonding, then the town will not have to do the Tax Levy, if it is voted down, then the town will have to do it.
Article #15 – The Board approved the separation of the Town Clerk position and the Town Treasurer position, both will go back to full time.
Rick Damren made a motion to amend the article to adjust the article to accommodate the additional cost of $12,060. Gary Mahler seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
Article #23 – Reduction in PSAP dispatch services for the state in the amount of $2,922.
Rick Damren made a motion to approve the change. Gary Mahler seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
Article #23 - State PSAP contract - reduction
Rick Damren made a motion to approve the reduction of $2,922 in Article #23. Gary Mahler seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
Rick Damren made a motion to approve the renewal contract. Gary Mahler seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
New Business:
1. Appeals Board Appointment
Rick Damren made a motion to table the appointment of Norma Blazer to the Appeals Board until she is present for the appointment. Gary Mahler seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
2. Renewal Agreement with State of Maine Department of Public Safety
NoteAcceptance done under Article #23)
Add - on -Town Manager Resignation Letter
Rick Damren made a motion to accept the resignation letter. Gary Mahler seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
3. RFP’s for Town Services
a. Tax Assessing Services
The current assessor, Gary Geaghan provided a quote for services for 2016. There is an increase of $1,000 bringing the contract to $23,000 total.
Rick Damren made a motion to accept the proposal for Assessing Services for 2016 from Gary Geaghan for $23,000. Gary Mahler seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
Streetlight - There was some discussion about the lighting in the evening winter hours at the library, when the employees are leaving. There had been some discussion about putting a spotlight on a sensor to help with this issue. Also discussed was moving the light higher on the garage. The electrician will be contacted to see if the light could be moved higher. A light could be placed on the sign which could solve the problem. The Board will meet at the next Selectperson’s Meeting to discuss the issue.
b. Auditing Services
The Selectpersons requested the Town Manager contact the current auditor for an estimate.
c. Banking Services for Trust Fund Accounts.
Budget Committee and Cemetery Committee will look at how the accounts are currently supposed to be run; they will be making recommendations and developing an rfp for banking services for trust fund and cemetery portfolio accounts.
4. Spirit of America Nominations
Gary Mahler made a motion to accept the nomination of Judy Hallowell for the Spirit of America Award. Michael Barrett seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
Rick Damren made a motion to accept the nomination of Angie LaBonte for the Spirit of America Award. Michael Barrett seconded the nomination. CLOSED 5/0
Rick Damren made a motion to accept the nomination of the Town Office Staff for the Spirit of America Award. Gary Mahler seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
5. Municipal Warrant
Rick Damren made a motion to approve a Municipal Warrant 18 for $195,660.39. Gary Mahler seconded the motion. CLOSED 5/0
Updates & Announcements:
*The Town Manager reported the contracts for the Solid Waste Contract have been signed and mailed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary J. Vogel, Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectpersons