COURSE TITLE / Spanish 4 – Español Avanzado 2011 – 2012
INSTRUCTOR / Sarah Shutes
MEETING TIMES / Monday and Wednesday 8:25 – 9:45
Every other Friday 8:30 – 9:20
Students in Spanish 4 are here because they truly want to take their knowledge of Spanish to the next level. In this course we will be focusing on reading and writing. Students will be reading Spanish literature that is designed for the advanced reader and they will be expected to discusss ideas and themes in Spanish. All work will be done in Spanish and all class conversations will be held in Spanish. Everyone will be expected to participate. This class will be highly focused on sophisticated vocabulary and advanced speaking and comprehension skills. Students will be expected to participate on a daily basis and contribute to class discussions.
  • Notebook for journal entries notes
  • Textbooks – Abriendo Paso Literatura and Abriendo Paso Gramática
  • Spanish/English Dictionary
  • Binder/Folder
  • La Gitanilla – an advanzed Spanish reader
  • account (FREE)
-All of our vocabulary words are located on and you need to have your own account to be able to acces our vocabulary list and study for the quizzes
-Our class group is Grace Prep Advanced Spanish and the password is storm
Grades in Spanish 4 will will be based on a variety of assignments. Students will have vocabulary quizzes, grammar exercises and cultural activities that they complete in class, and a few projects they will complete outside of class. They also will be writing journal entries in Spanish, participating in class discussions and making oral presentations to the class.
  • Active Participation 25%
  • Homework Assignments 20%
  • Tests and Quizzes 25%
  • Oral Presentations 15%
  • Jouranl Assignments 15%

Parents and students can check their grades online at
Grades will be current every 2 weeks. Please check your grades often, it keeps you aware of where you stand and it keeps me accountable to post your grades on time.
Once a month we will have a music day. On this day we will listen to several songs by a pre-selected artist. The class will participate in several activities that introduce them to music from Spanish speaking artists, such as listenining to songs and identifying vocabulary words, putting lyrics in order and translating lyrics.
Throughout the year students will have to complete several projects - they will all require online research and work outside of class. I will give plenty of time to work in class, however please let me know in advance if you do not have internet access at home so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
Journals will be assigned every two weeks. You will be given a topic to write about and you will also be expected to share your topic with the class.
You will be responsible to lead class discussions on our reading each week. These discussions will revolve around the stories we are reading in our literature book. All discussion questions can be found in the book but you will be expected to bring your own ideas and thoughts into the discussion as well.
Your participation grade will also include a «show and tell» portion. Once a month you will come to class with an object of your choice that you wish to share with the class. You must talk about your object for 3-5 minutes in Spanish. Other students will be encouraged to ask questions and open up discussion about the object you are sharing with the class.
Students are required to be in class on time. This means they must be in their seats, prepared with all necessary materials and ready to work when class begins.
Any students who arrive after the class start time will be marked as tardy and will receive two points.
If you were sick or absent, you are responsible for any missed work. I am expecting you to be respnsible for making up all missed assignments. I will accept late homework up to one week after the due date.
1. Review of previous grammatical structures (present, past, future, etc.)
2. Advanced grammar structures (commands, negatives, conditional, subjunctive, etc.)
3. Advanced vocabulary topics (environment, government, psychology, social sciences, etc.)
4. Continued development of speaking, reading and writing skills
5. Advanced cultural topics (history, geography, etc.)
6. In-depth study of popular culture (music, magazines, movies, etc.)
*Students may address me as Sarah, Mrs. Shutes, or Señora Shutes.
*Our class will be held entirely in Spanish. Please come to class with the intention of participating fully and encouraging others to participate as well.
*All Expectations in the student handbook apply to this class.
*Please do your best to make sure that all of your actions and deeds are glorifying and honoring to God.
*If you are not clear about an activity, assignment or teaching point, please ask right away.
*The classroom needs to be neat and clean at the end of each period. Please help pick up trash, even if it isn't yours… 
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.
1 Timothy 4:12-13
Que nadie te menosprecie por ser joven. Al contrario, que los creyentes vean en ti un ejemplo a seguir en la manera de hablar, en la conducta, y en amor, fe y pureza.En tanto que llego, dedícate a la lectura pública de las Escrituras, y a enseñar y animar a los hermanos.
1 Timoteo 4:12-13
A Grace Prep student strives to glorify God through honesty in all academic and personal pursuits. A Grace Prep student writes his or her own papers, formally acknowledges the input of other people and resources, and represents his or her own abilities and understanding when taking exams, quizzes and other assessments. A Grace Prep student takes full responsibility for his or her words, actions and decisions.

Dear Parent,

Please read over this syllabus and sign below to confirm that you have done so. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments throughout the school year. I look forward to teaching your child!

